Din sökning på "swedish" gav 89946 sökträffar
Wind directions in southern Sweden 1740-1992: variation and correlation with temperature and zonality
Eating disorders in Swedish female elite athletes – coaches’ knowledge and practice in identification and management
The issue of weight preoccupation and eating disorders are receiving growing interest in the sport environment. Success in some sports requires an extremely lean appearance, which may lead to pressure from coaches and parents to be thin. Other sports use weight classifications that determine in which group an athlete will compete, requiring him/her to drop several kilos before competition. The aim
Clinical features of achromatopsia in Swedish patients with defined genotypes.
Purpose: To describe the clinical phenotype, with emphasis on the electrophysiological findings, of patients with autosomal recessive rod monochromacy (RM) and defined mutations in the CNGA3/CNGB3 genes. Methods: RM patients from eight different families were included in the study. Their genotypes were determined by DNA sequencing and/or RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified genomic segments of the CNGA3
Cost-effectiveness of formoterol and salbutamol as asthma reliever medication in Sweden and in Spain.
The modern landscape. Historical orienteering and critical narratives of modern Sweden from 1960 to 1990
Are ecotourists really more "eco". A comparison of general environmental beliefs, specific attitudes, general ecological behaviour, and knowledge between Swedish ecotourists and non-ecotourists
Heterogeneity in microbial exposure in schools in Sweden, Poland and Jordan revealed by analysis of chemical markers.
Occupational exposures and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Southern Sweden.
Does aspirin protect against Alzheimer's dementia? A study in a Swedish population-based sample aged >= 80 years
Objective. It has been reported that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) may protect against dementia of Alzheimer's type and/or vascular dementia. However, co-morbidity and the dose of aspirin may be critical. A major indication for low-dose aspirin is prophylaxis after stroke and transient ischaemic attacks, conditions that may obscure an anti-dementia effect by the d
Variation in the calpain-10 gene is associated with elevated triglyceride levels and reduced adipose tissue messenger ribonucleic acid expression in obese Swedish subjects.
Indoor climate simulations for glazed office buildings in Sweden
Breedings of the lesser redpoll Carduelis flammea cabaret in south-western Sweden.
Evaluating measurements with MATLAB : a doctoral student's course at Building Materials, Lund University, Sweden
Blood pressure during pregnancy in a Swedish population; impact of parity
SUBJECT: Hypertension represents the most commonly encountered complication of pregnancy. Normal levels of blood pressure (BP) need to be established in each pregnant population in order to recognize pathology. A lack of studies from our own country and certain methodological objections to early studies motivated this study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Six hundred pregnant women were included in a histo
Empirical Studies of the Market Microstructure on the Swedish Stock Exchange
This thesis consists of five studies on empirical aspects of the market microstructure on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (StSE). The first study presents a stock pricing model which talkes trading and non-trading time effects into account. The model provides a framework for an empirical analysis of daily returns as well as trading/non-trading time returns of the OMX-index. The results show that the
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Sick leave
If you fall ill, you should report your absence immediately. If you are ill for an extended period of time, you must submit a doctor’s certificate. This page provides more information about notification of illness. Register absences on time to get the correct salary In order for you to receive the correct salary at the end of the month, and to avoid a so-called salary debt arising, it is important
https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/annual-leave-leave-absence-and-sick-leave/sick-leave - 2025-03-14
Presentation material
Here you will find the University’s general presentation material, such as a PowerPoint presentation, profile texts, a presentation video and a visitor’s guide, to use as a basis for speaking about the University at a conference or during a study visit, for example. PowerPoint presentation Oral presentation of Lund University can be based on a PowerPoint slideshow which contains University-wide fa
The logotype is the single most important signifier of the University’s identity in our graphic profile and should always be included when Lund University is the sender. Here you will find information on where to download the logotype, which versions are available and how they may be used. Producing one’s “own” logotypes is not permitted. If you have questions about this, if you want to apply for
https://www.staff.lu.se/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/graphic-profile-and-logotype/logotype - 2025-03-14