Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48848 sökträffar
Framing sustainability in recreational hunting
Recreational hunting evokes emotions and could be described as a contested space. The paper presents a study of recreational hunting in Sweden, focusing on accounts and narratives from ethnographic interviews with hunting tourism operators. It discusses how the notion of sustainability permeates and frames moral accounts of hunting practices, game meat, wildlife management, business ethics, animalRecreational hunting evokes emotions and could be described as a contested space. The paper presents a study of recreational hunting in Sweden, focusing on accounts and narratives from ethnographic interviews with hunting tourism operators. It discusses how the notion of sustainability permeates and frames moral accounts of hunting practices, game meat, wildlife management, business ethics, animal
Litteratur-kultur-medier: Litterär teori och metod
Kursen behandlar en mängd teoretiska synsätt som under senare år har varit framträdande inom såväl svensk som internationell litteraturforskning. Dessa presenteras dock inte abstrakt som en serie ”skolor” eller ”ismer” utan diskuteras mer konkret i anslutning till en rad problemställningar som har spelat en viktig roll i litteraturens och litteraturvetenskapens historia: frågor som berör det mänskThe course examines a number of theoretical approaches which have been dominant in both Swedish and international literary research in recent years. They are introduced in a concrete manner in connection to various issues that have been significant in the history of literature and literary studies: The formal and thematic representation of the human subject in literary texts, the structure and fun
Macroeconomic equilibriums, crises, and fiscal policy
Kulturkriminologiska teorier, perspektiv och begrepp
Course name: CCRN01, Theories, Perspectives and Concepts of Cultural Criminology (Swedish name: Kulturkriminologiska teorier, perspektiv och begrepp). Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Autumn semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. The course deals with cultural-sociological
Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Bachelor course (Course Pack)
This courses package consists of two courses; FEKH91 - Entrepreneurship To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative. In the cours
Inkludering, ett symboliskt kapital
Title: Inclusion, a symbolic capital This study aims to showcase, using a case study of the Modern Museum of Art in Malmö, in what ways state-funded museums are put in conflict with politically held ideals and art agenthood in the field of the arts. With the central theories deriving from Pierre Bourdieu, this study argues that the museum is an agent who is held to standards set by the art field a
One step from employee to complainant: unfair dismissals in violation of employees' labour rights
This study aims to establish the most effective way of resolving unfair dismissal disputes based on experience in several countries and international law. First, the analysis of the scope and content of protection of employees against unfair dismissals in international law is presented. The legal basis is examined based on different international human rights instruments, ILO Conventions, European
The use of pesticides in Lunds private gardens and how it relates to other biodiversity measures
Classics of Western Thought
The readings introduce some of the most important ideas in the history of thought, including contributions to philosophy, religion, politics, and science. And, as you will discover, these texts are in many cases also wonderful pieces of writing and a pleasure to read. During the course, different approaches to the reading of theoretical texts will be discussed and evaluated, including closeThe readings introduce some of the most important ideas in the history of thought, including contributions to philosophy, religion, politics, and science. And, as you will discover, these texts are in many cases also wonderful pieces of writing and a pleasure to read. During the course, different approaches to the reading of theoretical texts will be discussed and evaluated, including close
Sociologi: Internationell migration och samhällsutveckling
Course name: SOCB27, Sociology: International Migration and Development. (Swedish name: Sociologi: Internationell migration och samhällsutveckling) Undergraduate course. 15 credits. Spring semester, first period. Language of instruction: English. PLEASE NOTE: This is a so called theme-course. A theme-course does not make you eligible for courses at a higher level (as our other undergraduate cou
Arkitekten: Gustav Fagerström
”Be inte om lov – bara gör! Sen kan du be om ursäkt” Gustav Fagerström är utbildad arkitekt och jobbar som senior teknisk designer på företaget BuroHappold i New York. Han arbetar i gränslandet mellan arkitektur, teknik och datavetenskap. Vad jobbar du med i dag?Min titel är ”Associate, Technical Designer and Computational Modeling Team Leader” och jag arbetar sedan drygt tre år för brittiska Bur
