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Articles (page 24 of 87)
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2019). A “noble battle against darkness, sin, and depravity” : The role of translation in nineteenth-century transnational transfer of philanthropic ideas. Moderna Språk, 113, 107-128. Lärarna i moderna språk.
- Wahlström, V. (2019). Det gnomiska uttrycket i Iliaden, Odysséen och Beowulf. Aigis. Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier, 19. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Wendt, B.-A. & Lötmarker, L. (2019). Marknadsföring i miniformat : Syntax, semantik och retorik hos kommunala slagord. HumaNetten, 43, 37-43. Institutionen för humaniora, Växjö universitet.
- Zillén, E. (2019). The dancing bear from Spain : On the eigtheenth-century Swedish reception of Tomás de Iriarte's Fábulas literarias (1782). Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 31, 252-268. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Ågren, M. & van de Weijer, J. (2019). The production of preverbal liaison in Swedish learners of L2 French. LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 10, 117-139. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Alkestrand, M. & Owen, C. (2018). A cognitive analysis of characters in swedish and anglophone children's fantasy Literature. International Research in Children's Literature, 11, 65-79. Edinburgh University Press.
- Andersson, A., Sanders, L. D., Coch, D., Karns, C. M. & Neville, H. (2018). Anterior and Posterior ERP Rhyming Effects in 3- to 5-year-old Children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 178-190. Elsevier.
- Andrén, M. & Blomberg, J. (2018). Children’s use of gesture and action with static and dynamic verbs. LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 9, 22-39. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Bacquin, M. (2018). Théséus de Cologne – en route vers la prose. Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes, 2018-1, 283-329.
- Bâgiu, L. V. & Bâgiu, P. (2018). The Indo-European Voice of Barbarians. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 1, 169-178. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Bergman, K. (2018). Kriminalromanen i Norden : 5. Sverige. Från äventyr och pusselmysterier till samhällskritiska polisromaner, starka kvinnor och genrehybrider. Nordisk tidskrift för vetenskap, konst och industri, 289-302.
- Bernsand, N. (2018). Returning Chernivtsi to the cultural map of Europe : The Meridian Czernowitz International Poetry Festival. East European Politics and Societies (EEPS), 33, 238-256. SAGE Publications.
- Bernsand, N. & Narvselius, E. (2018). Cultural Heritage in Sweden in the 2000s: Contexts, debates, paradoxes. Politeja, 52, 57-94.
- Blomberg, J. (2018). The semiotics of the game controller. Game Studies, 18. Game Studies.
- Blomqvist, J. (2018). κλώταξ och κνώδαξ: ett sällsynt ord och dess synonym. Aigis. Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier, 18. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Bossetta, M., Dutceac Segesten, A. & Trenz, H.-J. (2018). Political participation on Facebook during Brexit : Does user engagement on media pages stimulate engagement with campaigns?. Journal of Language and Politics, 17, 173-194. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Cabak Rédei, A. (2018). Semiotic aspects of Lacan’s notion of the Imaginary order : An inquiry into Spike Jonze’s film Her (2013). Southern Semiotic Review, 111-121. Playscript.
- Caballero Rodríguez, R. & Paradis, C. (2018). Verbs in speech framing expressions : Comparing English and Spanish. Journal of Linguistics, 54, 45-84. Cambridge University Press.
- Carling, G., Larsson, F., Cathcart, C., Johansson, N., Holmer, A., Round, E. & Verhoeven, R. (2018). Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics (DiACL)—A database for ancient language typology. PLoS ONE, 13. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Cathcart, C. A. (2018). Modeling linguistic evolution : A look under the hood. Linguistics Vanguard, 4. De Gruyter.
- Cathcart, C., Carling, G., Larsson, F., Johansson, N. & Round, E. (2018). Areal pressure in grammatical evolution : An Indo-European case study. Diachronica, 35, 1-34. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Devylder, S. (2018). Diagrammatic iconicity explains asymmetries in Paamese possessive constructions. Cognitive Linguistics, 29, 313-348. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Duffy, C. (2018). “And mothers, gazing, drank the love men see”: Lessing’s Laokoön (1767) and a difficult passage in Percy Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound (1820)’. Notes and Queries, 65, 363-365. Oxford University Press.
- Dunér, D. (2018). Semiotics of Biosignatures. Southern Semiotic Review, 47-63. Playscript.
- Egerland, V. (2018). Breve panorama degli studi linguistici sull'italiano in Svezia. Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata, 1, 59-60.