

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 89975 sökträffar

The Effects of Clear-Cutting a Hemiboreal Forest on Local CO2 Fluxes in Norunda, Sweden

As CO2 builds up in the atmosphere causing global climate change (IPCC, 2022) trees have become an international symbol of combatting this, and for good reason. Trees take up CO2 which as a result combats these changes, and when these trees are cut down fewer individuals remain to take up the CO2 that we humans emit (Chapin et al., 2011). This means that clear-cut areas don’t act as the carbon sin

Tree Species Impact on Forest Fire Spread Susceptibility in Sweden

Klimatförändringar förväntas leda till längre brandperioder och ökad brandrisk. I Sverige, där homogen produktionsskog utgör största delen av landskapet, finns ett behov av bättre förståelse för skogens mottaglighet för bränder för att kunna mildra risker. I denna avhandling avser skogsbrandmottaglighet sannolikheten för att skogen brinner efter att antändning har ägt rum och inledande brandspridn

Intermarriage Pattern Among Swedish Immigrants In the US in 1900 and 1910

Intermarriage patterns are often referred to as a step in the social assimilation. However, previous research on is ambiguous in its result concerning differences in intermarriage pattern between genders. According to the theory intermarriage patterns are both influences by preferences and opportunities. This thesis conducts a conditional fixed effects logistic regression to analyses the intermarr

Adopting Space Sufficiency Interventions as a Means for Accelerating Energy Renovation : Swedish Homeowners' Perspective

Residential energy consumption remains a significant driver of CO2 emissions in European buildings, demanding urgent action in the face of the climate crisis. While prevailing efforts have predominantly concentrated on enhancing energy efficiency and integrating renewable sources, addressing the climate urgency and resource constraints necessitates a paradigm shift towards sufficiency principles.

Stepfamily formation and the educational outcomes of children in Sweden

ObjectiveWe examine the impact of stepfamily exposure on the educational outcomes of children, considering factors such as age at stepfamily formation, gender of the stepparent, presence of step/half-siblings, and the stepparent's socioeconomic resources.BackgroundThe prevalence of stepfamilies across the Global North highlights the urgency of the issue. Despite a sizeable existing empirical liter

Coastal protection through NbS in times of uncertainty. A case study of Bjärred, Sweden

Den globala klimatkrisen innebär betydande sociala utmaningar och hotar biologisk mångfald. Klimatförändringar ökar sårbarheten i kustområden, vilket leder till ökad erosion och översvämningar. Naturbaserade lösningar (NbS) erbjuder en mångfacetterad metod för att adressera dessa problem. Denna masteruppsats granskar användningen av NbS för kustskydd i Bjärred, i södra Sverige, och kommunens strat

Methane Producing and Oxidizing Microorganisms Display a High Resilience to Drought in a Swedish Hemi-Boreal Mire

An increased frequency of droughts due to anthropogenic climate change can lead to considerable stress for soil microorganisms and their functioning within northern peatlands. A better understanding of the diversity and relative abundance of methane producing and oxidizing taxa, and their functional genes, can help predict the functional potential of peatlands and how the microorganisms respond to

Exposure to Neighborhood Income Inequality in Childhood and Later-Life Mortality, Sweden 1939-2015

The degree of inequality in a society may be harmful to individual health, regardless of wheresomeone is located in the income ladder. An underlying assumption in the literature is thatthere is an instant link between income inequality and individual health and most studiesconsider a contemporary correlation, assessing inequality and health just about the same pointin time. Moreover, research is l