

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6915 sökträffar

Cbssustainability report2015

REPORT ON PROGRESS 2015 cOPENhaGEN buSiNESS SchOOl pr in ci pl es fo r re sp on si bl e m an ag em en t e du ca ti on 2 This is the Copenhagen Business School’s (CBS) third Sharing Information on Pro- gress (SIP) report on the United Nations (UN) Principles for Responsible Manage- ment Education (PRME). It summarises CBS’ achievements and our ambition to become a leading business school in respons

https://www.ses.lu.se/sites/ses.lu.se/files/cbssustainability_report2015.pdf - 2025-02-12

Human Rights and the Environment Archives - Page 4 of 6 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Ri

Human Rights and the Environment Archives - Page 4 of 6 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Eva

https://rwi.lu.se/blog-category/human-rights-and-the-environment/page/4/ - 2025-02-12

Blog Archive - Page 29 of 32 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Blog Archive - Page 29 of 32 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work M

https://rwi.lu.se/blog/page/29/ - 2025-02-12

On the way of making plants smell like moths - a synthetic biology approach

Moth caterpillars are major agricultural pests in many parts of the world. In general female moths attract male mates with their pheromone over long distance. Most of the described moth pheromones belong to the same class of chemical compounds, fatty acid derivatives that are produced de novo in the pheromone gland. The pheromone biosynthesis involves desaturation, chain-shortening by β-oxidation


Experiment 1 Just Because it’s Disgusting Does Make it More Wrong: Level of Disgust Affects Moral Judgment Fredrik Björklund Department of Psychology, Lund University1 Three experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of affect on moral judgment. Participants read stories describing morally questionable actions and made judgments of wrongness. Judgments were affected by morally irrelevant

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/vol5no3.pdf - 2025-02-12

Chemoprophylaxis, diagnosis, treatments, and discharge management of COVID-19 : An evidence-based clinical practice guideline (updated version)

The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the cause of a rapidly spreading illness, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), affecting more than seventeen million people around the world. Diagnosis and treatment guidelines for clinicians caring for patients are needed. In the early stage, we have issued "A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 n

Plateaus and jumps in the atmospheric radiocarbon record - Potential origin and value as global age markers for glacial-to-deglacial paleoceanography, a synthesis

Changes in the geometry of ocean meridional overturning circulation (MOC) are crucial in controlling past changes of climate and the carbon inventory of the atmosphere. However, the accurate timing and global correlation of short-term glacial-to-deglacial changes of MOC in different ocean basins still present a major challenge. The fine structure of jumps and plateaus in atmospheric and planktic r


The word “desertification” was introduced in 1949 by the French scientist Aubreville in his report “Climats, forêts et désertification de l´Afrique tropicale”. The concept, however, was discussed earlier by European and American scientists in terms of increased sand movements, desiccation, desert and Sahara encroachment and man made deserts. Desertification, at the beginning of last century, mea

De villkorligt frigivna : relationen mellan munkar och lekfolk i ett nutida Thailand

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad får buddhister i dagens moderniserade Thailand att ge stora delar av sin inkomst till munkar? Och varför är det så viktigt att munkarna framstår som oegennyttiga och undviker fysisk kontakt med kvinnor? Frågorna behandlas utförligt i denna religionsantropologiska studie, baserad på en längre tids fältarbete i centrala, norra och nordöstra Thailand. Sociala och poliThis dissertation, based on 14 months of fieldwork carried out in central, northern and north-eastern Thailand, focuses on laypeople's demands on contemporary Thai Theravada sangha. In the aftermath of the economic breakdown in 1997, an intense discussion concerning the moral status of the sangha took place. The religious interests and demands clearly differ between different groups. What still se

A polymorphism in metallothionein 1A (MT1A) is associated with cadmium-related excretion of urinary beta 2-microglobulin

Objectives: Cadmium (Cd) toxicity of the kidney varies between individuals despite similar exposure levels. In humans Cd is mainly bound to metallothioneins (MT), which scavenge its toxic effects. Here we analyzed whether polymorphisms in MT genes MTIA and MT2A influence Cd-related kidney damage. Methods: In a cross-sectional study N = 512 volunteers were selected from three areas in South-Eastern

