

Din sökning på "Canvas" gav 3280 sökträffar


MULM53 Kursdelen Specialpedagogik lyfter fram vad det är som utmärker en inkluderande skola där alla elever är delaktiga, har möjlighet att utvecklas och lära och där olikheter ses som en tillgång. Kursen som helhet ger kunskaper om specialpedagogisk verksamhet och specialpedagogiska förhållningssätt i såväl ett historiskt som i ett nutida och internationellt perspektiv. Kursen ger också kunskaper

https://www.mhm.lu.se/musiklararutbildningar/specialpedagogik - 2025-01-27


Padlet is a tool for creating digital collaboration surfaces that can easily be shared between participants. This is how Padlet worksPadlet is a web-based tool for creating digital collaboration surfaces or bulletin boards that are easy to share and that several people can work with at the same time. The tool is well suited for several different activities, such as brainstorming, presentations and

https://www.education.lu.se/en/digital-tools/padlet - 2025-01-27

For supervisors

For supervisorsAre you interested in supervising a student in the Summer Research School?Are you a researcher and want to advertise your project here?To advertise your project in the Project data base you have to send an email with the requested information (see below), preferentially in English, to sommarstipendier [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sommarstipendier[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)We need a pdf fi

https://www.student.med.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/summer-scholarships-2025/supervisors - 2025-01-27

Remote Sensing for Landscape Studies

NGEA03 Course contents This will teach you remote sensing, that is, the use of aerial photographs to collect information about landscapes and environment. We will focus on how to analyze aerial photographs. By doing so, we can detect a wide range of features depending on the film emulsion used, e.g. black and white, normal colour and infra-red. The course covers the theoretical aspects of aerial p

https://www.nateko.lu.se/education/basic-courses/remote-sensing-landscape-studies - 2025-01-27

Think accessible – five tips to get started

On this page, you'll find practical advice on how to make meetings and teaching more accessible. 1. Prioritize breaksAnything lasting more than an hour must include a break! Never compromise on this – don't ask students or participants if they prefer to skip the break and finish earlier. Clearly state from the start when the break will happen.2. Use a microphoneAlways use a microphone! All larger

https://www.education.lu.se/en/current-themes/accessibility/think-accessible-five-tips-get-started - 2025-01-27

Sasi03 2019 schedule.docx

Day Date Time Venue Title Teacher Week 1 Monday 2/9 9-12 Carson Roll-call & course introduction Mandatory Darin Wahl / George Neville Wednesday 4/9 13-16 Carson Key concepts, debates and history of Environmental and Sustainability Studies Kimberly Nicholas Week 2 Monday 9/9 9-11 Carson Indigeneity and sustainability David Harnesk Wednesday 11/9 13-15 Carson Social science for sustainability studie

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/sasi03_2019_schedule.docx.pdf - 2025-01-28

Taking Innovative Products to the Market: Development of a Working Model for Adoption in Collaboration with Sony Mobile Communications

Background/Problem Description: Creating innovative products and take them to the market is a struggle for many companies around the globe. At the Department of Security & Enterprise at Sony Mobile Communications in Lund it was believed that the innovation process could be enhanced if more focus would be put on pricing, adoption and timing. The belief at the department was that these three fac


1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOOLS A TOOL BOX FOR HELPING RESEARCHERS CREATE IMPACT FROM THEIR RESEARCH AWARENESS COMPETENCE REALISATION BY SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY 2 INTRODUCTION Science for Society is a platform for teaching entrepreneurial skills to junior re- searchers (PhD students and postdocs) and for increasing their awareness of how and competences to putting their research into use, both as commerciali

https://www.innovation.lu.se/en/sites/innovation.lu.se.en/files/2022-11/The-full-booklet.pdf - 2025-01-28

Teaching and learning services

It is important that students have a variety of opportunities to learn what libraries have to offer, building their media and information skills over the course of their studies. Do not hesitate to contact us if we can contribute to a course, or help students with their skills in information retrieval, reference management, copyright, and scientific communication.Introduction to library useUndergr

https://www.science-library.lu.se/lecturer/teaching-and-learning-services - 2025-01-27

Prel. schema mves03 vt20

MVES03 Ett cirkulärt och biobaserat samhälle Kurstid: 20 jan-20 mars 2020 Kursansvarig: Helena Hansson Övriga lärare : se schema Lokaler: Se Time Edit Litteratur: Enligt separat lista Studieteknik: Läs om studieverkstaden Studenträttigheter: Läs om dina rättigheter och skyldigheter som student Likabehandling: Läs Lunds Universitets likabehandlingsplan för studenter Pedagogiskt stöd: Läs om pedagog

