

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48915 sökträffar

Genusvetenskap: Feministiska metodologier och metoder

The course aims to provide the student with theoretical and practical knowledge on methods for research design, data collection and data analysis. The course also aims to consolidate the students’ ability to analyse, reflect on and assess the relationship between methods, methodology and feminist and gender research theory of knowledge. Through lectures, seminars and workshops the course explores

Sociologi: Organisation och samhälle - Arbetsliv i förändring

PSO03, Kurspaket: Sociologi: Organisation och samhälle - Arbetsliv i förändring. Ges hösttermin. Distanskurs. Halvfart. 15hp. Detta kurspaket räknas som en "temakurs" och innehåller kurserna: SOCB53, Sociologi: Organisation och samhälle, 5 hp. Du introduceras till både klassiska och moderna perspektiv inom organisationssociologi och blir bekant med samtida sociologiskt perspektiv på fenomene

Jubileumsboken hemsidan

Pufendorfinstitutet 2009 – 2019 En jubileumsskrift LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 www.pi.lu.se P U FE N D O R FIN S T IT U T E T 2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 9 – E N JU B ILE U M S S K R IFT Pufendorfinstitutet 2009 – 2019 En jubileumsskrift LUNDS UNIVERSITET Box 117 221 00 Lund Tel 046-222 00 00 www.pi.lu.se P U FE N D O R FIN S T IT U T E T 2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 9 – E N JU B ILE U M S S K

https://www.pi.lu.se/sites/pi.lu.se/files/jubileumsboken_hemsidan.pdf - 2025-02-27

Samhällsgeografi - Masterprogram

Why do uneven geographies between people, neighbourhoods, cities, regions and countries develop? How do processes of globalisation and localisation affect firms and industries, people and places? What drives geographical changes – and are the geographies of such change socially and environmentally just? What can governments, companies, NGOs, activists and other actors at all scales do to address t

Ekonomisk historia: Konsekvenser av demografisk förändring

The course examines the impact of demographic change on the social and economic fabric of society, with a focus on issues of importance to today's policymakers. The impact of population aging will be examined in detail, as will the possible benefits / pitfalls of migration as a potential solution to population aging. The course will also examine the impacts of demographic change on individuals, th

Inter Arts Center: (Per)forming communities – Socially engaged models across the performing and visual arts

Fill in the form to register for the seminar on Friday, 26 November 2021, at 13.00. Deadline for registration: Thursday, 25 November, 16.00. Statusmeddelande Detta formulär är tyvärr stängt för nya inlämningar. Leave this field blank

https://www.konstnarliga.lu.se/formular/inter-arts-center-performing-communities-socially-engaged-models-across-performing-and-visual-arts - 2025-02-25

Flyer socialt arbete i civilsamhallet 2sidig

www.soch.lu.se www.facebook.com/socialhogskolanwww.soch.lu.se www.facebook.com/socialhogskolan Välkommen på boksläpp! Varmt välkommen att fira utgivningen av Socialt arbete i civilsamhället- aktörer, former och funktioner. Var: Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet Bredgatan 26 (Lund), Edebalksalen När: tisdagen den 5 december, kl. 16.00 Presentation av boken, medverkan av författare och mingel Stude

https://www.soch.lu.se/sites/soch.lu.se/files/flyer_socialt_arbete_i_civilsamhallet_2sidig.pdf - 2025-02-27

What is the role of pop-up stores in a multichannel environment?

Title: What is the role of pop-up stores in a multichannel environment? A study on understanding how pop-up stores affect the experience that customers receive and the relationship they share with retail brands. Supervisor: Ulf Elg Examiner: Ulf Johansson Thesis purpose: The present study aims to investigate the role of the pop-up stores of retailers on the customer experience in a multichannel

Earth Liberation Front: Terroriserande vandaler eller vandaliserande terrorister?

This study aims to analyze how the Earth Liberation Front (E.L.F.) is being displayed by the F.B.I. and by themselves between the years 2001-2005. A social constructivist perspective i a useful theoretical tool for highlighting how the framing in narratives is affected by the different social constructions of concept. The main findings indicate important differences of how central concepts, such a

"Samspel – spela sams?" - en studie av stråkorkestrar vid kulturskolor

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur orkesterpedagoger inom musik- och kulturskola ser på begreppet samspel och hur man på olika vis kan främja samspelet i skolans orkesterverksamhet. Detta sker med fokus på åldergruppen 13-16 år. Studien är skriven utifrån ett violinistiskt och violinpedagogiskt perspektiv. Utöver detta ges en bild av hur orkesterundervisning för stråkelever på kulturskoInteraction and interplaying - a study of stringorchestras in municipal schools of music. The purpose of this study is to investigate how stringteachers within the municipal school of music thinks and discuss the topic interplay in the schools' string orchestras. The study focuses on youths beetween the age of 13-16 years old and is written from a violin teachers point of view. In addition an