

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49420 sökträffar

The hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi – a biodiversity indicator at the landscape level?

The hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi – a biodiversity indicator at the landscape level? The hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi is rare and red-listed in Sweden, but it may be overlooked. I made a detailed inventory of the species in the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden, where the species was found at nine localities in 2006, at one of these with at least ten individuals. The study area, with many othe

To Grow or not to Grow under Macroeconomic Uncertainty – the case of the European oil industry

Purpose To investigate the predicted relation between macroeconomic risk exposure and growth in the context of the European oil industry. Methodology Multiple regression analysis Theoretical Macroeconomic uncertainty, Financial constraints, The hierachy of Perspectives Finance, Fundamentals of hedging Empirical 225 observations have been included to determine a beta coefficient Foundation of -2.83

Creativity – the importance of the concept creativity in an advertising firm’s normative control

Purpose: The purpose of this paper has been to increase our understanding of the concept of creativity from a interpretive approach, and examine whether it has an impact on the normative control through which the advertising agency firm is governed. Method: This paper has been conducted through the use of an constructivist ontology and an interpretive approach on creativity. Based on this type of

The Euro – What's in it for me? An Economic Analysis of the Swedish Euro Referendum 2003

The Swedish referendum on the euro in September 2003 is an exceptional event for researchers of monetary unions and of European economic integration. Voters chose between maintaining the domestic currency, the krona, and replacing it with the euro, the single currency of the European Union. The referendum revealed significant dividing lines between Yes- and No-voters in areas such as income, educaThe Swedish referendum on the euro in September 2003 is an exceptional event for researchers of monetary unions and of European economic integration. Voters chose between maintaining the domestic currency, the krona, and replacing it with the euro, the single currency of the European Union. The referendum revealed significant dividing lines between Yes- and No-voters in areas such as income, educa


Centre for Innovation Research – CIRCLE – is an interdisciplinary centre which connects innovation researchers from different faculties at Lund University as well as other Swedish and international universities. The meaning of the term innovation has transformed and is now tightly linked to sustainable development goals including climate change, social sustainability and food security. CIRCLE’s a

historik – Vetenskap och Hälsa

historik – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Om webbplatsen Tillgängl

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/tag/historik/ - 2025-01-29

Materiality and digitalisation : observations on eHealth solutions for care

This presentation brings light on how the materiality of three eHealth solutions affects care and care work. We conducted 92 semi-structured interviews with healthcare workers from the south of Sweden. The analysis of the data was interpretive with focus on the participants’ experiences. By exploring the lived experiences of the participants, we found that all the three solutions (1) changed the b

The Decision to Evacuate a Passenger Ship - An Assessment of the Normative View of the Shipmaster

The shipmaster is the centralised focal point of power on a passenger ship, and upon him/her rests the decision to evacuate the ship if it is deemed to be in a situation that is non-survivable. This thesis set out to explore a societal normative view of the shipmaster in this decision space; a view that can be observed in accident reports and maritime legislation. A case study, of a government acc

Senior arbetskraft : – en systematisk kunskapssammanställning med fokus på mental arbetsmiljö och arbetssocial miljö i Sverige

UppdragArbetet med kunskapssammanställningen definierades av Myndigheten förarbetsmiljökunskap till att omfatta den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns inverkanpå den seniora arbetskraften1 i en svensk kontext, det vill säga effekten påindividen utifrån den mentala arbetsmiljö och den arbetssociala miljö somhen befinner sig i. Dock samvarierar olika faktorer i individers arbetssitua-tion. För att fånga in

Centralization at Asine during the Bronze Age from a zooarchaeological perspective

From at least the Late Neolithic through the end of the Bronze Age and onwards, people continued to inhabit the settlement of Asine. For this reason, the site makes an interesting starting point for discussing long term change. This short paper presents new data on the animal bones from Bronze Age Asine. The data set is used for a zooarchaeological discussion of the site from a diachronic perspect

Effective persistency evaluation via exact excursion distributions for random processes and fields

Finding the probability that a stochastic system stays in a certain region of its state space over a specified time—a long-standing problem both in computational physics and in applied and theoretical mathematics—is approached through the extended and multivariate Rice formula. In principle, it applies to any smooth process multivariate both in argument and in value given that efficient numerical