

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91106 sökträffar

Testing the Implications of the Permanent Income Hypothesis in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to test the implications of the permanent income – life cycle hypothesis. According to Hall (1978), if the permanent income-life cycle hypothesis is valid, consumption should follow a random walk and no variable other than once-lagged consumption should help explaining current consumption. Two different tests are conducted. Firstly, consumption is regressed upon its o

EC State Aid Rules on Broadband Deployment in Rural Areas - Implementation and Functioning in Sweden

Den här uppsatsen handlar om EG-rättens inställning till statsstöd som ges till bredbandsutbyggnad i glesbygd. Syftet är att undersöka huruvida gemenskapsrätten tillåter att enskilda medlemsstater beviljar statsstöd till bredbandsprojekt, och i så fall under vilka förutsättningar stödet anses vara förenligt med EG-rätten. Fokus ligger på situationen i Sverige, satt i relation till EU15. Tillgång t

Expectations abound: family obligations and remittance flow amongst Cameroonian “bushfallers” in Sweden. A gender insight

In Cameroon, there is a tradition for heterosexual family system inherent in a patriarchal order of things; accordingly, this study shed light on how gender pervades into, and ‘force’ migrants to remit in order to fulfill family expectations at the country of origin. Contemporary academic studies and reports from various organizations have highlighted the active role of women as migrants and remit

Are Criminal Sanctions an Appropriate Punishment for Illegal Unregulated and Unreported Fishing in EU? - Sweden as a case study

Background: A major challenge of today is to protect the marine ecosystem from a total collapse. Overfishing, illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, climate change in the sea, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, marine pollution impacts of coastal development, exotic and invasive species and last but not least all the cumulative impacts, are just some of the factors degrading our marine en

The Yield Spread and Inflation as Leading Indicators of Future Economic Activity - The Case of Sweden

The aim of this paper is to examine the abilities of the yield curve and inflation in terms of predicting future real growth in the case of Sweden. Methodology: The methodology is a quantitative study using the single and multiple regression model based on econometric theory. Theory: The theoretical framework is built on the slope of the yield curve and its significance in predicting future econ

Creditor protection in credit securities typical to ships and competition in its realisation - a rem study under Swedish jurisdiction

Kreditsäkerheter i fartyg kan upplåtas genom ett flertal olika konstruktioner. Denna uppsats avhandlar tre utav dessa varianter; sjöpanträtt i fartyg, retentionsrätt och ägarförbehåll till helt fartyg. Sjöpanträtt i fartyg är en legal panträtt som i princip inte kan upplåtas genom avtal. Sjöpanträtt uppkommer som en giltig sakrätt endast för sådan skada som har ett direkt samband med fartygets veCredit securities in ships can be provided for by several different constructions. This thesis focuses on three of these varieties; maritime liens in ships, right to retention and title reservations in ships. Maritime liens in ships is a legally granted right that principally cannot be obtained by contractual agreements. Maritime liens evolve as a valid right in rem only for such situations speci

Vegetation indices, FAPAR and spatial seasonality analysis of crops in southern Sweden

Remote sensing is an extensively used technique in ecosystem monitoring or analyzing the carbon balance on the earth surface. The most dominant part of south west Skåne is agricultural land and MODIS derived Vegetation Indexes (VIs) are able to investigate the seasonality of crop fields. The values of VIs represent the different stages of spring greening up of crops and it shows the non-linear and

Driving towards the green light? Economic incentives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from passenger cars in Sweden

In this thesis four economic incentives to reduce exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide are studied. The incentives are: the carbon dioxide tax, carbon dioxide differentiated vehicle tax, green car cash bonus and old car scrapping bonus. They are analysed and discussed in deeper theory. Where figures and numbers are available these are studied. Economically they are all more or less efficient. The e

Extinctions and faunal turnovers of early vertebrates during the Late Silurian Lau Event, Gotland, Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: För 420 miljoner år sedan, under den tidsperiod som kallas för silurtiden, låg Sverige vid ekvatorn. Stora delar av landet var täckt av ett grunt och tropiskt hav där bland annat koraller, bläckfiskar, trilobiter och havsskorpioner trivdes. Även Gotland låg under havsytan och det var under denna tid som den kalksten som utgör öns berggrund byggdes upp. Förutom dThe Late Silurian Lau Event is one of the three major events identified in the Gotland strata. It is associated with one of the largest stable carbon isotope excursion recorded in the Phanerozoic, as well as rapid lithology changes, and extinctions and faunal turnovers among various fossil groups. In this study, early vertebrates (fishes) were investigated over the Lau Event interval. The study wa

