

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6914 sökträffar

Dreaming of a Red Lamborghini and Blue Sky: Towards Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption in Developing Countries.

Abstract: Title: Dreaming of a Red Lamborghini and Blue Sky: Towards Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption in Developing Countries. Date of the Seminar: 1st June, 2010 Course: BUS 808 -Master thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management. Authors: Bishaara Hameed, Igor Ackerberg, Sundus Ahad Khan Advisors: Sofia Ulver-Sneistrup Keywords: Sustainability Discourses, Susta

Titanium- and chromium-rich opaque minerals in condensed sediments : chondritic, lunar and terrestrial origins

Bevis från terrestriska sedimentära lagerföljder indikerar att inflödet av extraterrestriskt material till Jorden inte är konstant, utan har varit förhöjt under perioder av Jordens historia. Ett ökat flöde av extraterrestriskt material till Jorden har föreslagits för perioderna mellanordovicium och sen eocen. Orsaken tros vara asteroidskurar orsakade av uppbrytningar av asteroider i asteroidbältetEvidence from terrestrial sedimentary successions indicate that the amount of extraterrestrial material reaching Earth is not constant, but has been increased during parts of the Phanerozoic. An increase in the flux of extraterrestrial material to Earth has been proposed for the Middle Ordovician and the Late Eocene. These showers of extraterrestrial material on Earth are thought to have resulted

A tale of three cities : digital media, everyday life, and the social integration of gay new arrivals

Sustaining ontological security is crucial to people in life transitions, without which they will be in bad mental conditions. Media scholars have focused on media roles in the everyday life of people in life transitions for years. However, they rarely dive into the topic from this perspective. Therefore, the first aim of this thesis is to fill this gap; and I will do it by investigating how gay n

EU:s befogenhet, subsidiaritet och proportionalitet i relation till Singaporekonventionen

FN:s handelskommission UNCITRAL har tagit fram en konvention om verkställighet av internationella medlingsöverenskommelser, den s.k. Singaporekonventionen. Konventionen möjliggör att internationella privata aktörer kan verkställa internationella kommersiella medlingsöverenskommelser i respektive avtalsslutande parters stater. Konventionen öppnade för anslutning år 2020 och i maj 2024 hade 56 ländeThe United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has developed a convention on the enforcement of settlement agreements resulting from international commercial mediation, known as the Singapore Convention. The convention allows international private actors to enforce international commercial mediation settlement agreements in the states of the respective contracting parties. The

No title

1 Annual report 2012 19 12 01 2 2 4 16 A dynamic year 12 8 International programmes Raoul Wallenberg centenary Academic activities The library Administration report 26 30 3 THE RAOUL WALLENBERG INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN LAW is an academic institution, founded in 1984 at the Faculty of Law of Lund University. The Institute is named after the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, to pa

https://rwi.lu.se/app/uploads/2013/09/Publications-Annual-report-2012.pdf - 2025-02-10


Experiment 1 Just Because it’s Disgusting Does Make it More Wrong: Level of Disgust Affects Moral Judgment Fredrik Björklund Department of Psychology, Lund University1 Three experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of affect on moral judgment. Participants read stories describing morally questionable actions and made judgments of wrongness. Judgments were affected by morally irrelevant

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/vol5no3.pdf - 2025-02-12


Brevmall Vårterminen 2022 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, den 1

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FOUN17/20221/FOUN_02_05_17_19_inkl_kinesiska.pdf - 2025-02-11


Brevmall Höstterminen 2020 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) Kurslitteratur för FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FOUS01/20202/FOUN_02_05_17_19_F_US_inkl_kinesiska.pdf - 2025-02-11


Brevmall Vårterminen 2021 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för: FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, den 17 juni 2020.

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FOUN05/20211/FOUN_02_05_17_19_inkl_kinesiska.pdf - 2025-02-11


Brevmall Höstterminen 2021 Språk- och l i t te raturcent rum Kurslitteratur för: FÖUN02, Översättning till svenska 1 (12 hp) FÖUS01, Översättning till svenska 1 (15 hp) FÖUN05, Översättning till svenska 2 (7,5 hp) FÖUN17, Översättning till svenska 3 (15 hp) FÖUN19, Översättning från ett andra källspråk (15 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum, den 17 juni 2020

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FOUN19/20212/FOUN_02_05_17_19_inkl_kinesiska.pdf - 2025-02-11

The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies and the Graduate School in Asian Studies joins the