https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-taark/arkitekten-gustav-fagerstrom - 2025-02-24
Buying Conservation : Financial Incentives for Tropical Forest Conservation in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Market-based instruments have become a widely used approach to motivate landowners to conserve forests instead of clearing them. However, such market-based instruments are increasingly criticized for their simplistic view on complex environmental, social and economic issues; for their ethical stance; and for creating exchange value for essential ecosystems services, which potentially perpetuates a
Video analysis of bicyclist and pedestrian movement on shared-use paths under daylight and electric lighting conditions : Method exploration
This study introduces a progressive methodology for examining the travel behaviour of bicyclists and pedestrians under both daylight and electric lighting conditions. By analysing data from naturalistic/undisturbed settings, we aimed to assess the representativeness of participant behaviour in an invited context compared to that of typical road users. This paper expands upon the methodological expThis study introduces a progressive methodology for examining the travel behaviour of bicyclists and pedestrians under both daylight and electric lighting conditions. By analysing data from naturalistic/undisturbed settings, we aimed to assess the representativeness of participant behaviour in an invited context compared to that of typical road users. This paper expands upon the methodological exp
Assignment of IVL-Methyl side chain of the ligand-free monomeric human MALT1 paracaspase-IgL3 domain in solution
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue protein 1 (MALT1) plays a key role in adaptive immune responses by modulating specific intracellular signalling pathways that control the development and proliferation of both T and B cells. Dysfunction of these pathways is coupled to the progress of highly aggressive lymphoma as well as to potential development of an array of different immune disorders. In contraMucosa-associated lymphoid tissue protein 1 (MALT1) plays a key role in adaptive immune responses by modulating specific intracellular signalling pathways that control the development and proliferation of both T and B cells. Dysfunction of these pathways is coupled to the progress of highly aggressive lymphoma as well as to potential development of an array of different immune disorders. In contra
Jaktturism - ett delikat balansarbete i en komplex ekonomi
Recreational hunting in Sweden can be depicted as being embedded in two different but overlapping cultural and socio-economic contexts. One is the traditional stewardship-oriented form of hunting, in Swedish called ‘allmoge’ hunting. Another form is the commercial form of hunting, where hunting is packaged and offered to visitors, quite often with different types of services included. These two fo
Gustav Johansson, senior miljökonsult
Det bästa med att vara miljökonsult är variationen samt att få träffa nya människor hela tiden. Gustav har studerat miljövetenskap 2010–2012 och precis startat upp ett nytt miljökonsultföretag vid namn Ensucon AB. Där arbetar han som Senior Kvalitets-, Miljö- och Arbetsmiljökonsult. Vart och med vad arbetar du med idag? Idag arbetar jag som miljökonsult i Lund på ett miljökonsultbolag som heter En
https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-ngnat-mive/gustav-johansson-senior-miljokonsult - 2025-02-23
Economic History: The Rising Giants - China and India Entering the Global Scene
This course gives you a much improved first hand understanding of the rise of Asia’s two giants – China and India. First, modernisation and industrialisation in socialist China is explored from the pre-communist era until today. The process of transition from plan to market economy is unravelled. The institutional set-up and socio-economic achievements of the emerging market economy are contraste
Översättarassistenten: Lotta Bonnevier
Franska var huvudämnet när Lotta Bonnevier plockade ihop sin examen med fristående kurser. Nu jobbar hon i Luxemburg som översättarassistent i EU-parlamentet. ”Jag började med att läsa grundkursen i franska eftersom det alltid varit mitt favoritämne. Sedan fortsatte jag med fortsättningskursen och kandidatkursen eftersom jag trivdes med det.”Däremellan var Lotta på utbyte ett halvår i Frankrike oc
https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-fraa11/oversattarassistenten-lotta-bonnevier - 2025-02-24
Challenges encountered by eHealth Scrum software development teams during COVID-19
With the emergence of COVID-19, various industries felt under the pressure from limitations associated with the pandemic and transition to a work-from-home workstyle. Healthcare and Software Development is one of the industries that had to face increased demand for their products and services under severe circumstances. As an interconnection of these spheres,eHealth had to address challenges that