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Geografisk informationsvetenskap - Masterprogram

Masterprogrammet i GIS riktar sig till studenter som vill lära sig analysera och modellera rumsliga fenomen med hjälp av geografiska informationssystem. Efter utbildningen finns det möjligheter att jobba inom en rad olika områden där GIS är en viktig metod; analyser av klimatförändringar över större eller mindre geografiska regioner, naturvård, resurshantering inom jordbruk, tillgång till vatten, This Master’s (120 credits) programme is intended for students who wish to learn to analyse and model spatial phenomena using GIS. A degree from the programme leads to opportunities to work in a range of areas in which GIS is an important method. This could, for example, involve analysis of climate change in large or small geographical regions, nature conservation, resource management in agricultu

Det nya demokratiska spelplanet: En analys av konsekvenserna av avskaffandet av Roe v. Wade

On June 24, 2022, Roe v. Wade (1973) was overturned in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022). The right to abortion, which was previously protected by the constitution, has been delegated to the states, who now have the power to decide and legislate on the matter. Since the abortion issue has been delegated closer to the people, it is highly relevant to examine how democrati

Norma Research Programme

The Norma Research Programme is an interdisciplinary research environment at the Faculty of Law, and a research centre affiliated with the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN). The focus is on the legal regulation of everyday life and social integration at national, EU, and international level, and on labour markets, social welfare, ageing societies, and families. The research environment includes a

Maja Sager

Docent | Universitetslektor Kontaktinformation E-post: maja [dot] sager [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Genusvetenskap Hämtställe: 31 WebbplatsMaja Sagers profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Profilområdesmedlem LU profilområde: Mänskliga rättigheter My research interests are citizenship, nation, globalisation, migration and asylum rights from an intersectional feminis

https://www.genus.lu.se/maja-sager - 2025-03-01

Passion or Proft? Or Both? : Negotiating the Meaning and Conditions of Creative Work in the Digital Games Industry

The digital games industry is one of the fastest growing branches in the creative sector in Sweden: In the last three years the proportion of employees has increased with about 20 percent. Specific for this branch is that digital games companies compete in a highly globalized and digitalized market dominated by a few large corporations. It creates the backdrop for specific working conditions. PrevThe digital games industry is one of the fastest growing branches in the creative sector in Sweden: In the last three years the proportion of employees has increased with about 20 percent. Specific for this branch is that digital games companies compete in a highly globalized and digitalized market dominated by a few large corporations. It creates the backdrop for specific working conditions. Prev

Special Area Study (SAS) courses

Nominated exchange students can apply for so-called 'Special Area Study' (SAS) courses in a wide range of subjects across eight out of nine faculties at Lund University. These courses are a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about subjects outside your major. The course offerings include courses mostly focusing on one discipline as well as interdisciplinary courses tackling contemporary s

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/admissions/exchange-and-study-abroad/exchange-studies/special-area-study-sas-courses - 2025-02-27

Arkitektur - Masterutbildning

Lunds universitet, beläget i den dynamiska Köpenhamn-Malmö-regionen, är välkänt för sin kompetens och kunskap, och erbjuder fantastiska resurser för att studera dessa frågor i ett bredare sammanhang.  Programmet kombinerar arkitektoniska designmetoder och best practice med avancerad forskning och utbildar därmed studenterna att bli högkvalificerade yrkesverksamma som är konkurrenskraftiga på The Master's Programme in Architecture combines architectonic and theoretical design methods, and best practice with advanced research, thus encouraging critical thoughts and the students to become highly skilled professionals competitive at an international level. Teaching contains both theoretical and hands-on projects aiming to find future-focused solutions to real-world issues and&

Kafékultur, kommunikation och gränser

The café is a social meeting place. An as yet un-moulded aspect of social life is boundaries – how meetings rest on boundaries between participants that their intercourse brings forth. The aim of this dissertation is to study the café as a sociological and social–psychological phenomenon and at the same time contribute to forming the social–psychological aspect of boundaries. The study also contri

Miljösociologi (EnvSoc)

