Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91364 sökträffar
Commentary on The Swedish Freedom of the Press Ordinance (1766)
The ordinance installed the first legally sanctioned freedom of the press in the world and was preceded by decades of discussions, proposals, and investigations. The issued ordinance was a compromise between various interests; it was not the unlimited freedom of the press that many had hoped for. Prior censorship was abolished except for theological writings, but it was still forbidden to publish
The Digitalisation of Swedish Housing : The First Forty Years
So called ‘smart’ built environments operate in a peculiar temporal nexus: they are simultaneously just around the corner, already here, and yesterday’s news. This is usually put down to hype and hyperbole, but it may well be argued that smart built environments do indeed exist across temporal dimensions – only not in the way we imagine them to.Instead of speaking of a digital turn in housing, we
The influence of a proposed pumped storage hydro-power plant on the thermal stratification of lake Ivö, Sweden
Model tests have shown that by building a shallow dam at the outlet the discharge from the upper reservoir can be distributed over such a large width that the kinetic energy is dissipated before the flow reaches levels deeper than 10 m. Since the summer thermocline is situated at 15 m and the epilimnion is homothermal the discharge does not affect the thermal stratification of the lake during the
A revised checklist and time window based province catalogue of the long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) of Sweden, with six new synonymies in Dolichopus Latreille, 1796
Familjen styltflugor (Dolichopodidae) är en flugfamilj som i Sverige rönt ganska stor uppmärksamhet under de senaste tvåhundra åren. Ett flertal checklistor har publicerats, den senaste 2004. Trots detta har ingen regelrätt landskapskatalog upprättats. En landskapskatalog visar inte bara vilka arter som finns i landet utan också i vilken del av landet de olika arterna förekommer. En tidsfönsterbas
Labour market marginalization in children of persons with major psychiatric disorders: a Swedish national cohort study
The influence of a proposed pumped storage hydropower plant on the thermal stratification of Lake Ivö, Sweden
Place of Birth of Extremely Preterm Infants in Sweden
Gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes mellitus after high exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances from drinking water in Ronneby, Sweden
Background: Leakage of fire-fighting foam from an airfield caused contamination of the drinking water supplied to a third of the population in Ronneby, resulting in very high serum levels of predominantly perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS). The results of studies investigating the association between exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and pregnan
The Swedish Orders of Knighthood: Alleged Restoration, Almost Revolutionary Reformation, and Restoration Again
Crumbs from the Rich Man's Table? : Municipal Labour Market Policies and Recognition of Welfare Recipients in Sweden
Labour market policies, also known as activation, are common responses to poverty, unemployment and social exclusion. Activation is characterised by increased individual responsibility, requiring welfare recipients to strive for financial self-sufficiency, be it through job-seeking, training or coaching. In Sweden, activation policies are also implemented in municipal welfare services such as soci
Researching young people’s contraceptive work in Sweden
Event boundary perception among the visually impaired in audio described films
Audio description (AD) serves a critical role in making film narratives accessible to visually impaired audiences, aiming to enhance their viewing experience and comprehension. One method to assess the comprehension of film narratives, is through an event segmentation task, wherein participants delineate the narrative unfolding into distinct meaningful events. In the present study, both sighted anAudio description (AD) serves a critical role in making film narratives accessible to visually impaired audiences, aiming to enhance their viewing experience and comprehension. One method to assess the comprehension of film narratives, is through an event segmentation task, wherein participants delineate the narrative unfolding into distinct meaningful events. In the present study, both sighted an
The human influence on flow regimes. Review of the Swedish literature
Cold climate hydrology in Sweden
Identifying motivations and barriers to vegetarian diets--An exploratory study on young internationals in Sweden
Our current food system is a significant contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, land and water use, biodiversity loss among other issues. In order to achieve the sustainability agendas, a shift in the food system is required. With livestock production responsible for up a considerable amount of food system GHG emissions, diets with reduced meat consumption are suggested to be
Professionals in Sweden are pushing back hard against a rightwing plan to make them snitch on undocumented migrants
Power generation and stability of the Swedish electricity system 2045
På grund av energiomställningen, Sveriges mål om att ha en fossilfri elproduktion 2040 samt målet om nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser 2045 förväntas en omfattande utbyggnad av förnybara energikällor ske. I denna rapport har därför elbehovet, potentialen för elproduktion, möjliga framtida systemproblem samt lösningar undersökts. Efter en omfattande litteraturstudie har det framkommit att elbehove
Evaluation of the ACR/EULAR 2022 criteria for classification of ANCA-associated vasculitis in a population-based cohort from Sweden
ObjectiveTo evaluate the ACR/EULAR 2022 criteria for ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV) classification and compare them with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) algorithm and with classification based only on ANCA serology.MethodsIn the analysis, 374 cases (47% female) were classified according to the EMA algorithm, ANCA serology and ACR/EULAR criteria. The agreement rate was calculated using the
Evaluating the impact of agriculture on albedo using Sentinel-2 data in southern Sweden
The climate impact of food production plays a big part in the anthropogenic climate impact. Mitigation strategies from this sector are hence of great importance. One area which mainly has been used to calculate climate impact is albedo, the overall reflectance of incoming radiation in all directions. Albedo has been measured for a long time and is vital when calculating the energy balance of an a