

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91130 sökträffar

Parental perceptions of health care for children with chronic illness--a population-based study in a Swedish primary care district

The division of responsibilities between specialized and primary health care for children with chronic illness is unclear. The utilization and perceptions of primary and specialized care were examined by means of a questionnaire mailed to the parents of all chronically ill children and a randomly selected control group. No difference in sociodemographic variables of responders (70%) and nonrespond

Zircon geochronology of migmatite gneisses along the Mylonite Zone (S Sweden): a major Sveconorwegian terrane boundary in the Baltic Shield

The southern section of the Mylonite Zone (MZ) is a major lithotectonic terrane boundary in the SW Baltic Shield. It separates the parautochthonous Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen from the allochthonous Western Segment. Complex zircons in migmatised and banded orthogneisses along the southern MZ were investigated by ion microprobe analyses guided by backscattered electron imaging to d

Hydrological function of a thin extensive green roof in southern Sweden

The runoff from and the water balance of a thin extensive green roof with sedum-moss have been studied. The soil cover is about 3 cm underlain by a thin drainage layer. The water balance is determined on a monthly basis. The runoff from the green roof is much reduced compared to runoff from hard roofs because of evapotranspiration. The annual runoff is rather close to that of natural river basins.

Treatment of Provoked Vulvodynia in a Swedish cohort using desensitization exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Problems related to pain during vaginal penetration are complex and the etiology is multi-factorial. It was the aim of the present study to measure whether treatment using desensitization exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for women with provoked vulvodynia (PVD) could increase sexual interest, sexual satisfaction and response whilst decreasing experiences of sexual pain.

Availability of exercise facilities and physical activity in 2,037 adults: cross-sectional results from the Swedish neighborhood and physical activity (SNAP) study

Background: Exercise facilities may have the potential to promote physical activity among residents, and to support an active lifestyle throughout the year. We investigated the association between objectively assessed availability of exercise facilities and objectively assessed physical activity outcomes, and whether time of year had a modifying effect on these associations. Methods: A total of 2,

Genetic polymorphism of chemokine receptors CCR2 and CCR5 in Swedish cervical cancer patients

Chemokines are chemotactic cytokines that orchestrate leukocyte trafficking in tissues, thus, playing an important role in regulation of immunological processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer with two DNA polymorphisms of the chemokine receptors CCR5-Delta 32 and CCR2-64L The study material consisted of 50 cervi

Eating-related problems among 13-15 year old Swedish adolescents: Frequency and stability over a one-year period.

Abstract in UndeterminedThe frequency of eating-related problems in young adolescents, and their stability over a one-year period, was studied by the RiBED-8 (Risk Behaviours related to Eating Disorders, 8 items) in a community sample of 13-15 year old adolescents who took part in a prospective study with a 2-wave longitudinal design. The RiBED-8 was found to have good reliability and construct va

PSA doubling time predicts the outcome after active surveillance in screening-detected prostate cancer: Results from the European randomized study of screening for prostate cancer, Sweden section

This study reports the outcome of active surveillance in men with PSA screening-detected prostate cancer (PC), and PSA doubling time (PSADT) was evaluated as a predictor of selecting patients to active treatment or surveillance. On December 31, 1994, 10,000 men were randomized to biennial PSA testing. Through to December 2004, a total of 660 men were diagnosed with PC, of whom 270 managed with ini

Impact of chronic illness in children on parental living conditions. A population-based study in a Swedish primary care district

In a geographically defined child population aged 0-15, every twelfth child suffered from chronic illness. Their parents and randomly selected control children's parents were asked about their living conditions using questionnaires. Non-responders (30%) had the same sociodemographic profile as responders. The socioeconomic level in index families (n = 95) was lower than in control families (n = 16