Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91106 sökträffar
Infant urinary tract infection in Sweden — A national study of current diagnostic procedures, imaging and treatment
The Degree of Self-Sufficiency Among Native Swedes and Immigrants : Over Time, Life Cycle and Depending on Time in Sweden
Speed-securing measures on rural roads in Sweden : An observational study
Prediction of suicide attempt in a Swedish population-based cohort
Health impact assessment of exposure to road traffic noise and air pollution according to pre- and post-densification scenarios in Helsingborg, Sweden
Development and validation of the motivation for electricity saving behaviour scale (MESBS) among residents living in energy-efficient buildings in Sweden
Even though energy-efficient technologies are well developed, the behaviour of building occupants plays an important role in the search for the optimum level of energy efficiency. In academic literature, however, very few studies have used psychological theories to understand individuals’ drivers of energy use behaviour when interacting with energy-efficient technologies. Specifically, there are n
Implementing injury prevention training in youth handball (I-PROTECT) in Sweden: Study protocol for a cluster-randomized trial
Introduction Efficacy trials show that evidence-based injury prevention training reduces injuries in youth athletes but effectiveness, that is, outside the controlled setting, is lower and, consequently this training has had limited public health impact. Insufficient involvement of end-users at the individual and organisational levels is identified as a main barrier to successful implementation. T
Reuse of building materials : The perspective of Swedish clients
In the context of the circular economy, there is an urgent need for transformation into circular material flows by avoiding waste, reducing extraction of virgin raw materials, and extending product life cycles. Within the construction and real estate industry, the reuse of building materials stands out as a critical strategy for value retention. The objective of this paper is to localise the foref
Misconduct by private security officers and trust in the police : evidence from a natural experiment in Sweden
Previous studies have shown that police assaults reduce trust in the police among the group affected by the incidents. As the phenomenon of plural policing emerges and the actors in policing become intertwined, blurring the boundaries between them, analysis of the impact of security guards’ actions becomes warranted. This paper investigates the impact of two security guard incidents on trust in th
Why Language Matters : Inequality Perceptions among the Sámi in Sweden and Norway
Regional assessment of availability for transcatheter aortic valve implantation in Sweden : a long-term observational study
Background Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an increasingly important treatment option for patients with severe aortic stenosis. Its best implementation is debated, as few centres with high volumes are associated with better outcomes, while centralization might lead to an inferior availability of treatment for patients living far away. The aim of this study was to investigate the
Screening for comorbid autoimmune disease should be considered in children with ANA positive juvenile idiopathic arthritis – results from the south-Swedish juvenile idiopathic arthritis cohort
Background: There is no consensus or clinical guidelines for screening routines of autoimmune disease in individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), since results are conflicting whether the risk for such conditions is increased or not among individuals with JIA. The aim of this study was to investigate if the frequency of comorbid autoimmune conditions is increased after JIA diagnosis i
A Smorgasbord of Print : The Development of Scholarly Publishing in the Swedish humanities, c. 1840–1880
A Cross-Sectional Study of Circadian Stimulus in Swedish Radiographers’ Light Environment
Timely light exposure is a vital aspect to achieve better sleep and well-being. As there are risks with a disturbed circadian rhythm and benefits with light settings that stimulate the rhythm, the circadian effective light, circadian stimulus (CS), for radiographers was examined. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare radiographers’ light environment on the workstations, at a university hospital
Bioadaptor implant versus contemporary drug-eluting stent in percutaneous coronary interventions in Sweden (INFINITY-SWEDEHEART) : a single-blind, non-inferiority, registry-based, randomised controlled trial
Background: Persistent non-plateauing adverse event rates in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remain a challenge. A bioadaptor is a novel implant that addresses this issue by restoring the haemodynamic modulation of the artery, allowing cyclic pulsatility, vasomotion, and adaptative remodelling, by unlocking and providing dynamic support to the artery. We aimed to as
Family History of Diabetes and Clinical Characteristics in Children at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes—A Swedish Population-Based Study
OBJECTIVE To compare the prevalence of parental diabetes between children with and without type 1 diabetes (T1D), and to compare clinical characteristics at diagnosis of T1D in children with, versus without, a family history of diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Parental diabetes among children with T1D was compared with a general population cohort. Clinical characteristics were compared by fam
Re-Os geochronology and geochemical evolution of late Cambrian to Middle Ordovician Alum and Tøyen shales, Sweden
The limited number of accurate and precise radiometric ages through the ~100 Myr span of the Cambrian and Ordovician impedes reliable age determinations for stage boundaries in these periods. Here, we fill significant gaps in the early Paleozoic chronostratigraphy by providing precise Re-Os time-pins. Sample selection is linked to a firm biostratigraphic framework built on the appearance and distr
Prior cancer and risk of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance : a population-based study in Iceland and Sweden
There is some evidence that a prior cancer is a risk factor for the development of multiple myeloma (MM). If this is true, prior cancer should be associated with a higher prevalence or increased progression rate of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), the precursor of MM and related disorders. Those with a history of cancer might therefore constitute a target population for M
Distance Is In The Eye Of The Beholder: A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Migrants to Sweden
Denna uppsats undersöker de levda erfarenheterna hos japanska migranter i Sverige, en grupp som omfattar cirka 4 600 individer, varav nästan 80 procent har valt att permanent bosätta sig i Sverige. De återstående 20 procenten är tillfälliga invånare, som studenter, forskare eller utstationerade chefer, verksamma i något av de cirka 200 japanskägda företagen i landet. Till skillnad från andra europ