

Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2040 sökträffar

Atrial fibrillation in immigrant groups : a cohort study of all adults 45 years of age and older in Sweden

To study the association between country of birth and incident atrial fibrillation (AF) in several immigrant groups in Sweden. The study population included all adults (n = 3,226,752) aged 45 years and older in Sweden. AF was defined as having at least one registered diagnosis of AF in the National Patient Register. The incidence of AF in different immigrant groups, using Swedish-born as referents

Rapidly evolving marmoset MSMB genes are differently expressed in the male genital tract.

BACKGROUND: Beta-microseminoprotein, an abundant component in prostatic fluid, is encoded by the potential tumor suppressor gene MSMB. Some New World monkeys carry several copies of this gene, in contrast to most mammals, including humans, which have one only. Here we have investigated the background for the species difference by analyzing the chromosomal organization and expression of MSMB in the

Plasma levels of six carotenoids in nine European countries: report from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Background: In addition to their possible direct biological effects, plasma carotenoids can be used as biochemical markers of fruit and vegetable consumption for identifying diet-disease associations in epidemiological studies. Few studies have compared levels of these carotenoids between countries in Europe. Objective: Our aim was to assess the variability of plasma carotenoid levels within the c

CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment

Background Results on the association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) and child neuropsychological development are heterogeneous. Underlying genetic differences across study populations could contribute to this varied response to MeHg. Studies in Drosophila have identified the cytochrome p450 3A (CYP3A) family as candidate MeHg susceptibility genes. Objectives We evaluated whethe

Blog Archive - Page 30 of 32 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Blog Archive - Page 30 of 32 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work M

https://rwi.lu.se/blog/page/30/ - 2025-03-11

Stavros Lambrinidis Speaks about Human Rights in Lund

Stavros Lambrinidis Speaks about Human Rights in Lund Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work Methods Focus Areas Business and Human Rights

https://rwi.lu.se/2015/12/22/is-europe-still-a-human-rights-frontrunner/ - 2025-01-28

Ak ht12 lu masterprogram

51 Humaniora/Teologi Master Programme in Archaeology – theory and practice 120,0 hp (credits) requirements: A degree of Bachelor specialising in one of the areas of Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History or Historical Osteology. English B (advanced) proficiency Selection: based on academic qualifications and a letter of intent. Full-time/daytime Application

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/ak_ht12_lu_masterprogram_.pdf - 2025-03-12


CFE-Paper A5 ver 7 1Do Numbers Matter? The CFSP and the Dynamic Effects of Enlargement Do Numbers Matter? The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Dynamic Effects of Enlargement Maria Strömvik Maria.Stromvik@svet.lu.se 2 CFE Working paper series no. 5 CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES AT LUND UNIVERSITY: Box 52 Phone: +46 (0)46-222 88 99 SE-221 00 LUND Fax: +46 (0)46-222 40 06 Sweden Email: c

https://www.cfe.lu.se/en/sites/cfe.lu.se.en/files/2020-12/cfewp05.pdf - 2025-03-12

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Huvudområden och examina vid HT- fakulteterna Senast reviderad genom beslut i fakultetsstyrelsens arbetsutskott 2024-09-11 Dnr U 2017/199 Dnr U 2020/15 Dnr U 2021/336 Dnr U 2022/736 Dnr U 2024/501 Innehåll Inledning.................................................................................................................... 2 Huvudområden, tabell .............................................

https://www.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/Huvudomr%C3%A5den_och_examina_2024.pdf - 2025-03-10

Finns det någon här som är ansvarig? - En historia om skuld, tillräknelighet och fri vilja

Att straff förutsätter skuld är en princip som kan härledas till antiken. Det klassiska ansvarsbegreppet grundar sig också på denna princip. I lagteknisk mening innebär oftast vidmakthållandet av skuldprincipen att strafflagen stipulerar att tillräknelighet är ett krav för straffbarhet. Det svenska straffrättsliga systemet är emellertid, i stort sett, unikt i världen genom att brottsbalken inte in