Levels of epitope-specific autoantibodies correlate with renal damage in anti-GBM disease

Background. Although the clinical importance of demonstrating the presence of anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies is well established, less is known concerning the clinical utility of measuring the levels of autoantibodies. Two conformational epitopes of anti-GBM antibodies have been defined at residues 17-31 and 127-141 of the alpha 3(IV)NC1 domain of type IV collagen [alpha 3

Global Stroke Statistics 2019

Background: Data on stroke epidemiology and availability of hospital-based stroke services around the world are important for guiding policy decisions and healthcare planning. Aims: To provide the most current incidence, mortality and case–fatality data on stroke and describe current availability of stroke units around the world by country. Methods: We searched multiple databases (based on our exi

Dreaming of a Red Lamborghini and Blue Sky: Towards Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption in Developing Countries.

Abstract: Title: Dreaming of a Red Lamborghini and Blue Sky: Towards Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Consumption in Developing Countries. Date of the Seminar: 1st June, 2010 Course: BUS 808 -Master thesis in International Marketing and Brand Management. Authors: Bishaara Hameed, Igor Ackerberg, Sundus Ahad Khan Advisors: Sofia Ulver-Sneistrup Keywords: Sustainability Discourses, Susta

Titanium- and chromium-rich opaque minerals in condensed sediments : chondritic, lunar and terrestrial origins

Bevis från terrestriska sedimentära lagerföljder indikerar att inflödet av extraterrestriskt material till Jorden inte är konstant, utan har varit förhöjt under perioder av Jordens historia. Ett ökat flöde av extraterrestriskt material till Jorden har föreslagits för perioderna mellanordovicium och sen eocen. Orsaken tros vara asteroidskurar orsakade av uppbrytningar av asteroider i asteroidbältetEvidence from terrestrial sedimentary successions indicate that the amount of extraterrestrial material reaching Earth is not constant, but has been increased during parts of the Phanerozoic. An increase in the flux of extraterrestrial material to Earth has been proposed for the Middle Ordovician and the Late Eocene. These showers of extraterrestrial material on Earth are thought to have resulted

The role of Extended Peer Community in an Environmental Decision Making process

Denna uppsats ger en kort introduktion av begreppen "Post-normal Science (PNS)", "Extended Peer Community (EPC)" och "Environmental Decision Making (EDM)". PNS gäller när osäkerheten i samspelet mellan vetenskap och beslutsfattande är alltför stora för traditionell vetenskap och EPC är en metod som är en viktig del av PNS. EDM är ett system som försöker att hjälpa besThis thesis provides a brief introduction of the concepts “Post-normal Science (PNS)”, “Extended Peer Community (EPC)” and “Environmental Decision Making (EDM)”. PNS is applicable when uncertainties in the interface between science and decision making are too great for traditional science and EPC is a method which is an important part of PNS. EDM is a system that tries to assist the decision maker

Reception av europeisk straffrätt i Japan - En rättshistorisk och komparativ studie av den japanska och europeiska straffrättsutvecklingen från 1700-talet till tidigt 1900-tal

Japans rättssystem före 1880 baserades på ett rättssystem av kinesiskt ursprung. Efter att Tokugawa-shogunatet föll 1867, genomförde den japanska regeringen en modernisering av rättssystemet genom reception av europeisk rätt. Inom straffrätten utfärdades 1880 och 1907 års Penal Code efter europeisk modell. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra straffrättsutvecklingen i Europa och Japan från 1700-tal

Cambrian stratigraphy and depositional dynamics based on the Tomten-1 drill core, Falbygden, Västergötland, Sweden

The Tomten-1 drilling at Torbjörntorp in Västergötland, southern Sweden, penetrated 29.85 m of Cambrian Series 2 and 3, Furongian, and Lower and Middle Ordovician strata. The biostratigraphy, sedimentology and carbon isotope (δ13Corg) stratigraphy of the core have been analysed. The succession is interrupted by numerous stratigraphic gaps (i.e. hiatuses) of variable magnitudes. There also appear t