

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48999 sökträffar

Forskningsgruppen Komparativ politik

Forskningsgruppen Komporativ politik (Comparative Politics Research Group) täcker alla större forskningsområden inom området, inklusive institutioner, demokrati och politisk utveckling, partier och röstbeteende, politisk ekonomi, politisk psykologi, allmän opinion och allmän politik. Vi är specialiserade på politik i OECD-länder, men många av oss forskar också om Östeuropa, Latinamerika och andra

https://www.svet.lu.se/forskning/forskningsgrupper/forskningsgruppen-komparativ-politik - 2025-02-27

Exploring the Use of Freight Exchange E-marketplaces in Sweden: The Perspective of the Transport Service Provider

A statistic released this year (2018) by the World Road Transport Organization shows that more than 80% of inland freight is moved by road. Frequent e-commerce activities and end-consumer demands on delivery performance have increased transport needs yet fill rates have decreased. Transport is less efficient and unsustainable while profit margins also shrink, motivating fiercer competition among s

Human Rights and Corporate Environmental Wrongs

Countering the effects of human-induced environmental threats around the world is more urgent than ever. At the same time the power of companies has increased in the last decades. Activities of companies are capable of affecting human health negatively and in some cases the effects are so severe as to give rise to human rights violations. The question that is asked in this thesis is whether this p

Artificiell intelligens kan vara ganska osmart – Vetenskap och Hälsa

Artificiell intelligens kan vara ganska osmart – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga interv

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/ai-osmart/ - 2025-02-28

A new mode of public transport in Skåne - Visions for transforming municipalities through light rail investments

In Skåne three municipalities, Helsingborg, Lund and Malmö are planning to introduce a new mode of transport, light rail. There have been visions for light railway for a quarter of a century, but it is during the last three years that the visions have become plans. Since then the discussion of public transport and light railway has become vivid but in this discussion the complexity of the urban sp