

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6941 sökträffar

Heparan sulfate 3-O-sulfotransferase isoform 5 generates both an antithrombin-binding site and an entry receptor for herpes simplex virus, type 1

Heparan sulfate 3-O-sulfotransferase transfers sulfate to the 3-OH position of a glucosamine residue of heparan sulfate (HS) to form 3-O-sulfated HS. The 3-O-sulfated glucosamine residue contributes to two important biological functions of HS: binding to antithrombin and thereby carrying anticoagulant activity, and binding to herpes simplex viral envelope glycoprotein D to serve as an entry recept

Who Needs the Classics? - On the Relevance of Classical Legal Sociology for the Study of Current Social and Legal Problems

What do we gain from labeling certain norms of social organization law? This question provides the backdrop against which this chapter will examine the works of Leon Petrażycki and Eugen Ehrlich, two of the founders of legal sociology who devised concepts of law broader than state law. In the course of this examination we shall also assess the relevance of Petrażycki’s 'intuitive law' and Ehrlich’

The distribution of shorebirds and their benthic food underscore the importance of heterogeneity in habitat conservation

Distribution patterns of resources and their role in determining species distribution are not only fundamental to the understanding of ecological patterns, but also of practical significance in conservation management. Shorebirds are experiencing precipitous declines globally, especially along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), where the major threats include the loss and degradation of ti

Modelling Time-Dependent Effects for Segmentally Constructed Prestressed Concrete Bridges

Tidsberoende effekter, såsom krypning, krympning och stålrelaxation, är ofta svåra att prediktera när det kommer till förspända betongkonstruktioner. Krypning som ett fenomen är komplicerat och förenklas därför i gällande byggnormer (Eurocode), för att underlätta konstruktörens arbete. När det gäller etappvis spännarmerade betongbroar har dessa förenklingar visat sig ge felaktiga prognoser av de tLong-term effects, such as creep, shrinkage, and steel relaxation, are often difficult to predict for prestressed concrete structures. Creep as a phenomenon is complicated to describe and is therefore simplified in the current building standards, to better accommodate the designer. When dealing with segmentally constructed prestressed concrete bridges, these simplifications have shown to provide i

Utanför boxen : om arkivariers syn på föremål i kommunarkiv

Outside the box. On archivists' views on objects in municipal archives Historically objects in archives and objects as "documents" have been discussed for a long time. The focus of the discussion has generally been on defining what is a document, and what is not, and later what is in turn an act and thus belongs in the archive, and what does not. An object is generally not defined a

Tungmetaller i en sedimentkärna från en sjö norr om polcirkeln-möjliga orsaker till haltvariationer i vertikalled

Hur har föroreningar förändrats över tiden i nordligaste delen av Sverige? Om höga halter tungmetaller finns, vilka kan vara orsakerna till dessa? En resa från södra Skåne till norra Lappland har visat att de flesta metaller i sedimentet från en sjö har minskat på senare år, Hg samt Arsenik har dock ökat. Detta beror troligtvis på minskad användning av fossila bränslen samt gruvdriften i norr.Changes in the accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), arsenic (As), and selenium (Se) in sediment of pristine lake in northern Sweden were studied by making measurements at different depths in a sediment core. The sediment core was extracted from the deepest part of the lake Sautusjärvi, close to the village Jukkasjärvi. The sediment samples were transported in a cooler to

Land Matters : Agrofuels, Unequal Exchange, and Appropriation of Ecological Space

As a global society we are entering an era where land areas and land-based resources are coming to the fore once again for capital accumulation and economic growth, for the first time since the end of the 18th century when Malthus forecasted a contradiction between population growth and agricultural output. That constraint on economic growth, imposed by limited land areas, was overcome by the comb

En framtida IS-tribunal – tomma ord eller en reell möjlighet?

