Din sökning på "swedish" gav 89975 sökträffar
A Current Swedish Survey on Attitudes to Science-and-Religion
Artikeln presenterar resultat från en enkätundersökning bland 2000 personer bosatta i Sverige. I enkäten ställdes bland annat frågor om synen på förhållandet mellan naturvetenskap och religion. Resultaten ger vid handen att man uppfattar naturvetenskap och religion som kompletterande varandra, och att denna uppfattning är vanligare med högre utbildning. Uttalade ateister uppfattar i hög utsträckni
Some Aspects of the Expansion of Education in Sweden
Perceived threat of violence and exposure to physical violence against foreign-born women: a Swedish population-based study.
Violence against women is an increasing global phenomenon. Little is known about violence against foreign-born women, despite a possible increased concentration of risk factors in this group.
Public debt and the effects of government expenditure on private consumption - A Kalman filter analysis of the Swedish experience 1970-1997
The interspace between Sweden and Denmark. The industrial dynamics of the Öresund cross-border region
Guide to some classical Ordovician and Cambrian localities in the Fågelsång area, Scania, southern Sweden
The Swedish Building Cycle and other Cycles.
Decline of the new Swedish variant of Chlamydia trachomatis after introduction of appropriate testing.
Objective: The longitudinal epidemiological development of the new variant of Chlamydia trachomatis was studied after appropriate testing procedures had been introduced when the strain was detected in 2006. Methods: The number of cases of the new variant of C trachomatis was followed from 2007 through 2011 from the laboratory records. Testing for C trachomatis is centralised to one laboratory wit
Medieval Settlement History and Political Geography in Northern Sweden - a Reply to Eljas Orrman
European Reactions to Global Challenges: The Cases of the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, Spain, and Germany
'Successful Ageing' in Practice: Reflections on Health, Activity and Normality in Old Age in Sweden.
This article aims to contribute to the critical examination of the notions of health and activity, and to discuss how these cultural and social constructs have impact on elderly people’s lives. An ethnographic perspective gives fruitful inputs to explore how old people deal with the image of old age as one of decay and decline, while they simultaneously relate to the normative idea of so-called su
Famines and mortality crises in 18th to 19th century southern Sweden
Choreutinula kulla sp. n. A new species of Collembola from Norway and Sweden, the second European species of the genus (Collembola: Hypogastruridae).
Ethnic differences in asthma treatment among Swedish adolescents: A multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity.
Adolescents with immigrant or ethnic minority background suffering from asthma receive on average less appropriate anti-asthmatic medication (AAM) than the majority population. However, those findings are based on analyses of differences between group averages which prevents our understanding of individual heterogeneity around the averages. Taking into account individual socioeconomic factors and
Social influence and corporate behaviour - A case study of interdependent decision-making in Sweden's publicly traded firms
In the course of a few months in 1997, about 20 per cent of Stockholm Stock Exchange's primary-list firms transferred to the Exchange's secondary list due to a new tax policy. Drawing on a theory of social influence, we suggest that the transfer decisions depended both on the firms' social embeddedness with other firms in the population at risk and their economic predisposition to make such transf
Swedish Contributions to the Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ljubljana, 15-21 August 2003
von Langenbeck procedures at 14 months or Wardill at 18 months for primary repair of cleft palate in adult Swedish patients with bilateral complete cleft lip and palate: A study of facial growth.
We compared facial growth in patients with bilateral complete cleft lip and palate (BCLP) in whom the palate had been repaired by the von Langenbeck procedure at the age of 14 months (L-14), or by the Wardill procedure at 18 months (W-18). A total of 151 unaffected subjects were used as a reference group. Thirty-six adult patients, 26 in the L-14 group, and 10 in the W-18 group, were investigated
In search of the force of dependent V2: A note on Swedish
Predictors of response to anti-TNF therapy according to ACR and EULAR criteria in patients with established RA: results from the South Swedish Arthritis Treatment Group Register.
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors predicting response to first TNF blocking treatment course in patients with established RA with a special focus on gender differences. METHODS: Patients with active RA initiating their first treatment course of TNF-blocking therapy were enrolled. The study period was March 1999 through September 2006. The prospective protocol included information on demographics, cli