

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48953 sökträffar

En analys av Sveriges internationella åtaganden rörande rätten till asyl

Asylrätten är en het politisk fråga i och med den europeiska flyktingkrisen. Denna uppsats är ett försök att reda ut vilka folkrättsliga skyldigheter och EU-rättsliga som åligger Europeiska stater, och i synnerhet Sverige, på asylrättens område. Fyndet är att en allmän rätt till asyl inte existerar, men i praktiken finns något som kan liknas vid detta i och med förbudet mot att förvisa en flykting

Effectiveness of collaborative virtual reality for remote teams

The number of remote teams has increased in recent years and this upward trend may persist. The growth is partly enabled by advancements in Information and Communication Technolo-gy (ICT) and globalization. Although organizations benefit from certain advantages that re-mote teams introduce, inadequate communication amongst remote team members can lead to project failures. Since technology has an i

Det goda lånet : en tillämpad kulturanalytisk studie av idén om det goda lånet och den goda låntagaren

Loans play an important part in how individuals fulfill their goals in the Swedish society. It makes it possible for people to buy a house or get an education, things that might have been impossible without the possibility of taking a loan. A loan also comes with obligations and restrictions on the loan takers life, paying off a loan can take a lifetime and it requires that the loan taker become s

Free Human Agency through Sport? Exploring the impact on agency among volunteer peer-educators in sport based HIV/AIDS prevention interventions in a disadvantaged urban area in South Africa

To this date, a growing body of scientific literature has emerged focusing on the effects of sport for development programs towards the intended primary beneficiaries. Less is known, however, about the effects on those individuals tasked with delivering those interventions in the field. The use of peer-education for intervention delivery has been widely adopted within the field of sport for develo

Sverige och EU – två ledande aktörer inom jämställdhet

This thesis aim to describe and analyze various perspectives of working with gender equality in administrative work and policy-making in both Sweden and the European Union. The first part of the thesis will give an introduction to the reader and present the theoretic platform of this work. The second part discusses and introduces a historic overview of the development of gender equality as a polit

Viking Culture Then and Now

When did the Viking Age actually begin? Wood, turf, stone and daub – how did people live, and how were families organised? Power struggle, curiosity or greed? What were the incentives for Scandinavian expansion? What impact did the Scandinavians have on the Anglo-Saxon and Frankish kingdoms? These are some of the questions we will ask throughout the course, and you'll develop important skills in i

Examining the protective services of mangroves at a regional scale in Indonesia

Mangrove ecosystems have the potential to provide a host of ecosystem services to the communities surrounding them. Dense, healthy, networks of mangroves are able to provide a buffer to coastlines against the increasingly frequent and intense storms, expected under the influence of climate change. Additionally, healthy, mangrove ecosystem provide coastal communities with other benefits such as mor

Uppehållstillstånd - en (o)möjlighet för det tvångsomhändertagna barnet? - En undersökning om principen om barnets bästa och rätten till privat- och familjeliv

Children in an asylum process are especially exposed in society. Therefore, a high standard is expected of the law enforcer’s investigation and assessment of the best interest of the child, within the rules for residence permit in the Aliens Act (2005:716). The regulation of the best interest of the child in the Aliens Act (2005:716) protect the child’s right to health and development which to a

Economic History: Population Aging and the Welfare State

This course deals with current issues relating to aging societies. An increasing share of elderly has for a long time characterized Sweden and other developed countries. The course deals with questions like: If this did not constitute a challenge before, why is it the case today? Is the welfare state, as we today know it compatible with an aging society? How can we finance the welfare of This course deals with current issues relating to aging societies. An increasing share of elderly has for a long time characterized Sweden and other developed countries. The course deals with questions like: If this did not constitute a challenge before, why is it the case today? Is the welfare state, as we today know it compatible with an aging society? How can we finance the welfare of

Systemvetenskapligt kandidatprogram - design av informationssystem

Du kommer dagligen i kontakt med informationssystem när du bokar flyg- och konsertbiljetter, kollar på videoklipp från Youtube eller använder andra sociala medier som Snapchat eller Instagram. Andra exempel på informationssystem är lönesystem, ekonomisystem och e-handelssystem. Systemvetenskap är ett brett och tvärvetenskapligt ämne, som berör ämnen som IT, teknik, organisation och ekonomi i sin s

Time to positivity of blood cultures in bloodstream infections with Streptococcus dysgalactiae and association with outcome

PurposeInvasive infections with Streptococcus dysgalactiae predominantly occur in persons of older age with substantial morbidity and mortality. Time to positivity from blood cultures (TTP) has been shown to be a prognostic indicator in bloodstream infections caused by other beta-haemolytic streptococci. This study aimed to determine any possible association between TTP and outcome in invasive infPurposeInvasive infections with Streptococcus dysgalactiae predominantly occur in persons of older age with substantial morbidity and mortality. Time to positivity from blood cultures (TTP) has been shown to be a prognostic indicator in bloodstream infections caused by other beta-haemolytic streptococci. This study aimed to determine any possible association between TTP and outcome in invasive inf

Local knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study of the Falsterbo Region focusing on the effects of future sea level rise.

Local knowledge in vulnerable communities can be vital when developing adaptation and mitigation strategies especially as issues such as sea level rise in Falsterbo become more prominent as global warming increases. At present, traditional local knowledge is often explored within indigenous communities but significantly less so in western communities. The importance of local knowledge, in regards

Robot skills for manufacturing: From concept to industrial deployment

Due to a general shift in manufacturing paradigm from mass production towards mass customization, reconfigurable automation technologies, such as robots, are required. However, current industrial robot solutions are notoriously difficult to program, leading to high changeover times when new products are introduced by manufacturers. In order to compete on global markets, the factories of tomorrow nDue to a general shift in manufacturing paradigm from mass production towards mass customization, reconfigurable automation technologies, such as robots, are required. However, current industrial robot solutions are notoriously difficult to program, leading to high changeover times when new products are introduced by manufacturers. In order to compete on global markets, the factories of tomorrow n

Musikaliskt lärande som social rekonstruktion. Musikens och ursprungets betydelse för föräldrar med utländsk bakgrund.

In Swedish higher formal aesthetic education, students from ethnic minorities are significantly underrepresented. This also seems to be the case in music education for younger children. Accordingly, the relationship between music education and the ethnic diversity of the contemporary Swedish society, not reflected in the selection of students to the Swedish music and culture schools, is of vital iIn Swedish higher formal aesthetic education, students from ethnic mi-norities are significantly underrepresented. This also seems to be the case in music education for younger children. Accordingly, the relation-ship between music education and the ethnic diversity of the contem-porary Swedish society, not reflected in the selection of students to the Swedish music and culture schools, is of vita

Assessing the Challenges faced by Startups in Collaborating with Corporate Accelerators

Corporate Accelerators (CA) have become popular over the years as a means of corporate engagement with startups. Existing research highlights the importance of CA’s role in increasing the likelihood of success for the new and inexperienced startups. Yet, there is a significant research gap in gauging the perceptions and opinions of entrepreneurs and startup founders who participated and collaborat

Samhällsgeografi: Afrikas aktuella utvecklingsgeografi II

The course starts with an overview of contemporary research on Africa.  Thereafter it introduces the diverse political landscape of Africa putting special focus on the present transformations the continent is going through. This will be done by emphasizing the problems as well as the opportunities that Africa is facing. The second part of the course offers deep insights on the present rural t