Islamiska Staten har de senaste fem åren orsakat oerhört mycket smärta och sorg. Krigsförbrytelser, brott mot mänskligheten och folkmord ska ha begåtts i de områden rörelsen kontrollerat i Irak och Syrien. Nu när kalifatets sista fästen besegrats står det internationella samfundet inför en ny utmaning; hur och var ska de ansvariga individerna straffas? Vissa politiker har numera hävdat att en IS-tDuring the past five years, the Islamic State has been responsible for a large amount of pain and suffering. War crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide have been committed in the areas the group controlled in Iraq and Syria. Now as the Kalifate’s last strongholds have been defeated, the international community stands before a new task; how and where shall the individuals responsible be punis

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Payback Time for multi- and mono-Si Photovoltaic Systems - A Study on Solar Energy from Photovoltaic Systems Located in Sweden

Solceller – en miljövänlig energikälla? Miljöförstöring i form av växthusgasutsläpp är en gigantisk utmaning som mänskligheten står inför och vi måste agera NU! Solceller innebär en fantastisk möjlighet att utvinna stora mängder “ren” energi från solen. Men hur miljövänliga är egentligen solceller och är det ett effektivt alternativ i Sverige? Varje timme träffas Jorden av tillräckligt mycket eClimate change is one of the greatest environmental challenges at the present time and is currently an issue affecting the entire global population. Alternative renewable energy sources are vital to be able to deal with this challenge. Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources and is therefore also one of the fastest growing industries in this field. However, solar energy

Toward finding peremptory norms and obligations erga omnes

Jus cogens norms and obligations erga omnes are concepts within international law that are often used to reinforce legal claims. This thesis aims to assess to what extent invoking these concepts, along with their reinforcing capabilities, is justified in specific cases. In order to achieve this, the thesis first gives an overview of the theoretical debate surrounding the concepts of jus cogens no

Optimizing the locations of bike-sharing stations using GPS-based trip data: A Spatio-temporal demand coverage approach

Shared micro-mobility services are increasingly embraced by cities around the world in recent years. Their benefits over other transportation modes in certain frames encourage traffic/urban planners, public authorities to establish such systems in urban areas. However, planning the placement, size and operation of such beneficial micro-mobility mode is a vital issue that concerns designers. Severa

Wag the WeiWei - A US boot in the Asian door

The growing interdependence and interconnectedness of the global community set the pace and frame for the evolution of foreign policy. Diplomacy formerly being the reserve of international communication has consequently been forced to change and branch out. This essay attempts to view these changes and their context at the example of US foreign policy in Pacific Asia. Both hard power translating i

The economics of export processing zones revisited

The accumulation of empirical evidence that outward-oriented developing countries have generally performed better than inward-oriented ones in terms of growth, industrialisation, job creation and other macroeconomic indicators provides an essential lesson for both policy-makers and development economists worldwide. The acknowledged importance of trade and non-traditional exports for development an

Incidence of Stroke and Stroke Subtypes in Malmo, Sweden, 1990-2000. Marked Differences Between Groups Defined by Birth Country.

Background and Purpose-The proportion of immigrants has increased in Sweden markedly during the last decades, as in many other Western countries. Incidence of stroke has increased during this period. However, it is primarily unknown whether incidence of stroke and stroke subtypes in Sweden is related to country of birth. Methods-Incidence of first-ever stroke was followed during 10 years in a coho

Palaeomagnetic configuration of continents during the Proterozoic

Palaeomagnetic data are used to study the configurations of continents during the Proterozoic. Applying stringent reliability criteria, the positions of the continents at 12 times in the 2.45- to 1.00-Ga period have been constructed. The continents lie predominantly in low to intermediate latitudes. The sedimentological indicators of palaeoclimate are generally consistent with the palaeomagnetic l

An anthem for Europe: Comparing historical appropriations of Beethoven's Ode to Joy

Since its composition two centuries ago in 1824, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (Ode to Joy) has been heralded the world over not only as a great work of art, but also as a symbol of political importance. In Germany, it was lionised as the embodiment of a national spirit, first during the Franco-Prussian war, then as a prize of the Nazi repertoire; in Rhodesia, it became the national anthem of a far-r