

Din sökning på "julie" gav 5697 sökträffar

Inköp och upphandling

Inköp av de varor och tjänster som behövs för att bedriva Lunds universitets verksamhet ska ske på ett lagenligt, affärsmässigt och effektivt sätt. Universitetets samtliga behov och mål ska beaktas i inköpsprocessen och inköpen ska ske till rätt kvalitet, totalkostnad och övriga villkor som långsiktigt är de mest fördelaktiga. Här får du information om hur du ska göra när du behöver göra ett inköp

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/stod-och-verktyg/inkop-faktura-ekonomi/inkop-och-upphandling - 2025-02-23

Handlaggning av befordringsarenden

PM%20befordran%20110921 2011–09–21 Institutionsstyrelserna för Konsthögskolan, Musikhögskolan, Teaterhögskolan Postadress: Box 8203, 200 41 Malmö. Besöksadress: Ystadvägen 25. Telefon: 040-325452, Telefax: 040-325480, E-post: Kansli@kansliK.lu.se, Hemsida: http://www.performingarts.lu.se Konstnär l iga faku l te ten i Malmö Handläggning av befordringsärenden Lunds universitet har i sin anställning

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/sites/konstnarliga.lu.se/files/handlaggning_av_befordringsarenden.pdf - 2025-02-24


Microsoft Word - föreskrifter rektorsbeslut Postadress Box 7080 220 07 Lund Besöksadress Ekonomicentrum, Tycho Brahes väg 1 Telefon 046-222 81 34 E-post kristina.arnrup_thorsbro@ehl.lu.se Rektor Lunds universitets föreskrifter för studentkårers redovisning av verksamhet och medlemsantal Bakgrund Enligt 4 kap 14 § högskolelagen (1992:1434) ska studentkårer årligen till högskolan redovisa sin verksa

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/foreskrifter-for-studentkarers-redovisning-av-verksamhet-o-medlemsavtal.pdf - 2025-02-24

Johan Sandberg

Docent | Universitetslektor Kontaktinformation E-post: johan [dot] sandberg [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Centrum för ekonomisk demografi Hämtställe: 10 WebbplatsJohan Sandbergs profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Universitetslektor Sociologi Docent SociologiDocent  Forsknings och Undervisningsområden Politisk EkonomiMigration och IntegrationVälfärd & Socialpolitiska

https://www.soc.lu.se/johan-sandberg - 2025-02-24

Kustprocesser i Arktis – med en fallstudie på Prins Karls Forland, Svalbard

Arktis står inför stora förändringar i samband med rådande klimat- och miljöförändringar, där de arktiska kusterna är utsatta. Förändringar i temperatur, havsnivå, stormar och havsisens utbredning är några av de faktorer som spelar in i hur kusterna och stränderna kan förändras. Syftet med studien är att först översiktligt se vilka kustmorfologiska förändringar som sker i Arktis idag och huruvida The Arctic is facing great changes due to current climate changes, where the Arctic coasts are especially vulnerable. Changes in temperature, mean sea level, storms and sea ice extent are some of the factors that shape how the coasts and beaches can be changed. The purpose of this study is firstly to examine what changes the Arctic coasts are experiencing today and whether they can be correlated t

Democratic Preferences and the COVID-19 pandemic

Did the political COVID-19 pandemic impact levels of populism? And did a potential effect travel across different national pandemic strategies? Populism is characterized by a growing antagonistic elite-population gap, which might be further triggered by top-down pandemic legislation. Using large-n panel survey data from Denmark and Sweden, being two similar Scandinavian universal welfare states th

Participants and Non-participants in the Scand-Ankle study - An alcohol cessation intervention at the time of fracture surgery

Background Clinical experience indicates that patients declining participation in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) at the time of surgery are older, less healthy and of lower social status than patients accepting to participate, compromising the external validity of the RCT and bringing the non-participants in higher risk at surgery. To our knowledge, no studies exist on patients with hazardous

Secondary ice production by fragmentation of freezing drops : Formulation and theory

A numerical formulation is provided for secondary ice production during fragmentation of freezing raindrops or drizzle. This is obtained by pooling laboratory observations from published studies and considering the physics of collisions. There are two modes of the scheme: fragmentation during spherical drop freezing (mode 1) and during collisions of supercooled raindrops with more massive ice (mod

Tracking Climate Finance in the German Building Sector: A Landscape of finance flows for building decarbonisation in 2016

Germany’s Energy Concept aims to reduce the building sector’s primary energy demand by 80% compared to 2008 levels, of which 20% are to be achieved by 2020. This requires significant investment in integrated renewables and thermal. Public funds cannot finance such transition alone. Therefore, it is crucial to not only understand current investment levels and potential investment gaps, but also to

Trends in CO2 exchange in a high Arctic tundra heath, 2000-2010

We have measured the land-atmosphere CO2 exchange using the eddy covariance technique in a high Arctic tundra heath in northeast Greenland (Zackenberg). On the basis of 11 years of measurements (2000-2010), it was found that snow cover dynamics was important for the CO2 exchange. The start of CO2 uptake period correlated significantly with timing of snowmelt. Furthermore, for years with deep and l

Knockout of the vascular endothelial glucocorticoid receptor abrogates dexamethasone-induced hypertension

Background Glucocorticoid-mediated hypertension is incompletely understood. Recent studies have suggested the primary mechanism of this form of hypertension may be through the effects of glucocorticoids on vascular tissues and not to excess sodium and water re-absorption as traditionally believed. Objective The goal of this study was to better understand the role of the vasculature in the generati

User participation in urban green spaces - For the people or the parks?

The provision and administration of high quality urban public green spaces intertwines issues of planning, design, management and maintenance with governance. The benefits of such spaces are often tied to social justice, public health and recreation, biodiversity and helping cities to deal with climate change. International policies and changes in public administration have encouraged user partici

Associations between Self-Disorders and First-Rank Symptoms : An Empirical Study

BACKGROUND: The diagnostic weight of the first-rank symptoms was deemphasized in DSM-5 and a similar change is expected in ICD-11. This change was motivated by a lack of solid, empirical evidence of the diagnostic significance of first-rank symptoms for schizophrenia. Yet, it seems that Schneider's original concept of first-rank symptoms was overly simplified when it was introduced in DSM-III. Spe


LUVRE Gott om rödvingetrast och rödstjärt LUVRE-projektet (Lund Uni- versity Vindel River Expedi- tion) startades 1963. Fokus ligger på övervakning av och forskning kring fåglar, men även insekter, träd och däggdjur studeras i fjällmil- jön runt Ammarnäs, Lycksele lappmark, Västerbottens län. Fåglarna i området följs med årliga revir-, linje- och punkt- inventeringar, ringmärkning och riktade stud

https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/2023-12/FagelaretLUVRE2022.pdf - 2025-02-24