

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90198 sökträffar

Review of uppermost Furongian trilobites from Scania, Southern Sweden, based on type material

The Scandinavian trilobites described in the classical papers by Moberg and Moller (1898) and Moberg (1898) are reviewed, based on the original type collections. The ten species and subspecies originally described are here considered to represent 12 species and subspecies, ranging in age from the latest Furongian (late Cambrian) through the Tremadocian (Early Ordovician). Lectotypes are selected f

Intestinal spirochetosis in eight pediatric patients from Southern Sweden - A clinical, histopathological and ultrastructural study

Intestinal spirochetes in humans have been recognized for more than a century, but it is still a matter of debate whether they are just commensal organisms or whether they cause colorectal disease. Most descriptions to date are of adult patients, while reports in the pediatric literature have been scarce. In a retrospective study we found eight children with intestinal spirochetosis. The findings,

A Jurassic (Pliensbachian) flora from Bornholm, Denmark - a study of a historic plant-fossil collection at Lund University, Sweden

A historic collection of plant fossils from the Baga Formation, Bornholm, Denmark registered at the Lund University is reviewed and found to be dominated by ferns with subsidiary Ginkgoales, Coniferales, Bennettitales and Equisitales. Ten genera are represented, of which six can be confidently identified to species level. The Baga Formation flora is most similar in age to the flora of the Middle J

Soil microbial activity in eleven Swedish coniferous forests in relation to site fertility and nitrogen fertilization

The effect of forest fertilization on soil microbial activity and biomass was studied in 11 coniferous forests with different site fertility. Soil microbial activity was measured as respiration rate and the microbial biomass was estimated using ATP content and substrate-induced respiration rate (SIR). At all sites, except those with the highest site fertility, the microbial activity and biomass we

Transgressive oolites onlapping a Silurian rocky shoreline unconformity, Gotland, Sweden.

Stratigraphical relationships, facies and petrographical evidences define a rocky shoreline in the Late Wenlock of Gotland. The major facies-elements forming the rocky shoreline are 1) several subaerially exposed reefs, which were eroded during falling base-level and which form the topography, and 2), onlap of oolite grainstones which were deposited during the subsequent rise of the base-level. Fi

Prospective study of IGF-I, IGF-binding proteins, and breast cancer risk, in Northern and Southern Sweden

Objective: To examine the possible relationships of breast cancer risk to prediagnostic plasma levels of insulin; insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I); and IGF-binding proteins -1, -2, and -3. Methods: Within two prospective cohorts in Umea and Malmo we measured plasma concentrations of insulin, IGF-I, and IGFBPs for a total of 513 incident breast cancer cases and 987 matched controls. Results: Gl

The Swedish unemployment insurance - will the Ghent system survive?

I artikeln diskuteras de fackliga a-kassornas betydelse för den internationellt mycket höga fackliga organisationsgraden i Sverige. Kopplingen mellan fackföreningar och statsstödda a-kassor, det s k Ghent-systemet, tenderar emellertid undermineras av den sedan 1980-talet stigande direktanslutningen till a-kassorna. Vidare diskuteras möjliga konsekvenser av den obligatoriska arbetslöshetsförsäkring

Conodont-based revisions of the late Ludfordian on Gotland, Sweden

The Late Ludlow topmost Hemse-Burgsvik succession includes more substantial and more rapid facies changes than most older and younger intervals on Gotland. A revised conodont zonation for this interval includes three zones, the Polygnathoides siluricus, the Icriodontid, and the Ozarkodina snajdri zones and four subzones, the Upper P. siluricus, the Lower, the Middle and the Upper Icriodonfid subzo