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/prel._schema_mves03_vt20.pdf - 2025-01-28

Registrering och terminsstart

För dig som sökt en kurs i psykologi med start VT25 Informationen vänder sig till dig som blivit antagen till en kurs (på Campus eller nätbaserad) i psykologi som ges på svenska. Välkommen till Institutionen för psykologi!Du har blivit antagen till en kurs i psykologi och vi hälsar dig varmt välkommen till oss! Nedan finns viktig information gällande din kurs. Läs igenom noga och hör gärna av dig

https://www.psy.lu.se/utbildning/dig-som-ar-student-vara-utbildningar/fristaende-kurser/registrering-och-terminsstart - 2025-01-27

Välkommen till kursen Miljö- och hälsoskydd, metodik och praktik, MVEN22, vårterminen 2023

Introduktionsmöte med upprop är den 16 januari kl 9.15 – 12.00 i kurssal Mossen Öster i Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37 Lund. Kurstid 2023-01-16 – 2023-03-21 Kursansvarig Andrea Hjärne, 0725 - 671218 andrea [dot] hjarne [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (andrea[dot]hjarne[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) Schema Länk till kursschema hittar du på Miljövetenskaps hemsida under kursen samt i schemaverktyget TimeEdit. Noter

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/valkommen-till-kursen-miljo-och-halsoskydd-metodik-och-praktik-mven22-varterminen-2023 - 2025-01-27

Protokoll 3 2019-05-29

SHus P, Van19061013130 LUNDS UNIVERSITET PROTOKOLL 2019:3 2019-05-29 Dnr STYR 2019/989 Ledningsgruppen for beteendevetenskapligt kandidatprogram Ledningsgruppens protokoll Narvarande Ledamoter Ovriga Anmalt forhinder Anna Hjalmers Mattsson, ordforande Magnus Karlsson, lararrepresentant, soc Jean Christophe Rohner, lararrepresentant, psy Anna Sirhed, studentrepresentant Ingela Steij Scilbrand, lara

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/protokoll_3_2019-05-29.pdf - 2025-01-28

Social Anthropology: Master's (Two Years) Thesis

Advanced level Master Course. 30 credits. Social Anthropology. SANM03, Social Anthropology: Master's (Two Years) Thesis,30 credits The course aims to give advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge in socialanthropology through specialisation in a specific problem area and the use of socialanthropological methods and theories. This course consists of writing a 30 creditsmaster ́s thesis tha

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/programmes-and-courses/masters-programmes/master-science-social-anthropology-sasan/structure-programme-sasan/social-anthropology-masters-two-years-thesis - 2025-01-27

Rules and regulations for LUSEM online courses

Each student has to ensure access to stable and good computer-based internet connection. This is mandatory since teaching will be carried out by streamed videos, online live broadcasting, seminar participation etc. It is crucial to have a stable and fully functioning computer-based internet connection.Online teaching requires access to fully functioning microphones and fully functioning cameras. L

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/student-web/rules-and-regulations/rules-and-regulations-lusem-online-courses - 2025-01-27

Geografiska informationssystem, introduktion

GISA21 Den här kursen ges online på distans för programstudenter inom ämnena biologi, miljö, klimat och geologi vid naturvetenskapliga fakulteten. Du hittar kursbeskrivningen på vår engelskspråkiga webb.Kursen är inte öppen som fristående kurs. Kursansvarig David Tenenbaum Fakta: GISA21 Nivå: grundläggandePoäng: 15 hpKursperiod: HT & VTUndervisningsspråk: EngelskaFörkunskapskrav: grundläggande beh

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/utbildning/kurser-grundlaggande/geografiska-informationssystem-introduktion - 2025-01-27

Välkommen till kursen Organisation, ledning och lärande 1

Kurskod: HURB03, 15 hp Terminsperiod: 20 januari – 21 mars 2025 Obligatoriskt introduktionsmöteKursstarten som är obligatorisk inleds med ett introduktionsmöte.Du finner tid och plats för introduktionsmötet och kommande föreläsningar genom att söka på kurskoden (HURB03) i schemat. Hitta ditt schema via TimeEdit.Du får fram gatuadressen i TimeEdit genom några knapptryck: klicka på adressen i kolumn

https://www.soc.lu.se/valkomstbrev-vartermin/valkommen-till-kursen-organisation-ledning-och-larande-1 - 2025-01-27