

Din sökning på "*" gav 540257 sökträffar

Introduktion till verksamhetsteori

Verksamhetsteori erbjuder ett kvalitetsverktyg som gör att forskare från olika discipliner och praktiker från olika verksamhetsfält kan mötas i både analys och genomförande. Introduktion till verksamhetsteori ger en överblick över den kulturhistoriska verksamhetsteorins tillkomst, från Vygotskij, Luria och Leontiev fram till våra dagars spännande riktningar inom pedagogik, organisationsteori och

I ett andetag : En kulturanalys av astma som begränsning och möjlighet

Though asthma is a commonly occurring disorder today, the development and introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs in treating it has changed the possibilities of living with it. At the same time, the Swedish guidelines for asthma care have changed: the patient is to take responsibility for her or his chronic illness to attain full quality of life. The study aims to make a cultural analytical inves

Local Capacity Building: A Logistics Perspective in Disaster Relief

With the growing number of natural and social crisis in recent years, and the main impact being on countries with poor social and physical infrastructure, as part of the bigger aim of humanitarian sector in helping communities develop, building local capacities becomes an important issue to consider. Considering logistics taking up more than three fourth of relief operations, the purpose of this p

A minimum distance analysis of a certain class of two dimensional ISI channels

In this paper we perform a minimum distance analysis of a class of two dimensional intersymbol interference channels. In particular, some important cases of multitrack multihead magnetic recording systems fall into the studied class. Previously, Soljanin and Georghiades have studied the same problem as we do. The results derived in this paper are more conclusive and they improve upon theirs. The f

Time-energy design space exploration for multi-layer memory architectures

This paper presents an exploration algorithm which examines execution time and energy consumption of a given application, while considering a parameterized memory architecture. The input to our algorithm is an application given as an annotated task graph and a specification of a multi-layer memory architecture. The algorithm produces Pareto trade-off points representing different multi-objective e

The measurement of light

In this chapter various thermal, electronic and chemical devices are described, as well as well as the construction and calibration of a spectroradiometer. A separate section is devoted to the measurement of very weak light, such as the ultraweak luminescence from living cells.

Vardag i olika världar : Om dementa och vårdbiträden på tre gruppboenden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur ser vardagen ut för äldre demenssjuka människor? Vad händer när dementa och vårdbiträden dagligen möts i nära och intima relationer? Denna avhandling ger en ingående beskrivning av hur vardagen gestaltar sig på tre gruppboenden för dementa med utgångspunkt från hur dementa och vårdbiträden faktiskt handlar i olika situationer. Ett försök görs att ge ett förståelsepeThis thesis is about the residents and employees at three group homes for older people suffering from dementia. The empirical data comprises princi- pally of participant observation and interviews with caregivers. The aim of the dissertation is to describe and understand what happens during daily life at a group home for elderly suffering from dementia. The ambition is to understand the patterns o

Application of Laser-based Diagnostics to a Prototype Gas Turbine Burner at Selected Pressures

Popular Abstract in English There is a natural tendency to take advantage of the most convenient energy source available. In this usage, convenient may mean most abundant, easiest to harvest or simplest to handle. Convenient will also correspond to cheapest in many instances. However, some consider it a responsibility to think of the long term costs of the energy we use. No form of energy is free The matured laser-diagnostic techniques of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) were applied to a prototype gas turbine burner operating on various fuels. The work was performed to provide verification of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models of the combustion of atypical fuels in a gas turbine combustor. The burner was operated using methane and three s

Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen V : Olika berättelser till skydd när otukten ansätter oss

Boken innehåller en grekisk text (baserad på cod. Athos Protaton 86) utgiven av Britt Dahlman och en svensk översättning av den systematiska samlingen av Apophthegmata Patrum (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk), bok 5. Översättningen har gjorts gemensamt av deltagarna i översättningsseminariet vid Johannesakademin.The book contains a Greek text (based on MS Athos Protaton 86) edited by Britt Dahlman and a Swedish translation of the Systematical collection of the Apophthegmata Patrum, book 5. The translation was made jointly by the participants in the translation seminar at Johannesakademin.

The estrogen receptor in fish and effects of synthetic estrogens in the environment - Ecological and evolutionary perspectives and societal awareness

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår läkemedelsanvändning har eskalerat de senaste två årtionden och vi har kunnat behandla, bota och förebygga sjukdomar samt minskat antalet oönskade graviditeter i större utsträckning jämfört med förr. Detta har dock också fört med sig negativa effekter och miljöproblem efter att läkemedlen kommer ut i naturen. Ett antal läkemedel är så kallade endokrina störningssubsSynthetic hormones are a group of pharmaceuticals used for various human and animal treatments. However, consumption and disposal of these substances have also given rise to negative effects and environmental problems for organisms in the wild which is why these substances have been classified as estrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Studies on the estrogen receptors (ers) and their ge

Methods for quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion SPECT : validated with magnetic resonance imaging, phantom studies and expert readers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling presenterar nya metoder för att analysera bilder på hjärtat för att utesluta eller bekräfta kranskärlssjukdom. Hjärtat har en livsviktig uppgift, att pumpa runt blodet för att förse alla kroppens organ med energi och syre. Vid förträngningar i kärlen som försörjer hjärtmuskeln med blod (kranskärlen) uppkommer ett tillstånd som kallas ischemisk hjärtsjukIn this thesis, methods for automated analysis of myocardial perfusion single photon emission computer tomography (myocardial perfusion SPECT, MPS) images have been successfully developed and evaluated. MPS images show the perfusion of the myocardium and are used for diagnosing patients with suspected ischemic heart disease. The disease is characterized by reduced perfusion to a region of the myoc