

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90046 sökträffar

Axillary Web Syndrome : Evidence for Lymphatic Origin with Thrombosis

Background: The axillary web syndrome (AWS) occurs in the axilla and on the frontal side of the upper arm and sometimes along the forearm to the thumb. The cord is painful, particularly on movement, and can therefore be very distressing for the patient. Although the phenomenon has been examined and discussed for decades, no evidence for the origin has been found until now. The aim of this study w

No-touch saphenous vein grafts in coronary artery surgery (SWEDEGRAFT) : Rationale and design of a multicenter, prospective, registry-based randomized clinical trial

The SWEDEGRAFT study (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03501303) tests the hypothesis that saphenous vein grafts (SVGs) harvested with the “no-touch” technique improves patency of coronary artery bypass grafts compared with the conventional open skeletonized technique. This article describes the rationale and design of the randomized trial and baseline characteristics of the population enrolled d

Health professionals’ views on key enabling factors and barriers of national multidisciplinary team meetings in cancer care : A qualitative study

Purpose: Multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTMs) are an integral component of cancer care. Increasingly, virtual MDTMs are used to grant high-quality treatment recommendations across health-care regions, which expands and develops the local MDTM team to a regional or national expert network. We investigated health professionals’ experiences from national, virtual MDTMs for rare cancer with a focus

High Diversity of Microcystin Chemotypes within a Summer Bloom of the Cyanobacterium Microcystis botrys

The fresh-water cyanobacterium Microcystis is known to form blooms world-wide, and is often responsible for the production of microcystins found in lake water. Microcystins are non-ribosomal peptides with toxic effects, e.g. on vertebrates, but their function remains largely unresolved. Moreover, not all strains produce microcystins, and many different microcystin variants have been described. Her

Hantverksbryggerinäringens samverkan och betydelse för små och medelstora företags tillväxt på Gotland

Abstrakt Hantverksbryggerinäringen på Gotland är särskilt vital och omtalad från ett nationellt perspektiv, men innehar inte desto mindre en betydande utvecklingspotential. Syftet med denna studie har varit att skapa en nulägesbild över samt identifiera och analysera nyckelaktörer i hantverksölens värdekedja på Gotland. Analysen stödjer sig på en internationell forskningsöversikt, Michael Porter’s

Frequency, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of gastrointestinal disease in granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis

Objective. Involvement of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a rare complication of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). The aim was to describe frequency, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of GI disease in a large series of patients in a single center. Methods.A database that includes all patients with GPA and MPA diagnosed since 1997 in a defined area of sou

Invasive heritage: Risks and values in cultivation

Gardeners have always used plants of different origins, moving them around to new environments, working hard to make the plants survive and thrive under new conditions. Certain plant varieties have proved to be particularly vital, have a long history as cultivars, and are today understood as heritage plants. Many have spread over centuries and are today regarded as ‘belonging’ and as more or less Gardeners have always used plants of different origins, moving them around to new environments, working hard to make the plants survive and thrive under new conditions. Certain plant varieties have proved to be particularly vital, have a long history as cultivars, and are today understood as heritage plants. Many have spread over centuries and are today regarded as ‘belonging’ and as more or less

A randomized trial involving a multifunctional diet reveals systematic lipid remodeling and improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors in middle aged to aged adults

BACKGROUND: A multifunctional diet (MFD) combining foods and ingredients with proven functional properties, such as fatty fish and fiber-rich foods, among others, was developed and shown to markedly reduce cardiometabolic risk-associated factors.OBJECTIVE: Here, we aim at examining metabolic physiological changes associated with these improvements.METHODS: Adult overweight individuals without othe

Phrasal Proper Names in German and Norwegian

This paper discusses the morpho-syntax of phrasal proper names likeDeutsche Bahn ‘German Railway’ and Norske Skog ‘Norwegian Forest’ in Germanand Norwegian. As regards determiner elements, there are three types of phrasalproper names in German: some proper names do not have a definite article, some do,and yet others exhibit a possessive. Depending on the syntactic context, the first twotypes patteThis paper discusses the morpho-syntax of phrasal proper names like Deutsche Bahn ‘German Railway’ and Norske Skog ‘Norwegian Forest’ in German and Norwegian. As regards determiner elements, there are three types of phrasal proper names in German: some proper names do not have a definite article, some do, and yet others exhibit a possessive. Depending on the syntactic context, the first two types

Children’s education and parents’ mortality – Do parents with highly educated children live longer?

While there exists a large literature on mortality inequalities by an individual’s level of education and other socioeconomic characteristics this thesis looks at the relationship between the children’s level of education and parents’ mortality, which has been relatively less studied. I use longitudinal data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) for the years 2004-2017

Bedömning av laryngofaryngeala ödem vid huvud-halscancer - svensk översättning och validering av reviderade Patterson edema scale

Bakgrund: Behandling av huvud-halscancer kan medföra komplikationer, däribland laryngofaryngela ödem. Laryngofaryngeala ödem kan leda till påtagliga konsekvenser för patienter. Laryngofaryngeala ödem kan resultera i försämrad funktion tal, röst och sväljning samt försämrad livskvalitet. Ödem är även associerat med kronisk inflammation vilket kan leda till fibros. Det är därför viktigt att i tidigtIntroduction: Treatment of head and neck cancer may lead to complications, among these the development of laryngopharyngeal edema. Laryngopharyngeal edema may result in loss of function regarding speech, voice and swallowing as well as decreased quality of life. Edema is also associated with chronic inflammation which may lead to fibrosis. Therefore early intervention is of importance for this pat

Towards a Global Sustainability Approach: Challenges and Opportunities for Multinationals.

We discuss how multinational enterprises (MNEs) can play a leading role and take more responsibility towards reducing inequalities by developing a global sustainability regime. We especially focus on how this may contribute towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Our purpose is to identify and discuss the components and activities that are needed to develop such a stra

Millora 2.0: : Redovisning av resultat för 2018 –2022

[The project Millora 2.0: Results 2018–2022] Based on repeated yearly surveys of the vascular plant flora in 120 hectar plots in the province of Scania, southernmost Sweden, analysed in combination with speciesspecific traits and ecological indicator values (EIVs), changes in the flora and vegetation over the last four years are reported. Many of the changes observed, such as significant increases

Polygenic risk of type 2 diabetes is associated with incident vascular dementia : a prospective cohort study

Type 2 diabetes and dementia are associated, but it is unclear whether the two diseases have common genetic risk markers that could partly explain their association. It is also unclear whether the association between the two diseases is of a causal nature. Furthermore, few studies on diabetes and dementia have validated dementia end-points with high diagnostic precision. We tested associations bet