Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91106 sökträffar
A piece of the Middle East in the north - the Armenian Community of Sweden
Naprapathy versus orthopaedic standard care for common musculoskeletal disorders : an 8-year follow-up of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial in Sweden
Background: Musculoskeletal pain is among the most common reasons for seeking care, specialist competence for its treatment in primary care limited and waiting lists for orthopaedics often amongst the longest. Many referrals to orthopaedics do not concern disorders that benefit from surgery. Manual therapy is effective, yet not integrated in national health care systems, and there is a lack of res
Reliability of external impulse oscillometry reference values for assessing respiratory health in Swedish adults
In Her Words : Understanding Push and Pull Factors to Women’s Involvement with Drugs in Sweden through an Intersectional Lens
There is relatively little research on women’s involvement with drugs in the Nordic area. While women’s experiences have enjoyed greater attention in the literature than previously (Chesney-Lind and Chagnon, 2016), many analyses appear to consider gender as a single variable in addition to class. Further, gender has become synonymous with women, ‘as if the other, the general’ were not also similar
Convalescence plasma treatment of COVID-19 : results from a prematurely terminated randomized controlled open-label study in Southern Sweden
OBJECTIVE: Convalescent plasma has been tried as therapy for various viral infections. Early observational studies of convalescent plasma treatment for hospitalized COVID-19 patients were promising, but randomized controlled studies were lacking at the time. The objective of this study was to investigate if convalescent plasma is beneficial to hospitalized patients with COVID-19.RESULTS: Hospitali
Sweden, Barbary Corsairs, and the Hostis Humani Generis : Justifying Piracy in European Political Thought
Trends in adult otitis media incidence—A 20-year national observational study in Sweden
Depressive symptoms during pregnancy and after birth in women living in Sweden who received treatments for fear of birth
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors in women who underwent treatments for fear of birth; internet-based cognitive therapy, counseling with midwives, continuity with a known midwife or standard care. A secondary analysis was performed using data collected from four samples of women identified with fear of birth and receiving treatmen
Translating to and from Swedish by SWETRA - a multilanguage translation system
Long-Term Follow-Up of SweBCG 91RT, a Randomized Trial of Breast Conservation Surgery with and without Radiotherapy from the Swedish Breast Cancer Group
Swedish fathers’ experience of childbirth in relation to maternal birth position - a mixed method study.
Background: Upright birth positions may reduce the risk for instrumental delivery. The aim of this study was to test, by means of a randomised controlled trial, the hypothesis that the use of a birthing seat during the second stage of labour decreases the number of instrumental deliveries and thus counterbalance any adverse perineal outcome or severe blood loss.Methods: One-thousand and two nullip
The cost-effectiveness of post-operative radiotherapy after breast conservation surgery in stage I-II breast cancer in Sweden
In-Work Poverty in Sweden
Abstract P4-11-01: Cardiovascular Effects of Postmastectomy Irradiation Evident after 15 Years. Results from the South Sweden Breast Cancer Group's Randomised Studies SBII:1 with 25 Years of Follow-Up of Pre-and Postmenopausal Women with Stage II Breast Cancer
The Social Construction of Parallel Society in Swedish Police Documents
An update on the epidemiology of Behçet’s disease in southern Sweden
The #FridaysForFuture climate protests mobilized more than 1.6 million people around the globe in March 2019. Through a school strike, a new generation has been galvanized, representing a historical turn in climate activism. This wave of climate protest mobilization is unique in its tactics, global scope and appeal to teenage school students. Media coverage of these protests and high-level nationa