Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90871 sökträffar
Does Age Matter? Sweden, Younger and Older Workers and the Intergenerational Dimension of Contingent Work
The Adoption of Additive Manufacturing Technology in Sweden
Streamlined subglacial bedforms on the Närke plain, south-central Sweden – areal distribution, morphometrics, internal architecture and formation
Encountering the Other : Colonialism and Identity in New Sweden and Beyond
Twelve months of electronic monitoring (MEMS®) in the Swedish COAST-study : a comparison of methods for the measurement of adherence in schizophrenia
The primary aim was to compare objective and subjective measures of adherence in a naturalistic cohort of schizophrenia outpatients over 12 months between October 2008 and June 2011. Antipsychotic medication adherence was monitored in 117 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis according to DSM-IV criteria in a naturalistic prospective study. Adherence was determin
eHealth - strategies and actors in the Swedish context
The topographic effect on Landsat data in gently undulating terrain in southern Sweden
Interacting factors associated with Low antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections in primary health care - A mixed methods study in Sweden
Background: Prescribing of antibiotics for common infections varies widely, and there is no medical explanation. Systematic reviews have highlighted factors that may influence antibiotic prescribing and that this is a complex process. It is unclear how factors interact and how the primary care organization affects diagnostic procedures and antibiotic prescribing. Therefore, we sought to explore an
Variations along the left-right continuum: Self-placement, preferences, and moral intuitions of Swedish voters
Drug attitude and other predictors of medication adherence in schizophrenia : 12 months of electronic monitoring (MEMS(®)) in the Swedish COAST-study
The aim was to investigate clinical predictors of adherence to antipsychotics. Medication use was electronically monitored with a Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS(®)) for 12 months in 112 outpatients with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis according to DSM-IV. Symptom burden, insight, psychosocial function (PSP) and side effects were rated at baseline. A comprehensive neuropsyc
Swedish Neo-Romanticism and the Welfare State
Crop Monitoring in Sweden
The spread of product development methodology: Exploring drivers and barriers in Swedish industry
The outcome of Design, Innovation and Product development research is often manifested as recommendations in the form of methods, but these do not always find their way into industrial application. This paper elaborates on drivers and barriers for the spread of product development methodology based on 41 interviews with managers, designers, developers and knowledge brokers. Results indicate a rang
Exploring the potential of health promotion for recently settled migrants in Sweden
The Mullnäset rapakivi granite, its chemical and mineralogical composition including a comparison with the Sörvik granite, west central Sweden.
This contribution presents complimentary mineralogical and whole-rock chemical data for the Mullnäset rapakivi massif. Three rock types occur: gabbro, syenite with associated granite and “normal” rapakivi granite, here denoted rapakivi-textured granite. In the syenite-associated granite, extremely Mg-poor clinopyroxene and fayalite are the most important mafic minerals, whereas ferrohornblende and
Competences as drivers and enablers of globalization of innovation: the Swedish ICT industry and emerging economies
Exploring classification of Swedish dialects by speech melody
The Rhythm of the Unit Is the Pace of Life: A Study of Everyday Activities and Sleep in Swedish Residential Care
Social and physical activities can improve sleep in older people. However, living in a residential care facility has been associated with a limited potential for activities and increased inactivity, reflected in poor sleep among residents. In turn, poor sleep can impair physical and mental functions. This paper explores sleep habits and everyday activities at three residential care facilities and