

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91102 sökträffar

A simulation model for Supply Chain ? A case study applied at Tetra Pak Carton Ambient AB, Lund, Sweden, for TP Al TCA Filling Machine

Introduction: To gain competitiveness, industrial focuses are addressed towards product quality improvement, product time compression, costs and lead-time reduction. Nowadays, these diverse goals cannot be achieved by an isolated organizational switch but throughout an aimed supply policy. In particular, an integrated view to manage physical goods and virtual information from suppliers to customer

Sustainability Leverage Points Implementing Systematic Sustainability Thinking in Tourism Development A Look at the conditions for the island of Öland in Sweden

This study aims to identify the key leverage points of local tourism on Öland in which work can be initiated to bring about a more sustainable development of the tourism industry. To achieve this, an analysis was made of the tourism industry on Öland, and a methodological framework called The Öland Model developed for the initiation of a project to stimulate thinking among the actors on the island

Psychological perspective on meaning of multiculturalism in the free-church: a phenomenological study with free-churches in Sweden

I was searching for the meaning connected to cultural issues and perspectives in a multicultural church, so I questioned 8 church-leaders coming from two churches in Malmö and one in Stockholm. They wrote an answer to an open tailed question. I summarized the text they gave me and let the same leaders and totally fourteen members from the two churches in Malmö react on two of the texts. Finally th

Local Product Labelling as an Option for Promoting Locally Produced Products. The case of Söderslätt Sweden

The use of a label for locally produced products is seen as a good way of promoting these products in Söderslätt and, thereby, promoting regional development. The only common meaning of the concept ?local? is the reference to a geographical area, even though the size of the area differs. Local products are associated with characteristics such as environment, ethics, health, quality and support of

Environmental Performance in Swedish Municipalities. Challenging diversity and triggers for change

The purpose of this research was to examine how non-mandatory municipal environmental work is carried out. What drives certain municipalities to be more active than others, and what works as barriers? It was also of interest to understand if the mandatory work could influence, trigger or hinder other environmental goals and ideas. Further, the research looked to identify some characteristics that

Venture Capital Financing of Cleantech Innovation How Categorisation of Cleantech Innovation can reduce Investment Barriers: geographic focus on Sweden

The industrial development has during the last century caused a disturbance to the ecological system in the ecosphere, and many industrial processes are still systematically causing harm. In an increasing manner this is raising a demand for technology that reduce the burdens on the ecological system. The innovation of technology that responds to these demands is important, not just for human well

Public Procurement in the View of Sweden and EU

According to conventional economic wisdom, deregulation and liberalization of private and public enterprises will enhance competition, which will lead to an expansion of production, trade, and general welfare. As more markets are deregulated and more services are being privatized, the public procurement market is expanding and more professionals will come in contact with public procurement either

Energy auditing and enhanced implementation of energy efficiency strategies and actions through networks for SMEs – learning across borders in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland

Rapporten innefattar en detaljerad beskrivning och utvärdering av de existerande tyska och schweiziska nätverk för energieffektivisering. Baserat på resultatet, finns även ett förslag på en modell för energieffektiviseringsnätverk anpassad för Sverige som består av fyra faser: rekryteringsfas, energikartläggningsfas, nätverksfas och uppföljningsfas. Från studien drogs även slutsatsen att de viktig