

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 61043 sökträffar

Ll smmv37 eng ht20 200422

LL_SMMV37_eng_HT20_200422 Reading list for for Social Sustainability (SMMV37), 7,5 credits. The reading list was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 22 April 2020. The reading list is valid from 31 August 2020. Bevan, David, Corvellec, Hervé & Faÿ, Eric. (2011). Responsibility Beyond CSR. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 101(Supplement 1), 1-4. Doi.org

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/ll_smmv37_eng_ht20_200422.pdf - 2025-03-17

Gnvn13 litterature

Brevmall GNVN13 Gender studies: Feminist Methodologies 7,5 hp Spring 2016 Ahmed, Sara. (2008a). The Happiness Turn. New Formations, Winter 2007/2008(63), 7-14. (5) Ahmed, Sara. (2008b). Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the 'New Materialism'. European Journal of Women's Studies, 15(23), 23-39. (15) Back, Les. (2007). The art of listening. Oxfor

https://www.genus.lu.se/sites/genus.lu.se/files/gnvn13_litterature.pdf - 2025-03-17

V17 litteraturlista gnvk02

Brevmall Postadress Box 117 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M Telefon 046-222 08 01 Webbadress www.genus.lu.se Genus vetens kapl iga ins t i tu t ionen Litteraturlista VT2017 GNVK02 Genusvetenskap: Kandidatkurs 30 hp Delkurs 1: Genusvetenskap som forskningsfält, 7, 5 hp Alaimo, Stacy and Susan Hekman (2008). ‘Introduction: Emerging Models of Materiality in Feminist Theory’, in Sta

https://www.genus.lu.se/sites/genus.lu.se/files/v17_litteraturlista_gnvk02.pdf - 2025-03-17


FINAL, Feb. 17, 2015 Readings Fieldwork Course, Spring 2015 1/3 Fieldwork, SIMM25 Spring 2015 Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University Teacher in Charge: Helle Rydström Course Readings Books Blommaert, Jan and Dong Jie. 2010. Ethnographic Fieldwork: A Beginner’s Guide. Multilingual Matters, Short Run Press Ltd. 100 pgs. Davies, James and Dimitrina Spencer (eds.). 2010. Emotions in the Field: Th

https://www.graduateschool.sam.lu.se/sites/graduateschool.sam.lu.se/files/literaturesimm25.pdf - 2025-03-17

Iiiee strategic plan in education 2014 - 2019

High quality and innovative education IIIEE StratEgIc Plan In EducatIon 2014–2019 2 HigH quality and innovative education • MARCH 2019 IIIEE Strategic plan in Education 2014–2019 The strategic goal is to provide high quality and innovative education. To achieve this, the IIIEE will work on the following 5 strategic priorities: 1. Develop a clear scope, focus and identity 2. Promote teaching and le

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/sites/iiiee.lu.se/files/iiiee_strategic_plan_in_education_2014_-_2019.pdf - 2025-03-17

Exchange studies sep11 2015

Slide 1 En naturgeograf hanterar och tolkar hur olika företeelser hänger samman, vare sig de härrör från geologiska, kemiska eller fysiska fenomen. Exchange Studies – VT2016 & 2016/17 Paul Miller – paul.miller@nateko.lu.se En naturgeograf hanterar och tolkar hur olika företeelser hänger samman, vare sig de härrör från geologiska, kemiska eller fysiska fenomen. Why travel abroad? • Access to altern

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/exchange_studies_sep11_2015.pdf - 2025-03-17

Literature - Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology of Law (SRS002F)

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology of Law, 15 HP PhD Course Literature Convenor: Ole Hammerslev Spring Term 2023 Course outline Time: 10.15-12 Meeting room: TBC + Zoom Ali, Shaheen S, Anne Grifiths, Hellum, Anne (2011) From Transnational Relations to Transnational Laws: Northern European Laws at the Crossroads. Routledge. 340 pages Arnholtz, Jens & Hammerslev, Ole (2013) Transcended power of th

https://www.soclaw.lu.se/sites/soclaw.lu.se/files/2022-10/Literature%20-%20Theoretical%20Perspectives%20in%20Sociology%20of%20Law%20(SRS002F).pdf - 2025-03-17

Lund-university-approval-rules v210201

Brevmall Vice-chancel lor Lund University Approval Rules – regulations on the authority to allocate University funds1 Regulations regarding the right to allocate public authority funds through approval of: • procurement decisions, • product orders, • supplier invoices, • requests for/replenishment of petty cash, • remuneration for temporary or hourly workers, • compensation for additional working

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/2021-02/Lund-university-approval-rules_v210201.pdf - 2025-03-17


Rules of Procedure for Lund University Page 1 of 36 University Board DECISION Registration number STYR 2018/1859 STYR 2019/907 STYR 2019/1903 STYR 2020/2283 STYR 2021/2702 STYR 2022/1481 STYR 2023/1118 STYR 2024/2086 18 September 2024 Rules of Procedure for Lund University Approved by the University Board on 14 December 2018, item 12. Revised by the University Board on 18 September 2024, item 7, a

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/2025-01/rules-of-procedure-for-lund-university.pdf - 2025-03-17

Mitro Muller Problem Analysis

Problem analysis Remote sensing of drought: Sentinel data for monitoring and quantitative assessment of impacts Mitro Müller Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University Supervisors: Jonas Ardö, Lars Eklundh, Sadegh Jamali, Per-Ola Olsson Summary: A drought is an extended period when the balance between rainfall, evapotranspiration, surface flow, and subsurface flow diff

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/2021-11/Mitro_Muller_Problem_Analysis.pdf - 2025-03-17

