Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90036 sökträffar
Serology assessment of antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19 by rapid IgM/IgG antibody test
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created a global health- and economic crisis. Detection of antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which causes COVID-19 by serological methods is important to diagnose a current or resolved infection. In this study, we applied a rapid COVID-19 IgM/IgG antibody test and performed serology assessment of antibody
The lake as an iron sink - new insights on the role of iron speciation
Proposed cutoff for fetal scalp blood lactate in intrapartum fetal surveillance based on neonatal outcomes : a large prospective observational study
OBJECTIVE: Determination of lactate in fetal scalp blood (FBS) during labour has been recognised since the 1970s. The internationally accepted cutoff of >4.8 mmol/l indicating fetal acidosis is exclusive for the point-of-care device (POC) LactatePro™, which is no longer in production. The aim of this study was to establish a new cutoff for scalp lactate based on neonatal outcomes with the use of t
EH Domain-Containing 2 Deficiency Restricts Adipose Tissue Expansion and Impairs Lipolysis in Primary Inguinal Adipocytes
Lipid uptake can be facilitated via caveolae, specific plasma membrane invaginations abundantly expressed in adipocytes. The dynamin-related protein EH domain-containing 2 (EHD2) stabilizes caveolae at the cell surface. Here, we have examined the importance of EHD2 for lipid handling using primary adipocytes isolated from EHD2 knockout (Ehd2−/−) C57BL6/N mice. Following high-fat diet (HFD) feeding
Long-term performance measurement and analysis of a small-scale ground source heat pump system
Recent data suggest that heat pumps, despite having the potential to cover over 90% of the global space and water heating demands, only provide less than 5% of global heating. Heat pumps, in general, and ground source heat pumps, specifically, offer significant potential for energy savings and carbon emissions reduction in buildings. The realization of these potential benefits, however, requires p
Learning to Care, Learning to Be Affected: A Study of Two Public Spaces Designed to Counter Segregation
Prelabour caesarean section and neurodevelopmental outcome at 4 and 12 months of age : an observational study
BACKGROUND: With prelabour caesarean section rates growing globally, there is direct and indirect evidence of negative cognitive outcomes in childhood. The objective of this study was to assess the short-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after prelabour caesarean section as compared to vaginally born infants.METHODS: We conducted a prospective, observational study of infants delivered by prelabour
Long-term effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on visual acuity and retinopathy
Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy is an adjunct treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. Since plausible mechanisms of action for this treatment include increased angiogenesis and high tissue oxygen concentrations, concerns about deterioration of retinopathy have been raised. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of HBO2 on visual acuity (VA) and retinopathy in patients with chronic diabetic
Identification of Inflammatory and Disease-Associated Plasma Proteins that Associate with Intake of Added Sugar and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Their Role in Type 2 Diabetes Risk
It has been suggested that high intake of added sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) increase the level of circulating inflammatory proteins and that chronic inflammation plays a role in type 2 diabetes (T2D) development. We aim to examine how added sugar and SSB intake associate with 136 measured plasma proteins and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the Malmö Diet and Cancer-Cardiovascular Cohort
Underlying contributing conditions to breathlessness among middle-aged individuals in the general population : A cross-sectional study
Introduction Breathlessness is common in the general population and associated with poorer health. Prevalence, frequencies and overlap of underlying contributing conditions among individuals reporting breathlessness in the general population is unclear. The aim was to evaluate which conditions that were prevalent, overlapping and associated with breathlessness in a middle-aged general population.
Medical Degree students' use of information : From writing and citing to evidence assessment
Worldwide Oil Prize, Desalination and Population Growth Correlation Study
Defining Cardiac Dysautonomia - Different Types, Overlap Syndromes; Case-based Presentations
The cardiovascular branch of autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, and maintaining homeostasis during physiological stress such as exercise and standing upright. ANS constantly controls the rate and force of heart contractions and the vascular tone with the aim to maintain the sufficient tissue perfusion with oxygenated blood and secure ven
Patient-reported outcomes of joint-preserving surgery for moderate hallux rigidus : a 1-year follow-up of 296 patients from Swefoot
Insomnia in relation to academic performance, self-reported health, physical activity, and substance use among adolescents
Purpose: Insomnia affects up to one in four adolescents and has been shown to have a negative impact on their mental and physical health. This study aimed to investigate the association between insomnia, academic performance, self-reported health, physical activity, school start time, and substance use among adolescents. Methods: A survey with a cross-sectional design was completed by adolescents
Blue-Green Solutions and Everyday Ethicalities : Affordances and Matters of Concern in Augustenborg, Malmö
This article aims to understand how the introduction of blue-green solutions affects ethical concerns and expectations of an urban environment. Blue-green solutions are complementary technical solutions, introduced into urban water management, in order to deal with the impact of urbanisation and climate change. These kinds of solutions establish new affordances that have an impact on everyday life
Time trends in risk and risk determinants of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in solid organ transplant recipients
Somatostatin secretion by Na+-dependent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in pancreatic delta cells
Pancreatic islets are complex micro-organs consisting of at least three different cell types: glucagon-secreting alpha, insulin-producing beta and somatostatin-releasing delta cells. Somatostatin is a powerful paracrine inhibitor of insulin and glucagon secretion. In diabetes, increased somatostatinergic signalling leads to defective counter-regulatory glucagon secretion. This increases the risk o