The Late Silurian Lau Event and brachiopods from Gotland, Sweden

Event är korta tidsintervall som skiljer längre episoder med stabila oceaniska förhållanden från varandra. När cirkulationen i världshaven tillfälligt stängs av under ett event förändras fauna- och bergartssammansättningen, och även isotopförhållandena. Målet med detta arbete har varit att utröna hur de sensiluriska brachiopoderna reagerade på det globalt kända Lau Event. På Gotland omfattar det lThe impact of the Ludfordian Lau Primo-Secundo Event on brachiopods from Gotland has been investigated. About 12 000 individuals were identified from five samples. The results are supplemented by an extensive literature study. On Gotland, the Lau Event spans the Botvide Mbr (uppermost När Fm, upper Hemse Group) and the Eke Fm. It caused extinctions, faunal, sedimentary and isotopic changes. Conodo

Chain of Custody on Timber Products in the Construction Industry- A Case Study at Skanska Sweden

Chain of Custody on timber refers to the chronological documentation throughout the value chain, from forest to consumer. For a construction company, who engages within Social Responsible Purchasing, it is important to know where purchased material origins from. Timber is especially important in this matter, since the problem with illegal logging is widespread and causes environmental damage, conf

Structural control of fine-grained granite dykes at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, north of Oskarshamn, Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Förekomsten av finkorniga granitgångar är ett potentiellt problem vid lagring av kärnbränsle i berggrunden eftersom de utgör svaghetszoner. Det är därför viktigt att ta reda på hur dessa gångar beter sig i berggrunden. Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om de finkorniga granitgångarna är kontrollerade av några strukturer i tunneln vid ÄspölaborThe occurrence of fine-grained granite (FGG) dykes is one of the potential problems in the storage of nuclear waste in the bedrock. It is therefore important to locate and characterise such dykes. The major object in this thesis is to investigate, whether the FGG dykes at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (ÄHRL) are structurally controlled. This involves measuring the orientations of the dykes, to cor

Late Triassic and Early Jurassic palynology of the Höganäs Basin and the Ängelholm Trough, NW Scania, Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Geologisk bakgrund. För ca 200 miljoner år sedan, vid gränsen mellan tidsperioderna Trias och Jura, var Sverige en del av superkontinenten Pangea. Skåne låg vid kusten av ett större hav som täckte stora delar av Danmark. Klimatet var varmt och fuktigt och detta bidrog i hög grad till att de mer höglänta områdena i nordost vittrade och eroderades. Floder och andA palynological study has been conducted on Late Triassic and Early Jurassic outcrop- and borehole sections of the Höganäs and Rya formations, NW Scania. The diverse and generally well preserved palynomorph assemblages can be divided into three miospore zones: (1) the latest Rhaetian-?Hettangian Transitional interval; (2) the Hettangian Pinuspollenites-Trachysporites Zone; and (3) the Sinemurian C

Late Weichselian glacial and geomorphological reconstruction of South-Western Scania, Sweden

Denna studie utfördes för att få nya insikter i sydvästra Skånes landskapsutveckling under slutfasen av Weichselistiden i syfte att göra existerande regionala glaciationsmodeller pålitligare. Undersökningen inriktades på att utröna hur sydvästra Skåne påverkades av senaste istidens sista isframstötar då det genom tidigare studier inte varit helt klart om dessa överskred hela undersökningsområdet eThis study was carried out to deliver new insight into the late Weichselian landscape development of South Western Scania and to make regional scale glaciation models of South-Western Scandinavia more accurate. The goal of this study is to find out how the latest ice advances affected the study area. Until now, it was unclear if all ice advances overrode all parts of the study area or if different

Military Co-(operation) of the EU Member States - A case study of Sweden, France, United Kingdom and Germany and their motivations for the use of force in the name of European Union

The thesis contributes to the debate of an emerging European strategic culture on the use of force. This is highly relevant in order to understand the future development of the military operations within the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). In order to be able to analyse the motivations of the following operations: Concordia, EUFOR DR Congo and Atalanta, the research builds on the constr

Trace fossils and Palaeoenvironments in the Middle Cambrian at Äleklinta, Öland, Sweden

The Middle Cambrian at Äleklinta, Öland, consists predominantly of a heterolitic sequence with interbedded shale and siltstone. The sediments were deposited in a westfacing marine bay by northeastern, sometimes reversing currents. Long periods of slow mud settling alternated with short periods of silt influx. Water depth was below wave base and stream-ripples, micro-ripples and occasional wave-rip