Contribution of highly industrially processed foods to the nutrient intakes and patterns of middle-aged populations in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study

Objectives: To describe the contribution of highly processed foods to total diet, nutrient intakes and patterns among 27 redefined centres in the 10 countries participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Methods: Single 24-hour dietary recalls were collected from 36 034 individuals (aged 35-74 years) using a standardized computerized interview programme

Advance Care Planning and Care Coordination for People With Parkinson's Disease and Their Family Caregivers—Study Protocol for a Multicentre, Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with motor- and non-motor symptoms. When the disease progresses, symptom burden increases. Consequently, additional care demands develop, the complexity of treatment increases, and the patient's quality of life is progressively threatened. To address these challenges, there is growing awareness of the potential benefit

Selenoprotein P. Nutritional and clinical aspects

In this thesis, the nutritional regulation and clinical significance of selenoprotein P (SeP) in human plasma of healthy and diseased subjects was investigated. For the analysis of SeP, a radioimmunoassay was developed using polyclonal antibodies. The epitope recognized by the antibodies was apparently stable after storage of plasma in the frozen state for years. In the studies included, the coeff

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Språk- och litteraturcentrum Mellanösternkunskap LITTERATURLISTA ARAH27, Mellanösternkunskap: Turkiet: historia, politik och samhällsutveckling Middle Eastern Studies: Turkey - History, Politics and Social Development (10hp) Fastställd av lärarkollegium 5 den 14 oktober 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurslitter

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ARAH27/20142/Litteraturlista_ARAH27_3.pdf - 2025-03-11

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Språk- och litteraturcentrum Mellanösternkunskap LITTERATURLISTA ARAH37, Mellanösternkunskap: Turkiet: historia, politik och samhällsutveckling Middle Eastern Studies: Turkey - History, Politics and Social Development (10hp) Fastställd av lärarkollegium 5 den 14 oktober 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurslitter

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ARAH37/20162/Litteraturlista_ARAH37.pdf - 2025-03-11

What Pratik says about the Master's in Photonics

Introducing Pratik Hi! My name is Pratik and I'm the student ambassador for the Master's programme in Photonics. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about the programme, courses, student life, and life in Lund and Sweden via the Unibuddy Platform, where you can chat with me (see below). Please note that I cannot answer questions about the application process, scholarships, or residen

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-tafot/what-pratik-says-about-masters-photonics - 2025-03-12


TSVGLOW 1 The historical reality of biolinguistic diversity Giuseppe Longobardi, Cristina Guardiano^, Luca Bortolussi°, Andrea Sgarro°, Giuseppina Silvestri°*, Andrea Ceolin° Univ. York, ^Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia, °Univ. Trieste, *Univ. Pisa Goals. Arguing that the historical application of the biolinguistic model can complement molecular antrhopology to model out a ‘grammatical anthropology

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Biolinguistics/The_historical_reality_of_biolinguistic_diversity.pdf - 2025-03-10

Systems, Organisms, Symbiosis

The exhibition and public programme “Systems, Organisms, Symbiosis” reopens again at EIGHT (Polytechniou 8) from 23 September to 22 October 2021. It focuses on active interactions of systems, beings, organisms and narratives as these take place in urban, social and environmental fields. Thinking through notions of mutation, immunity and continuity it explores emergent instituent forms, models of c

Surrogatmoderskap: en analys av den förbjudna formen av assisterad befruktning

Denna framställning behandlar ämnet surrogatmoderskap. Surrogatmoderskap innebär att en kvinna genomgår en graviditet för ett barnlöst pars räkning, vilka benämns ”det beställande paret”. När barnet föds överlämnas det till det beställande paret som således blir barnets sociala föräldrar. Genetisk sett kan barnet vara helt och hållet det beställande parets eget eller kan surrogatmodern även ha bidThe theme of this essay is surrogate motherhood. This is the practice whereby one woman carries a child for another woman. The other woman and her partner are called the commissioning couple. When the surrogate mother has given birth, the child is handed over to the commissioning couple. The commissioning couple may be the genetic parents of the child, or the surrogate mother may have contributed