Din sökning på "*" gav 534559 sökträffar
Stochastic Optimal Strategy for Power Management in Interconnected Multi-Microgrid Systems
A novel stochastic strategy for solving the problem of optimal power management of multi-microgrid (MMG) systems is suggested in this paper. The considered objectives are minimizing the total cost and emission of the system. The suggested algorithm is applied on a MMG consisting of four microgrids (MG), each including fossil fuel-based generator units, wind turbine (WT), photovoltaic (PV) panel, b
MR- safety : Evaluation of compliance with screening routines using a structured screening interview
Background: Magnetic resonance (MR) safety procedures are designed to allow patients, research subjects and personnel to enter the MR-scanner room under controlled conditions and without the risk to be harmed during the examination. Ferromagnetic objects in the MR-environment or inside the human body represent the main safety risks potentially leading to human injuries. Screening for MR-safety ris
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från väderkvarnen Stora stampan i Sundbyberg
Dendrokronologisk analys av vrakfynd i Byxelkrok, norra Öland
Dendrokronologisk analys av långhuset i Edåsa kyrka
Dendrokronologisk analys av ett torp, Sörsylta 12:2, Köping kommun
Robust topological superconductivity in weakly coupled nanowire-superconductor hybrid structures
We investigate the role of the coupling between a spin-orbit coupled semiconductor nanowire and a conventional s-wave superconductor on the emergence of the topological superconducting phase with Majorana bound states in an applied magnetic field. We show that when the coupling is strong, the topological phase transition point is very sensitive to the size of the superconductor and in order to rea
Interplay of Water-Energy Security and Food Consumption Patterns towards Achieving Nutrition Security in Katsina State, North-Western Nigeria
Everyone has the right to secure water, energy, and food supplies. These essential resources are stressed in many countries. With the current population growth rate and urbanisation, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, there is a need for more food, water, and energy to sustain the increasing population. The aim of this study was to assess the inter-relationship among water and energy in various urb
Quadrupole stability in nonuniform fill patterns
In previous publications, the effect of inhomogeneous beam loading of Landau cavities due to a nonuniform fill pattern in a storage ring has been studied with the aim of predicting the resulting longitudinal profiles of the bunches and their time offsets relative to the main rf [T. Olsson et al., Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 120701 (2018)PRABCJ2469-988810.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.120701]. This wor
Vedanatomisk analys av galionsfiguren från skeppet som bedöms vara "Panama" byggår 1850, Sjöfartsmuseet i Göteborg
Dendrokronologisk analys av Granhults kyrka, Växjö stift, Småland
Employee Health Data in European Law : Privacy is (not) an Option?
While there are many feasible reasons for employers to process employee health data, the protection of such data is a fundamental issue for ensuring employee rights to privacy in the workplace. The sharing of health data within workplaces can lead to various consequences, such as losing a sense of privacy, stigmatisation, job insecurity and social dumping. At the European level, the Convention for
Anti-Jewish Racism : Exploring the Swedish Racial Regime
Avhandlingen utforskar antijudisk rasism som ett strukturellt fenomen som är inneboende i det svenska samhället. Medan forskningen ofta har skiljt studiet av antijudisk rasism/antisemitism från andra rasismer, placeras den här avhandlingen inom fältet kritiska rasstudier för att utforska den antijudiska rasismen som en del av större samhälleliga och rasmässiga strukturer. Teoretiskt ramas studien The dissertation explores anti-Jewish racism as a structural phenomenon inherent to Swedish society. While research often has separated the study of anti-Jewish racism/antisemitism from other racisms, this dissertation is located within the field of critical race studies to explore anti-Jewish racism as part of larger social and racialised structures.The study is theoretically framed by a feminist
Efficiency Improvement of Hybrid Transducer-Type Ultrasonic Motor Using Lubricant
Ultrasonic motors have hit a bottleneck caused by low efficiency and short life, which limits their applications to some niche areas. We believe that lubrication is a promising candidate to solve these problems. In this paper, we clarify, both analytically and experimentally, that the performance of the hybrid transducer-type ultrasonic motor (HTUSM), including the transduction efficiency, can be
Säkrare personförflyttningar : Åtgärder i arbetsmiljön för medarbetare inom hälso- och sjukvård samt omsorg
Search for heavy particles in the b -tagged dijet mass distribution with additional b -tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment
A search optimized for new heavy particles decaying to two b-quarks and produced in association with additional b-quarks is reported. The sensitivity is improved by b-tagging at least one lower-pT jet in addition to the two highest-pT jets. The data used in this search correspond to an integrated luminosity of 103 fb-1 collected with a dedicated trijet trigger during the 2017 and 2018 s=13 TeV pro
Space–Time Surveillance of COVID-19 Seasonal Clusters : A Case of Sweden
While COVID-19 is a global pandemic, different countries have experienced different morbidity and mortality patterns. We employ retrospective and prospective space–time permutation analysis on COVID-19 positive records across different municipalities in Sweden from March 2020 to February 2021, using data provided by the Swedish Public Health Agency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
Assessment and Intervention for Tool-Use in Learning Powered Mobility Intervention: A Focus on Tyro Learners
Young infants, children, and persons of any age who have cognitive limitations can be thought of as tyro learners, who are beginners in learning. For tyro learners, the self-produced mobility afforded by a powered mobility device offers opportunities, to explore tool-use learning and interact with the surrounding environment, thereby potentially enhancing development and learning, providing a foun
GDP, not the Bond Yield, should Remain the Anchor of the EU Fiscal Framework
Declining bond yields and rising public debts have caused many economists to suggest raising the debt ceiling in the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact. Implicitly, they argue for replacing GDP as the anchor with the bond yield. We discuss the risks of such a shift. While such a change would provide shortterm relief to highly indebted EU member states, it is based on the expectation that bond yields wDeclining bond yields and rising public debts have caused many economists to suggest raising the debt ceiling in the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact. Implicitly, they argue for replacing GDP as the anchor with the bond yield. We discuss the risks of such a shift. While such a change would provide short-term relief to highly indebted EU member states, it is based on the expectation that bond yields