The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies and the Graduate School in Asian Studies joins the Nordic Asia Podcast The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies and the Graduate School in Asian Studies joins the Nordic Asia Podcast Publicerad den 27 februari 2024 Want to stay up-to-date on Asian affairs and research in the Nordics and beyond? Tune in to the Nordic Asia Podcast! The Nordic

https://www.historiska.lu.se/article/the-centre-for-east-and-south-east-asian-studies-and-the-graduate-school-in-asian-studies-joins-the-nordic-asia-podcast/ - 2025-02-11

February 6th 2020

Letter from the Director As some of you already know, the faculty has made an analysis of what is required to secure the long-term organisational and economic stability of CEC. A report by Michael Calner, as well as comments on the report by CEC, was recently discussed in the faculty leadership group (“ledningsrådet”). A short summary of that meeting is that the faculty leadership as well as the h

https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/staff-newsletters/february-6th-2020 - 2025-02-11

Global Responsible Engagement

Lund University participates in education and research collaborations with partners from all over the world. Geopolitical changes affect our organisation, and when international collaborations are to be developed or deepened, global responsible engagement becomes more significant. Global responsible engagement entails that through international collaborations the University promotes academic freed

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/global-engagement-and-international-matters/global-responsible-engagement - 2025-02-12

Presentationer / Presentations

Allmänna presentationer / Presentations to the general publicPatrik Zapata, Panel discussion "What is responsible consumption?" 28/2 2019. Panelists Ulrika Holmberg, senior lecturer in Marketing at the Department of Business administration and Co-director of Centre for Consumer Science at Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, Patrik Zapata, Professor at Förvaltningshögskolan vid Göteborgs un

https://www.ses.lu.se/fran-avfallshantering-till-avfallsforebyggande-0/presentationer-presentations - 2025-02-12

Mary Wollstonecraft and Feminist Republicanism

Mary Wollstonecraft and Feminist Republicanism Mary Wollstonecraft and Feminist Republicanism Publicerad den 5 mars 2015 Lena Halldenius Mary Wollstonecraft and Feminist Republicanism. Independence, Rights and the Experience of Unfreedom (Pickering & Chatto Publishers 2015) Mary Wollstonecraft is a writer whose work continues to provoke scholarly debate. But Wollstonecraft the historical figure of

https://www.historiska.lu.se/article/mary-wollstonecraft-and-feminist-republicanism/ - 2025-02-12

Annual report 2019 final 0

Interdisciplinary – The IIIEE has a genuine interdisciplinary approach synthesizing insights not only from economic theory and practice but also from natural sciences, engineering, political science, organizational, legal and behavioural studies. The IIIEE academic staff has backgrounds in diverse disciplines. Collaborative – The IIIEE education and research are performed in close collaboration wi

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/sites/iiiee.lu.se/files/annual_report_2019_final_0.pdf - 2025-02-12

Pi-publications eng

Publications Publications Selected publications Patching, G.R., Englund, M.P., & Hellström, Å. (2012). Time- and space-order effects in timed discrimination of brightness and size of paired visual stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 4, 915-940. Englund, M.P., & Patching, G.R. (2009). An inexpensive and accurate method of measuring the force of responses i

https://www.psy.lu.se/en/sites/psy.lu.se.en/files/pi-publications_eng.pdf - 2025-02-12

MR and frailty - LUPOP - March 2022

PowerPoint-presentation Mendelian Randomization analysis to provide support for causal associations on frailty Sara Hägg Docent in Molecular Epidemiology Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB) Karolinska Institutet LUND UNIVERSITY POPULATION RESEARCH PLATFORM (LUPOP) SEMINAR SERIES March 17, 2022 Outline  Introduction to Mendelian Randomization  Assumptions of Mendelian Rando

https://www.lupop.lu.se/sites/lupop.lu.se/files/2022-03/MR%20and%20frailty%20-%20LUPOP%20-%20March%202022.pdf - 2025-02-12

Time to go 2014-11-27

PowerPoint-presentation Time to Go INFORMATION FOR OUTBOUND STUDENTS Programme - Time to Go • Student ambassador Megan Grindlay, External Relations, LU • Insurance Isabelle Jönsson, External Relations, LU • Practical issues Lena Jonsson, External Relations, LU • Student experiences Josef Huld, University of Nottingham Philip Geijer, Santa Clara University Sara Gunnarsson, University of Queensland

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/time_to_go_2014-11-27.pdf - 2025-02-12

Yeg application guidelines2

APPLICATION GUIDEBOOK YOUNG EXPLORERS GRANTS “I think it is incredible that Nat Geo recognizes that young scientists and explorers come in all different packages and need the financial support to be able to blossom into careers that can make a difference in the world we live in today.” Dash Masland 2007 YOUNG EXPLORER “The Young Explorers Grant enabled me to have my field experience; without this

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/yeg_application_guidelines2.pdf - 2025-02-12