

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48953 sökträffar

Stress induced virulence of Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes

Popular Abstract in English The food we consume is hardly, if ever, sterile. From fresh produce to processed products, foods harbor one or more types of microorganisms. The presence of some ‘beneficial’ microorganisms is desirable in food production, because they contribute to the characteristics of the final product, as, for example, in the production of wine, beer or cheese. In other cases, micrControl of the dissemination of pathogens in the food production chain is an on-going process with new challenges emerging as pathogenic bacteria evolve and express enhanced virulence characteristics. Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes are two notorious pathogens responsible for staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) and listeriosis: a foodborne intoxication and an infectious disease re

Kandidatkurs och examensarbete i Management and Organization (kurspaket)

Kurspaketet består av följande tre kurser; FEKH45 – Managing and Developing Organizations This course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions in organizationKurspaketet består av följande tre kurser; FEKH45 – Managing and Developing Organizations This course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions in organization

Engelska: Möjligheter och begränsningar för AI-verktyg inom språkstudier

Kursen bygger på aktivt deltagande, diskussion och reflektion. Undervisningen består av sju schemalagda pass som kan ha föreläsningskomponenter men som huvudsakligen sker i form av workshops, där kursdeltagarna undersöker och utforskar användningen av AI-verktyg i språkstudier ur olika perspektiv, och där de utvärderar och delar med sig av sina rön aktivt med övriga kursdeltagare. Som en del The course is based on active participation, discussion and reflection. The teaching consists of seven scheduled sessions which can have lecture components but which mainly take place in the form of workshops, where the course participants investigate and explore the uses of AI tools in language studies from various perspectives, and where they evaluate and share their findings actively with the o

Punching Below its Weight? The European Union @ the United Nations General Assembly

The thesis explores and analyses the behaviour of the European Union vis-à-vis the promotion and protection of human rights within the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). It furthermore examines whether the theory of ‘normative power Europe’ is an appropriate theory in characterizing the external action of the EU at the UNGA. Drawing on seven interviews with EU and non-EU officials in both New

Skräddarsydda uppdragsutbildningar – exempel

Läs om några kurser och program som genomförts utifrån unika behov Spetskompetens inom additiv tillverkning åt över 700 ingenjörer och konstruktörer på Siemens Lunds universitet har löpande levererat utbildningar inom additiv tillverkning (3D-printing) åt Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, som med målsättningen att bli världsledande på området gjorde en satsning på att utbilda över 700 ingenjör

https://www.lu.se/samverkan-innovation/dig-som-ar-arbetsgivare/kompetensutveckla-din-personal-genom-uppdragsutbildning/skraddarsydda-uppdragsutbildningar-exempel - 2025-02-24


Ett av världens mest hållbara universitet Med en tredjeplats i QS Sustainability Rankings 2025 ligger Lunds universitet i den absoluta toppen bland lärosäten världen över. Det sporrar oss att fortsätta visa vägen till ett hållbart samhälle i vår forskning, våra utbildningar och i vår vardag. Lunds universitet på tredje plats i världen i QS hållbarhetsrankning 2025 10 december 2024  |  Lunds univer

https://www.lu.se/om-universitetet/vision-mal-och-strategier/hallbarhet - 2025-02-24

Snuten i skymningslandet : svenska polisberättelser i roman och film 1965–2010

Popular Abstract in English My dissertation is a Swedish history of ideas 1965-2010 as expressed in the best-selling and most influential Swedish police novels and films. The title is "The Cop in the Twilight Land. Swedish Police Narratives in Novels and Film 1965-2010". Here I elaborate on the analysis briefly treated in the essay "Skymningslandet" ("Twilight Land") in the anthology "SolskenslandThe dissertation "The Cop in the Twilight Land: Swedish Police Narratives 1965-2010" considers Swedish culture and ideas in the period 1965-2010 as expressed in detective fiction and film in the tradition of Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö. It takes the Swedish police narrative tradition to be part and parcel of the European history of ideas and culture; a history that necessarily comprises America, by

Management and Organization - Bachelor course (Course Package)

This course package consists of the following two courses; FEKH45 – Managing and Developing Organizations This course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision-making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations in today’s organizations, skills that are valuable in most organizations on both operational and strategic levels. Central concepts and traditions

Ekonomisk historia: Grundkurs

Ekonomisk historia ger en bred samhällsvetenskaplig allmänbildning och en fördjupad förståelse för hur våra nutida samhällen har utvecklats. Grundkursen består av ett antal delkurser som väljs ur ett urval av institutionens kurser på grundnivå. Notera att kursutbudet varierar mellan höst och vår.   Kurser som kan ingå under höstterminen Sveriges ekonomiska och sociala historia 15 Hp

Fully developed fires in “low-energy” and “energy-efficient” buildings

Buildings use approximately 40% of the total amount of the consumed energy in EU and USA. New design approaches and materials are used to reduce the energy consumption for space heating, ventilation, lightning and other domestic necessities. There is a need to investigate effect of these design features on the fire safety. Increased compartment size can contribute to the fire duration and non-unif

(In)capacity to implement measures for increased cycling? Experiences and perspectives from cycling planners in Sweden

This article seeks to explore and analyse the capacity of Swedish municipalities to implement measures for increased cycling. Through the concept of local capacity and against the backdrop of interviews with local cycle planners, the aim of the article is to gain deeper insights into cycle planners’ experiences and perspectives on what the possibilities, obstacles and challenges are as regards ach

Strategisk kommunikation - Masterprogram

The programme provides students with an understanding of strategic communication and the closely related fields of organisational communication, public relations and brand communication. The aim is to give in-depth knowledge about communication processes and how they are interrelated. In terms of professional roles, recent developments have shifted the focus from operational skills to more advanceThe programme provides students with an understanding of strategic communication and the closely related fields of organisational communication, public relations and brand communication. The aim is to give in-depth knowledge about communication processes and how they are interrelated. In terms of professional roles, recent developments have shifted the focus from operational skills to more advance

Design & Development of Modular Learning Management Systems - Methods & Techniques: Learning From a Success Story

The rapid development of current information technology has brought about new aspirations in the academic world, especially in higher education organizations. Learning management systems (LMS) are software applications or Web-based technology used mainly for digital learning and studying. Even though there are many different kinds of LMS, the more advanced ones are usually highly priced and the si

En studie av kriminalisering av deltagande i väpnade konflikter - Ett moraliskt dilemma i en globaliserad värld.

The participation by Swedish citizens in foreign armed conflicts is a topic that has been receiving an increasing amount of attention not only in the media but also in the political debate. The debate has first and foremost centered around those Swedish citizens travelling to Syria to join various terrorist organisations but the topic extends further, is far more complex and gives rise to a number

Introduktion till rättssociologi, avancerad nivå

The aim of this course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of sociology of law while explaining how various theoretical traditions can be employed in analyzing concrete social issues which we confront today. The course will start with a presentation of the foundations of the sociology of law, discussing the relationship between different forms of regulation. The second part of the co

Human Resources - Masterprogram

Masterprogram på engelska i Human Resources ersätter Masterprogrammet i personal- och arbetslivsfrågor, fr.o.m. höstterminen 2025. Observera att programmet ges på engelska. Sök till programmet under perioden oktober - januari. Programmet startar varje hösttermin.  Fullständig information om programmet samt ansökningsinstruktioner hittar du på Lunds universitets engelska webbplats: lundu