Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90237 sökträffar
Acceptance of Background Noise, Working Memory Capacity, and Auditory Evoked Potentials in Subjects with Normal Hearing
Barnlitteratur som medel och mål : Zhang Tianyi och den kinesiska barnlitteraturens utveckling
This thesis investigates the origin of children's literature in China and traces its evolution in connection with the author Zhang Tianyi, who is officially considered as one of the forerunners of Chinese children's literature. Children's literature in China is a little studied field, although the sources for a study are abundant. The thesis studies children's literature in its social context, whi
Statistical Physics of DNA: Melting and Confinement Effects
Investigation of single macromolecules makes it possible to gain insight into and characterize important biological processes. DNA as the molecule of life is of special interest here. In this thesis tools from statistical physics are used to study different aspects of DNA confined to nanochannels, with particular regard to its denaturation properties. The study of DNA melting from the theoretical
Världens frälsare. En text- och tolkarorienterad läsning av några avsnitt och teman i Johannesevangeliet.
My thesis is an analysis of exclusive and inclusive features i the Gospel of John, focusing on the inclusive elements which comprise the world and all its people. These questions are the issue of my thesis: How does the Gospel of John present Jesus and the results of his work with regard to the universal and inclusive features which are in the Gospel? How do they relate to the presentation in gene
Coordination chemistry of late transition metals with PCP ligands. Synthesis, catalysis and mechanism
Abstract The work presented in this thesis discusses synthesis of PCP-complexes and utilisations of such organometallic compounds in catalysis. The complexes, obtained by intramolecular Csp3-H activation, are based on the metals palladium, platinum and iridium. The synthesis of PCP-ligands include new and improved preparative routes to the previously known cis-1,3-bis-(di-iso-propylphosphinito)cy
Investigation of Kinetically Labile Supramolecu-lar System Addressing Substrate Selectivity in the Catalytic Epoxidations of Olefins
This thesis is devoted to the development and investigation of a supramolecular system used to catalyze Jacobsen-Katsuki epoxidations with the aim to attain substrate selectivity without product inhibition. The supramolecular catalyst is composed of two well-defined entities or units: a catalytic and a receptor. The keyword for the design was flexibility. The interactions foming the supramolecula
Vägar genom sjuksköterskeutbildningen - Studenters berättelser
The aim of this study is to gain knowledge and understanding of how nursing students experience and manage the different parts of the education. A particular focus is set on the tension between a professional degree and an academic degree, between theoretical and clinical studies, and between the subjects nursing and medical science. Furthermore, the aim is to gain knowledge and understanding of a
Ambivalent Friendship : Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920-1948
This thesis concerns a religious actor in the civil society in times of violent conflict. During the British Mandate period in Palestine, Jewish, Muslim and Christian children studied together at Anglican missionary schools. At this time Jerusalem bore all the imprints of ethnic and religious separation and division. The Anglican educational project became part of the efforts made by the Anglican
Mikrokosmos Förvaltare och Skapelsens Integritet, Den Teologiska Antropologin i Kyrkornas Världsråds JPIC-process med särskild hänsyn till skapelsens integritet
The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the two theologic anthropological concepts microcosm and steward within the World Council of Churches project called the JPIC-process - their JPIC stands for justice, peace and the integrity of creation - and to relate the two anthropological concepts to each other using a theological correlation method. After an introduction the JPIC-process, which offic
Water and Protein Dynamics in Biological Systems Studied by Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion
The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) technique can provide information of relevance to protein biophysics, magnetic resonance imaging and cell biology. By immobilizing proteins with covalent cross-links, intermittent protein dynamics on the previously inaccessible ns-µs time scale could be probed with MRD via the exchange of water molecule
Modeling and Calibration of Preparative Chromatography
In my thesis, I have modeled adsorption chromatography and simulated, calibrated, and analyzed models of adsorption chromatography. While my main focus has been modeling and calibration of the models by estimating the parameters, the models used have been partly new. The simulations are differentiated from the modeling in that the modeling describes the partial differential algebraic equation, whi
Protein adducts in plasma as biomarkers of exposure to and risk of organic acid anhydrides
Organic acid anhydrides (OAAs) are important industrial chemicals but also potent inducers of airways diseases. Many exposed workers develop specific IgE and IgG antibodies. Hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA) and methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride (MHHPA) are two particularly sensitising OAAs. The aim of this thesis was to develop and evaluate a method for biological monitoring of exposure to and r
The Growing Emphasis on Social Citizenship in Nordic Education – Inducing New Social Risks While Trying to Alleviate Them
Studies on mRNA turnover in bacteria
Genetic information, which is stored in DNA, is transferred to messenger RNA (mRNA) in a process called transcription. mRNAs are then translated by ribosomes into proteins which, with some important exceptions, catalyze chemical reactions in cells. Since cells must be able to adapt to changes in the environment, mRNAs must be unstable. The present investigation concerns mRNA degradation mainly in
Hemicelluloses from Agricultural and Forestry Crops Isolation, Characterisation, and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Hemicelluloses are tremendous sources of renewable raw materials, which utilisation have the potential to be highly increased in the future. Hemicelluloses are among the major groups of compounds in plant cell walls, together with cellulose and lignin. These three components are closely associated, making them difficult to separate from each other. Hemicelluloses are complex polysaccharides and tw
Reading John Climacus: Rhetorical Argumentation, Literary Convention and the Tradition of Monastic Formation
This thesis offers an investigation of the literary form and the literary composition of The Ladder by John Climacus, as well as a study of how the author uses the tradition to form his reader. Besides a brief introduction with a survey of the previous research, the study comprises four chapters. In the first chapter it is shown, from a number of detailed text analyses, that the material in the s
The Gulf Cooperation Council : Its Nature and Achievements
When Britain decided, in 1968, to terminate its official colonial presence in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf as of 1971, this action prompted the Gulf Arab States (Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman) to start the search for a form of partnership that would bring them together to better cope with the insecurity and danger surrounding them and their regimes. A key probl
Profiling the cancer proteome
Cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease where cells have started to grow uncontrolled and this disease remains a major health problem. Because of diffuse symptoms it often presents at a late stage. Insufficient understanding of the different phenotypes hinders the development of targeted therapeutics and consequently patients show a diverse range of responses to a given treatment. This thes
Stochasticity in Biophysical Systems: Searching, Aging, and Spreading
The role of stochasticity throughout many biophysical systems is of great importance. From evolution to foraging, from the spreading of viruses to cell fate, all hinge in one way or another on inherent stochasticity. The aim of this thesis is to explore the tools often used to quantify randomness in nature, and employ these tools on a selected range of biophysical systems (Papers I-IV). In these p