

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91108 sökträffar

Therapist-guided internet-based psychodynamic therapy versus cognitive behavioural therapy for adolescent depression in Sweden : a randomised, clinical, non-inferiority trial

Background: Adolescent major depressive disorder (MDD) is highly prevalent and associated with lifelong adversity. Evidence-based treatments exist, but accessible treatment alternatives are needed. We aimed to compare internet-based psychodynamic therapy (IPDT) with an established evidence-based treatment (internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy [ICBT]) for the treatment of adolescents with d

Knowledge and attitudes to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - a cross-sectional population survey in Sweden

Aim of the studyRates of bystander CPR are increasing, yet mortality after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remains high. The aim of this survey was to explore public knowledge and attitudes to CPR. Our hypotheses were that recent CPR training (< 5 years) would be associated with a high-quality response in a case vignette of OHCA with agonal breathing, and associated with an interest to becom

Epidemiology of fractures in children with cerebral palsy : a Swedish population-based registry study

BACKGROUND: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) form a heterogeneous group and may have risk or protective factors for fractures compared with typically developing children. The fracture sites may also differ from those of children who do not have CP. We analyzed the fracture epidemiology in a total population of children with CP.METHODS: This was a retrospective registry study based on data from th

Prenatal Exposure to Locally Emitted Air Pollutants Is Associated with Birth Weight: : An Administrative Cohort Study from Southern Sweden

While prenatal exposure to ambient air pollution has been shown to be associated with reduced birth weight, there is substantial heterogeneity across studies, and few epidemiological studies have utilized source-specific exposure data. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to investigate the associations between local, source-specific exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during pregn

Health care utilization among individuals who die by suicide as compared to the general population : a population-based register study in Sweden

BACKGROUND: Globally, 700 000 people die every year by suicide. Health care consultation patterns the period before suicide could be one potential way to identify people at risk for suicide. Therefore, this study examines health care patterns up to one year prior to the suicide by age, sex and prior diagnoses and specifically investigates if and how this differs from the general population of Skån

Estimated public health benefits of a low-emission zone in Malmö, Sweden

Air pollution is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Low-emission zones (LEZ) have been increasingly implemented in cities throughout Europe as a measure to reduce the adverse health effects and premature deaths associated with traffic-related air pollution. In the present study, a health impact analysis was conducted to estimate the effect of a hypothetical LEZ on mort

Emphysema severity index (ESI) associated with respiratory death in a large Swedish general population

Recently, it has been shown and validated that presence and severity of emphysema on computed tomography could be estimated by a novel spirometry based index, the emphysema severity index (ESI). However, the clinical relevance of the index has not been established. We conducted cox-regression analyses with adjustment for age, smoking, sex, forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and forced vital ca

Estimation of leaf area index in southern Sweden with optimal modelling and Landsat 7 ETM+Scene

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Satelliter används ofta för att studera markanvändning och vegationsutbredning. För att öka satelliternas möjlighet att kvantifiera vissa parameterar hos vegetationen har en strålningsmodell utvecklats. Dessa modeller simulerar den reflekterade strålningen som satelliten registrerar. På grund av att reflektansprocessen är så kompliserad kräver modellen en stor m

Partly decoupled tree-ring width and leaf phenology response to 20th century temperature change in Sweden

The recent warming trend, and associated shifts in growing season length, challenge the principle of uniformitarianism, i.e., that current relations are persistent over time, and complicates the uncritical inferences of past climate from tree-ring data. Here we conduct a comparison between tree-ring width chronologies of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine), Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) and

Climate conditions required for re-glaciation of cirques in Rassepautasjtjåkka massif, northern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Rassepautasjtjåkka är ett litet bergsmassiv beläget i norra Lappland. I massivet återfinns fyra stora nischer strax under glaciationsgränsen. Dessa nischer har en gång blivit uteroderade av glaciärer, men idag återfinns endast perenna snölegor i området. Skillnaden mellan en glaciär och en perenn snölega är att en glaciär har intern rörelse. En tjocklek på cirkaSince the mid 1970s the general retreating trend for glacier in Scandinavian have ceased and some glaciers have even started to advance. This is due to a more maritime influence on the climate, which means increased precipitation in winter and lower summer temperature. A more maritime climate can be said to be favourable for glacier growth. Under such climate conditions is it possible that new gla

The dynamics of non-methane hydrocarbons and other trace gas fluxes at a subarctic mire in northern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Under alla tider har planeten Jorden genomgått en naturlig klimat variation. Utöver denna naturliga variation i klimatet, så har människan, under det senaste århundradet, medverkat till en ökning av växthusgaser i atmosfären. Detta kan innebära att växthuseffekten intensifieras och Jorden bli utsatt för onaturliga temperaturökningar. Koldioxid (CO2), från bland In the context of climate change, it is important to understand how the terrestrial carbon cycle is interacting with the anthropogenic increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. Boreal and subarctic regions in the northern hemisphere are great carbon pools, as well as they are subject to predicted warming. These facts place them in the absolute frontline of ecosystems that are to

Snow cover dynamics and plant phenology documentation using digital camera images and their relation with CO2-fluxes at Stordalen mire, northern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Jordens klimat är ett aktuellt forskningsämne. För att komma fram till resultat som är globalt applicerbara bedrivs forskning för att öka förståelsen och kunskapen om återkopplingsmekanismer mellan klimat och vegetation på många platser runt om i värden och i olika klimatzoner. Sedan början av 1900-talet har det pågått forskningsstudier (av ekosystemprocesser) iThis report investigates the utilization of digital camera images (DCIs), sensitive in the visible part of the spectrum, for documentation of seasonal and inter-annual variations in snow cover and plant phenology. The DCIs used were transformed to orthographic images (ortho-image) from ordinary oblique DCIs taken between January 2001 and December 2003 at a sub- arctic mire (Stordalen) in northern

On the Side of the Angels? - A qualitative study on Swedish and Australian social work students', -teachers' and -Directors of Studies' attitudes towards social work and multiculturalism.

The objective of this thesis was, on the basis of the Theory of Residualist Conversion, to examine if students in social work education were trained to maintain the structures in society by converting social problems into personal problems of the people they serve. I chose 'the multicultural society' as an example of an issue that is often perceived as a social problem. The research questi