Relationen mellan samhälle och miljö i fokus I denna forskarmiljö utforskar vi de många sätt som samhälleliga element påverkar miljön och, omvänt, hur miljöförhållanden påverkar samhället. Vi intresserar oss för samspelet mellan sociala, ekonomiska och kulturella faktorer och deras inflytande på miljöpolitik och miljöutfall. I EnvSoc utnyttjas många olika infallsvinklar, vilket återspeglar gruppme

https://www.soc.lu.se/forskning/miljosociologi-envsoc - 2025-02-27

Robbing the hood : finding solutions for regulating the rental accommodation sector of the for-profit sharing economy in Berlin

The sharing economy is currently widely discussed and politically of great importance, especially in urban areas. After a first rise in public interest due to a potential decrease of consumption, engaged actors are now calling for regulation mechanisms to defend the concept against the co-option by large incumbent firms, who transform the original idea into new economic opportunities. The accommod

Rätt och utsatthet

I denna tvärvetenskapliga och internationellt förankrade forskningsmiljö undersöker vi å ena sidan hur rätten hanterar människor i utsatta positioner och å andra sidan hur de kan tillvarata sin rätt. Utgångspunkten är att möjligheten att tillvarata sin rätt kan förhindras eller försvåras om man befinner sig i en utsatt position, som barn, ungdom, gammal, sjuk, fattig eller hemlös. Konkret innebär We study how law treats people in vulnerable positions and how these people can make use of law. We are also interested in how the judicial system views individuals in relations to their context and to societal structures. The possibility to make use of one’s right can be obstructed or aggravated in a vulnerable situation, as a child or youth or old, disabled, poor or homeless person. Our research

Ekosystemtjänster i kommunal planering - En svensk fallstudie

Methods for identification and valuation of Ecosystem Services (ES) have been developed and applied worldwide in purpose to better consider nature in land planning decisions. In Sweden each municipality has a spatial planning monopoly and with that comes differences in prerequisites for sustainable land and water usage within the country. A growing number of actors are offering ES-analyses as a pu

3D-odling – Vetenskap och Hälsa

3D-odling – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Om webbplatsen Tillgäng

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/3d-odling/ - 2025-02-28

Forskningsgruppen Komparativ politik

Forskningsgruppen Komporativ politik (Comparative Politics Research Group) täcker alla större forskningsområden inom området, inklusive institutioner, demokrati och politisk utveckling, partier och röstbeteende, politisk ekonomi, politisk psykologi, allmän opinion och allmän politik. Vi är specialiserade på politik i OECD-länder, men många av oss forskar också om Östeuropa, Latinamerika och andra

https://www.svet.lu.se/forskning/forskningsgrupper/forskningsgruppen-komparativ-politik - 2025-02-27

Katastrofriskhantering och klimatanpassning - Masterutbildning

Studenterna på utbildningen lär sig användning av tvärvetenskapliga begrepp, metoder och verktyg inom katastrofriskhantering och klimatanpassning. Programmet erbjuder en blandning av praktiskt och teoretiskt lärande med fokus på grupparbete och samverkan. Efter utbildningen väntar en karriär med aktörer som bidrar till ett mer motståndskraftigt och hållbart samhälle. Allt från lokala och natiThe programme contributes to meeting the need for qualified professionals who can: contribute to resilient and sustainable societies through use of interdisciplinary concepts, methods and tools within disaster risk management and climate change adaptation apply skills in resilience, risk assessment, risk communication, capacity assessment, risk-based land use planning, preparedness and continge

Andreas Bengtsson - VeniLearn

 Blog post #1 Describe the idea!Our idea is to develop a training equipment for practicing venipuncture, the procedure where access to the bloodstream is gained. This procedure is performed in order to draw blood or insert a venous catheter. The equipment available today is expensive and does not resemble human patients in a successful way. Our equipment is supposed to be cheaper, reusable and hav

https://www.leapfrogs.lu.se/alumni-0/2019/andreas-bengtsson-venilearn - 2025-02-27

Madeleine Arkenius - VeniLearn

Blog post #1 Describe the idea!Our idea is to develop a training equipment for practicing venipuncture, the procedure where access to the bloodstream is gained. This procedure is performed in order to draw blood or insert a venous catheter. The equipment available today is expensive and does not resemble human patients in a successful way. Our equipment is supposed to be cheaper, reusable and have

https://www.leapfrogs.lu.se/alumni-0/2019/madeleine-arkenius-venilearn - 2025-02-27