

Din sökning på "*" gav 529444 sökträffar

The Interactions and Role-changings between the LGBTQIA+ Community and the Creative Industries in Guangzhou, China Focusing on Women’s Opinion in the LGBTQIA+ Community

This thesis examines the interactions and role-changings between the LGBTQIA+ community and the creative industries in Guangzhou, China. Following Florida’s (2003) creative capital theory, and Badgett, Waaldijk, and Rodgers’s (2019) study on LGBT inclusion and economic development, involving semi-structured interviews with LGBTQIA+ individuals working or studying in the creative industries. This q

Horn - A sustainable material for the future

Cow horn has been a craftig material in Europe for 1000s of years. Yet, in the last 100 years the material has disappeard from our pool of commonly used materials. Today it is mostly used for dogfood and gelatine. I believe that horn could again become a commonly used crafting material, especially for modern and sustainable products. Among my many visions for horn, I see it as a beautiful, natu

"En slam säger mer än tusen ord"

In an area where men are dominating the subculture of skateboard I seek to distinguish their view on issues and solutions on non cis-male participation. In this study, theories about gender as a social construction, presented by Butler (1990), Young (1990) and Connell (2005), are applied in order to analyze two focus group interviews with ten skateboarding men in total. The results show that the m

Development of a Dog Carrier

The project examines how a dog carrier for the rear seat of the car can be designed to provide safety and improve user experience, for dog and human. To include both of the users throughout the process, an animal-human centred design approach was applied. The report presents the concept development process of the dog carrier and evaluates how selected methods fulfil the design approach. Initially

Crafting identities: how do consumers in the craft beer subculture construct their identities?

Thesis Purpose: The purpose was to find out how consumers in craft beer subculture construct their identities. Methodology: A relativist stance combined with a social constructionist stance and a qualitative study with an abductive approach was used to gain deeper understanding of craft beer consumers in order to assign them to consumer categories in a synthesized model. Theoretical Perspective:


Syfte: Att få en djupare förståelse av hur arbetstillfredsställelse påverkas av innovativt arbete och således få en nyanserad bild av hur sambanden mellan de två ser ut. Metod: Teoretiskt underlag togs fram för att grunda de kvalitativa intervjuer som låg till grund för arbetets empiri. Svaren kring innovation och arbetstillfredsställelse har sedan kunnat besvara frågeställningen och bemött syf

The influence of corporate brand reputation on the purchase intention of the post-postmodern consumer society

Thesis Purpose: The present research investigates the relationship between corporate brand reputation and consumer purchase intention while regarding to the post-postmodern consumer of today. The purpose of the study is to contribute with insights on how the post-postmodern consumer evaluates corporate brand reputation and explore the effect of this evaluation on consumer purchase intention. Meth

Legitimization and the digital transformation of the audit process, how the Big 4 audit firms are playing their roles.

Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to provide an understanding of the phenomenon of how do The Big four audit firms legitimize the digital transformation of the audit process in light of today's technological era. Methodology: I have executed a qualitative research strategy choosing a content analysis approach. Annual reports of the Big 4 and relevant articles were accumulated for this th

Automating a robot cell welding process

Idag fortsätter vikten av hållbar och effektiv energianvändning att växa. SWEP International AB leder utvecklingen och tillverkningen av lödda plattvärmeväxlare, som erbjuder en av de mest effektiva lösningarna för värme- och kylapplikationer till en bred mängd av olika system och industrier. I deras tillverkningsprocess svetsas bultar fast manuellt på värmeväxlarens yta och ett projekt med mål atToday, the importance of sustainable and effective energy usage is rapidly growing. SWEP International AB leads the manufacturing of brazed plate heat exchangers that offer effective heating and cooling applications used in a wide range of systems and industries. In their manufacturing process, stud bolts are manually welded onto the heat exchanger surface. A project to fully automate this process

Mental Health Matters: An Analysis of the European Union Discourse on Mental Health Since 2005

In recent decades, the need to tackle mental health issues and promote mental well-being has been increasingly put in the socio-political spotlight. As a first step towards creating a European strategy on mental health, the European Commission published the Green Paper, Improving the mental health of the population: Towards a strategy on mental health for the European Union in 2005. This master’s

The Impact of Trade Openness to Structural Transformation and Inequality: The Case of Indonesia

Despite achieving sustained growth for the past two decades, Indonesia is still regarded as a moderately high-inequality country. One of the most plausible explanations in the changing pattern of its structural transformation, which could be caused as a result of increasing global integration in Indonesia. Therefore, using panel data regression, this study aims to investigate the impact of trade o

It's A(c)crual World

Sammanfattning Titel: It’s A(c)crual World Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete på kandidatnivå i redovisning. 15 Högskolepoäng. Författare: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén och Oskar Åkesson Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Accrual Earnings Management, Principbaserad redovisning, Diskretionära periodiseringar, VD-byte, Stockholmsbörsen Forskningsfrågor: Förekommer det AEMAbstract Title: It’s A(c)crual World Seminar date: 3:rd of June 2022 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECST credits. Authors: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén and Oskar Åkesson Advisor: Maria Gårdängen Key words: Accrual Earnings Management, Principle-based Accounting, Discretionary Accruals, CEO-changes, Stockholm Stock Exchange Research question: Do

Success factors for market expansion of Western born global firms entering China

Title: Success factors for market expansion of Western born global firms entering China Author: Albin Björck Industrial Engineering and Management Lund University Faculty of Engineering Supervisor - LTH: Bertil I Nilsson Department of Industrial Management & Logistics Lund University Faculty of Engineering Supervisor - XXXXX: Rickard Mårtensson Head of APAC Development XXXXX Background: We

Helamalmö-modellen: Att skapa tillitsfulla relationer i politiskt försummade områden

Helamalmö is an organization working in politically neglected areas where they implement social solutions to social problems. This essay aims to study Helamalmö's structural work for social change and analyze how their relational work with children and youths contributes to the experience of safety, belonging and faith in the future. The results present empirical data collected through intervi

Djurgårdens IF - Supporterkultur : identitetsskapande och medieanvändning

I denna studie undersöks Djurgårdens IFs supportrars identitetsskapande och medieanvändning med syftet att ge ett nytt perspektiv inom forskning om den svenska supporterkulturens påverkan på individen. Tre kvalitativa intervjuer förs med hängivna fans av fotbollsklubben för att samla in empiriskt material. Materialet analyseras utifrån identitetsteori och det ritualistiska synsättet på kommunikati

Improvement of catalyst for oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of hydrogen

The polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is an energy conversion device that uses hydrogen as fuel to produce electrical energy. The fuel cell is, however, very sensitive toward CO, thus, amounts over 10 ppm will poison the Pt-based anode part of the fuel cell. Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO-PROX) is considered to be the most efficient way of eliminating CO to such low con

Time to prime: En studie i auditory & olfactory priming

New perspectives on how to best market your brand or products is an ever changing subject. A seemingly unnoticed development in the eyes of ordinary people has been that marketing psychology has become more and more potent in the industry of marketers and brand developers. Benefitting from unconscious behaviors and manipulation has created tools for companies and organizations that this paper is s