

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91314 sökträffar

Energy auditing and enhanced implementation of energy efficiency strategies and actions through networks for SMEs – learning across borders in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland

Rapporten innefattar en detaljerad beskrivning och utvärdering av de existerande tyska och schweiziska nätverk för energieffektivisering. Baserat på resultatet, finns även ett förslag på en modell för energieffektiviseringsnätverk anpassad för Sverige som består av fyra faser: rekryteringsfas, energikartläggningsfas, nätverksfas och uppföljningsfas. Från studien drogs även slutsatsen att de viktig

How loneliness affects sexual risk-taking behavior; A cross-sectional study using data from a survey on young people in Skåne, Sweden.

Background: The high prevalence of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections among young people in Sweden are the result of a trend towards increased sexual risk-taking behaviour. While a few qualitative studies suggest that some of these young people take sexual risks as an escape from loneliness, the associations between loneliness and sexual risk-taking behavior are still not w

Challenges for Distance Education: A cultural analytic perspective on asynchronous online courses in Sweden

Increasingly popular, distance education has been researched from many angles, but studies done from a cultural analytic perspective are rare. Most studies up to this point have focused on the pedagogical perspective. This thesis aims to investigate challenges faced by different stakeholders in distance education, including online course promoters, teachers, and students, from a cultural analytic

Compute a crowdedness index on historical GIS data : a case study of Hög Parish, Sweden, 1812-1920

As the development of human civilizations, the classic definition of crowdedness index or population density is not able to describe population dynamic conciliations properly. Furthermore, the detailed population information is normally only stay on urban or country levels. Methods to compute crowdedness index of a small scale-area are lacked. Demographers need some new methods to compute human cr

Can dietary fat intake modify genetic associations with blood lipid level? Observations from a Swedish cohort study

Humans have for a long time contemplated the link between diet and disease. As early as 400 BC, Hippocrates, commonly referred to as the father of western medicine, stated, “let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food”. Today, a poor diet is still considered one of the major risk factors for common complex diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD refers to a class of diseases

Performance measurement system for warehouse activities based on the SCOR® model : A research study in collaboration with Consafe Logistics AB, Sweden

Background: SCOR is a worldwide accepted and renowned process reference model that is developed and endorsed by the non-profit organization Supply Chain Council. It’s a cross-industry diagnostic tool for supply chain management. Consafe Logistics wanted to know if a performance measurement system for warehouse activities could be developed based on the SCOR model, and how it could be applied in th

Movements of pikeperch, bream and pike in Lake Ringsjön, Sweden

Jakten på fisken i Ringsjön Många vill veta var i sjön fisken finns när man ska fiska och nu finns det en teori som berättar hur fisken sprider ut sig i en sjö. Fiskar sprider ut sig så att områden med mer resurser har fler individer jämfört med delar med mindre resurser. Detta gör att det finns mer individer som konkurrerar om mat i resursrika områden medan i områden där det är svårare att hittaMovements occur among many different organisms and a suggested theory about the pattern of these movements is called the Ideal free distribution. It states that individuals in a complex area with different quality of the habitats will distribute themselves proportionally after resources in the different habitats, so that they can maximize their fitness. Lake Ringsjön is a complex lake, which consi

Comparative analysis of diets and diel vertical migration patterns of dominant zooplankton in the Gullmar Fjord, Sweden

This study aimed to quantify and compare zooplankton feeding interactions in terms of diet composition, ingestion rate, and food size selectivity of a copepod (Acartia tonsa) and a cladoceran (Evadne nordmanni). This was achieved by surveying the grazing impact of A. tonsa and E. nordmanni on the natural phytoplankton, microzooplankton and microbial community occurring in autumn in coastal Skagera

Cleantech Investments in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden: Are they performing well?

The development of clean technology (cleantech) is necessary in order to address many prominent environmental challenges. However, financing can be a hurdle for the development of cleantech companies. Venture capital (VC) plays an important role in cleantech development. While the four large Nordic countries are regarded as performing well in terms of cleantech innovation there are signs that VC i

The mixed embeddedness of ethnic tourist-based entrepreneurship: An exploratory study in Rosengård, Malmö, Sweden

This thesis reconnoiters the involvement of immigrants as owners, producers and organizers of multiethnic business ventures that appeal outside visitors, so called ethnic tourist-based entrepreneurship. The study is informed by the principles underlying an interpretive case study conducted in Rosengård, Malmö, and the data were collected through semi-structured interviews complemented by participa

The "Omnipresent" Consul: George Logie and Swedish entanglement along the Mediterranean maritime frontier in the 18th century

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den tidigare outforskade svenska konsuln i Alger, George Logie (1694-1776), och sammanflätningen av aktörer som var drivande bakom den kommersiella expansionen i Medelhavet efter Stora nordiska krigets slut. Expansionen resulterade i ökad handel med en infrastrukturell etablering av flertalet konsulat, vilket ledde vidare till utökat utbyte mellan Nordeuropa, Mede

Self-Governance in the Commons - A study of social control in Swedish recreational lobster fisheries

Most of the natural resources we rely on for our existence on this planet could in one way or another be a subject to overexploitation through tragedy of the commons. Tragedy of the commons occurs when rational individuals all acting in their own self-interest creates a situation that is suboptimal for everyone involved (Hardin, 1968). For long privatization or government control over a common wer

Embodied Carbon in Buildings - investigating drivers and barriers for the Swedish construction industry to address Embodied Carbon, and necessary policy support as deemed by the industry

Mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is essential for us humans to curb climate change. Around a fifth of the anthropogenic GHG emissions stem from the construction sector. Much come from energy used for space and water heating within buildings, but an increasing proportion comes from the manufacturing of the building materials and is virtually embodied within buildings. This is called Emb

Managing Wolves: Biopolitics, Knowledge and Wilderness in the Debate around Swedish Wolf Management

The research of this thesis aims at exploring, and adding a contribution to, the academic work devoted to analyzing techniques for wildlife management using Foucauldian Biopolitics. This case study researches the attitudes of six pro-wolf people toward techniques for wildlife management. This research finds that in order to understand these attitudes, one has to combine the understanding of biopol

NEGOTIATING THE TERMS OF THE MIGRATION TRAJECTORY UNDER MIGRANT ‘ILLEGALITY’ - A case study of three unaccompanied Afghan minors’ journey from Afghanistan to Sweden

This study seeks to answer the question of how some young male Afghan refugees, in their own views, negotiated their migration trajectories on their way to the country of asylum, despite the constraints of migrant ”illegality”? To answer this question a qualitative mix-method approach was adopted, comprised of Participatory Action Research and Life History, collecting data through semi-structured