

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90281 sökträffar

The future of incretin-based therapy: novel avenues-novel targets.

Incretin-based therapy for type 2 diabetes is based on the antidiabetic effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and instituted by GLP-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors targeting the key islet defects of the disease. The treatment is clinically efficient and safe, and associated with a low risk of adverse events. It can be used both in early and late stages of the disease

Young women choosing contraceptives : stories about information literacy practices related to evaluation and use of information sources

I artikeln presenteras delresultat från ett doktorand-projekt om informationskompetenspraktiker i svenskt vardagsliv: unga kvinnors (18-23 år) informations-kompetenspraktiker när de väljer preventivmedel. Syftet är att förstå de unga kvinnornas perspektiv som det kommer till uttryck i deras berättelser om val och värdering av informationskällor om preven-tivmedel.En metod inspirerad av narrativa i

Recognizing Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Value Based Management

Value Based Management (VBM) has become a common tool for evaluating corporate strategies and projects from the perspective of shareholder value maximization, and can be an important input for corporate compensation systems. But traditional VBM frameworks make no systematic effort to distinguish between changes in performance attributable to macroeconomic fluctuations beyond management's control a

The economics of general thromboembolic prophylaxis

Abstract in Spanish Los efectos clínicos y económicos de cada una de 3 alternatives en la profilaxis tromboembólica (no profilaxis, profilaxis general con heparina de baja dosis, y tratamiento selectivo) fueron valorados en 3 tipos de cirugía: cirugía general (abdominal), el subgrupo de cirugía general para colelitiasis, y cirugía electiva de cadera. Los costos de las complicaciones tromboembólicaThe clinical and economic effects of each of 3 alternatives—no prophylaxis, general prophylaxis, and selective treatment—have been assessed in conjunction with 3 types of surgery—general surgery, the subset surgery for cholelithiasis, and elective hip surgery. The costs of thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications have been calculated from the figures for 28 patients hospitalized at the Departm

...han fick det bättre i himmelen

En ny europeisk studie granskar hur allmänheten i sex länder ser på organtransplantationer och postnatala genetiska test. Det rör sig om Cypern, Österrike, Tyskland, Frankrike och Sverige. I undersökningen framkommer att de tillfrågade personernas funderingar följer två övergripande spår: Här finns å ena sidan tankar om den medicinska utvecklingens potential, å andra sidan reflektioner rörande desRecent developments in the field of biomedicine do not only constitute a challenge for the health care systems of modern societies. They also have a profound impact on the core concepts of individual and collective life. The corresponding changes of individual and collective identities take place within the framework of different historically shaped national conditions and traditions. This leads t

Do partial and regular migrants differ in their responses to weather?

Partial migration is often considered a transitory stage between migration and residency, and whether partial migrants take weather conditions into account during migration is largely unknown. To assess whether partial migrants differ from regular migrants in their responses to weather, we compared the migratory intensity of a partial migrant, the Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), with more regular

The Human Diabetes Proteome Project (HDPP) : The 2014 update

Diabetes is an increasing worldwide problem leading to major associated health issues and increased health care costs. In 2012, 9.3% of the American population was affected by diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association, with 1.7 million of new cases since during the year (www.diabetes.org). Proteome initiatives can provide a deeper understanding of the biology of this disease and hel

A century of trends in adult human height

Being taller is associated with enhanced longevity, and higher education and earnings. We reanalysed 1472 population-based studies, with measurement of height on more than 18.6 million participants to estimate mean height for people born between 1896 and 1996 in 200 countries. The largest gain in adult height over the past century has occurred in South Korean women and Iranian men, who became 20.2

Using narrative analysis to understand the combined use of complementary therapies and bio-medically oriented health care

Rather than using different therapies in isolation, many cancer patients use different therapies in a complementary fashion. Little research to date has given attention to individuals' experiences of the combined use of biomedically oriented health care (BHC) and complementary and alternative therapies (CATs). Therefore, this paper examines one individual's negotiation between complementary self-c

Nutrient addition extends flowering display, which gets tracked by seed predators, but not by their parasitoids

Although phenological matching between two and three trophic interactions has received some attention, it has largely been disregarded in explaining the lack of strong cascade dynamics in terrestrial systems. We studied the response of the specialist seed predator, Paroxyna plantaginis (Tephritidae) and associated generalist parasitoids (Chalcidoidea) to controlled fertilisation of individuals of