81 10262018 679 81 MP86 Kemppainen JAMA Ped 2017

Untitled Association Between Early-Life Antibiotic Use and the Risk of Islet or Celiac Disease Autoimmunity Kaisa M. Kemppainen, PhD; Kendra Vehik, PhD; Kristian F. Lynch, PhD; Helena Elding Larsson, MD, PhD; Ronald J. Canepa, BSc; Ville Simell, MSc; Sibylle Koletzko, MD, PhD; Edwin Liu, MD; Olli G. Simell, MD, PhD; Jorma Toppari, MD, PhD; Anette G. Ziegler, MD, PhD; Marian J. Rewers, MD, PhD; Åke

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/2021-11/81%2010262018_679_81_MP86_Kemppainen_JAMA%20Ped_2017.pdf - 2025-03-17

Invitation to apply for funding for initiatives to promote equal opportunities%2

Microsoft Word - Invitation to apply for funding for initiatives to promote equal opportunities STYR 2025-376 Page 1 of 5 Vice-Chancellor INVITATION Reg. No. STYR 2025/376 Date 2025-02-17 Recipient Faculties University Administration LUKOM MAX IV University Library University Specialised Centres Invitation to apply for funding for initiatives to promote equal opportunities, gender equality and pre

https://www.staff.lu.se/sites/staff.lu.se/files/2025-02/Invitation%20to%20apply%20for%20funding%20for%20initiatives%20to%20promote%20equal%20opportunities%20STYR%202025-376.pdf - 2025-03-17

Digital monies for a sust ft. PhD kursplan

Digital monies for a sust ft. PhD kursplan. Digital monies for a sustainable future Points: 7.5 ECTS Level PhD Program Main category of the course Innovation and entrepreneurship Doctoral School To be offered through the Research School Agenda 2030. Course Faculty Ester Barinaga, Dpt. of Business Administration, LUSEM Christian Gehrmann, Dpt. for Electrical and Information Technology, Faculty of E

https://www.sustainability.lu.se/sites/sustainability.lu.se/files/2021-06/Digital%20monies%20for%20a%20sust%20ft.%20PhD%20kursplan.pdf - 2025-03-17

2022-08-19Post doc scholarship in bioinformatics

Brevmall Facul ty o f Medic ine Department o f Labora tory Medic ine, Lund Announcement: Post doc scholarship in bioinformatics Scholarship A postdoc scholarship is available for a highly motivated candidate with a background in bioinformatics and with interest in cancer research. The Molecular Pediatric Oncology lab, led by PI Daniel Bexell, is working with childhood cancer neuroblastoma. The ove

https://www.tcr.lu.se/sites/tcr.lu.se/files/2022-08/2022-08-19Post%20doc%20scholarship%20in%20bioinformatics.pdf - 2025-03-17

73 10262018 679 73 MP74 Koletzko J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2017

Thomson ORIGINAL ARTICLE: GASTROENTEROLOGY: CELIAC DISEASE Cesarean Section on the Risk of Celiac Disease in the Offspring: The Teddy Study Sibylle Koletzko, yHye-Seung Lee, zAndreas Beyerlein, §Carin A. Aronsson, zMichael Hummel, jjEdwin Liu, Ville Simell, #Kalle Kurppa, §Åke Lernmark, William Hagopian, yyMarian Rewers, zzJin-Xiong She, §§jjjjOlli Simell, §§Jorma Toppari, zAnette-G. Ziegler, yJe

https://www.teddy.lu.se/sites/teddy.lu.se/files/2021-11/73%2010262018_679_73_MP74_Koletzko_J%20Pediatr%20Gastroenterol%20Nutr_2017.pdf - 2025-03-17

Press release guidelines

How they should be written and what they should contain In the current media noise it is often difficult to break through with a piece of news. Editors around the country are inundated with press releases. To ensure that they are read, it is important for press releases to be written in a reader-friendly style. Communication freedom applies at the University, and individuals are freely permitted t

https://www.staff.lu.se/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/press-and-news/press-release-guidelines - 2025-03-16

At your service 20140402

Brevmall Postal address Box 213, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 5 P Telephone +46 46 222 9137 Fax +46 222 4209 Email Anna.Kemdal_Pho@psy.lu.se (programme coordinator) Website http://www.psy.lu.se/bvp Behavioural scientists at your service! During the autumn semester, students on the Behavioural Sciences programme will be doing their internships. The internship is an opportunity for stud

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/at_your_service_20140402.pdf - 2025-03-17

At your service 20160330

Brevmall Postal address Box 213, 221 00 Lund Visiting address Paradisgatan 5 P Telephone +46 46 222 8754 Fax +46 222 4209 Email Anna.Hjalmers_Mattsson@psy.lu.se (programme coordinator) Website http://www.psy.lu.se/bvp Behavioural scientists at your service! During the autumn semester, students on the Behavioural Sciences programme will be doing their internships. The internship is an opportunity f

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/at_your_service_20160330.pdf - 2025-03-17

Organic Chemistry general syllabus 2020

Allmän studieplan för forskarutbildning Page 1 of 9 Faculty Board SYLLABUS Reg. no U 2020/989 Date 16 December 2020 General syllabus for third-cycle studies in Organic Chemistry, NAKEOR01 This syllabus was approved by the Faculty Board on 16 December 2020 and applies to doctoral students admitted from 1 January 2021. The syllabus is based on Chapter 6, Sections 1–11, 25–36, Chapter 7, Sections 34–

https://www.science.lu.se/sites/science.lu.se/files/2024-05/Organic%20Chemistry%20general%20syllabus%202020.pdf - 2025-03-17