Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sällskapet 1964-2004. Föredrag vid Göran Bauer-symposiet i Lund den 21 april 2004
Papers from a conference commemorating Prof Göran Bauer.
Papers from a conference commemorating Prof Göran Bauer.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Digital (datorbaserad) teknik för bildframställning är idag regel för samtliga moderna modaliteter i diagnostisk radiologi, såsom ultraljud, datortomografi, magnetisk resonanstomografi, scintigrafi, och digital subtraktionsangiografi. Digital bildteknik medför fördelar vid bildbearbetning, demonstration, bildkommunikation, samt arkivering. Majoriteten av undersökningarThe aims of the study were to investigate the applications of digital radiography to musculoskeletal radiology. In the first part of the research, the diagnostic accuracy of digital images as compared to film-screen radiographs was studied and the spatial resolution requirements evaluated. Using computed radiography (CR), the pathological changes included were erosions, soft tissue swelling, peri
Popular Abstract in Swedish Barksprickor på bok och gran i södra Sverige. Jag har undersökt samband mellan barksprickor, frostkänslighet och näringsstatus hos bok och gran i södra Sverige, samt om åtgärder mot markförsurning och näringsobalans i form av kalkning och vitaliseringsgödsling kan minska trädens frostkänslighet och därmed minska uppkomsten av barksprickor. Frost kan skada den inre, leStrong temperature fluctuations and pathogen attacks can cause bark lesions, visible signs of wounds in the phloem and cambium. Pathogenic insects and fungi are able to invade lesions that have not healed, further increasing the damage. The ability of the tree to withstand climatic and biotic stress can be lowered by air pollution, especially N deposition, with subsequent alterations in the soil c
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens viktigaste hormon för längdtillväxt har följdriktigt kallats tillväxthormon (GH efter engelskans growth hormone). GH produceras i hypofysen som är en liten körtel belägen på hjärnans undersida, och utsöndras härifrån till blodbanan och når på så sätt kroppens olika organ, vävnader och celler. Vikten av normal tillförsel av GH illustreras av att överskott på GH Originally studying the molecular mechanisms for the insulin-like effects of growth hormone (GH), lipogenesis and antilipolysis, in isolated rat adipocytes we found that the GH receptor (GHR) was tyrosine phosphorylated in response to GH in cells that were responsive to these effects. Then, as Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) was described as a GH-stimulated and GHR-associated tyrosine kinase, we found that
Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta arbete handlar om utvecklingsneurobiologi. Ett långt ord men så beskriver det också precis vad det rör sig om: biologiska studier rörande nervsystemets utveckling. Generellt sett kan man säga att utvecklings-neurobiologisk forskning på lång sikt syftar till att förstå nervsystemets utveckling såpass väl att man skall kunna använda denna kunskap för att reparera etThe striatum is part of the telencephalon, the most anterior part of the vertebrate brain. From when it first can be identified, telencephalic morphology is highly complex and a wide range of mechanisms has been suggested to participate in its induction, patterning and neurogenesis. Sonic hedgehog (shh), a gene coding for a secreted protein has been suggested to be required for ventral telencephal
The near-edge fine structure of the F 1s absorption spectra of 3d metal fluorides was studied for the first time with high energy resolution. The spectra of these, the most ionic compounds of the 3d atoms, are analyzed comparing with the F 1s absorption spectrum of the molecular TiF62− anion in solid K2TiF6. The latter spectrum was afore interpreted considering the fluorine spectra of the molecula
The emphasis on the equal and eternal responsibility of subjects of different gender and social positions in M.F. Roos's dialogue books promoted a special combination of radical equality in anthropology and a conservative understanding of society. A Pietist teaching on salvation permeates the Orthodox principles on vocation in such a way, that the vocation to community life as a Christian farmer,
With the ultimate goal to study milk folate bioavailability, a reverse-phase HPLC technique was developed and compared with a radioprotein binding assay. All methods showed similar ranges for folates in cow’s milk, with the variation attributed to seasonal variations and the use of different starter cultures. Most cheese varieties contained slightly higher values for whey cream cheese. Studies usi
A key problem in studies of bilingual linguistic cognition is how to probe the details of underlying representations in order to gauge whether bilinguals' conceptualizations differ from those of monolinguals, and if so how. This chapter provides an overview of a line of studies that rely on speech-associated gestures to explore these issues. The gestures of adult monolingual native speakers differ
Projects often suffer from lack of logistics considerations in the early phases. Since logistics is not the main focus of the people involved in the project, logistics solutions become reactive rather than proactive. With the increasing global competition, forcing companies to shorten time-to-market for their projects and becoming more cost effective, it becomes increasingly important to manage pr
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under det senaste decenniet har risker med och alternativ till allogent blod (blod från främmande givare) debatterats mycket pga. risken för smitta, allergiska reaktioner, samt starka indicier som talar för att blod från främmande givare kan påverka immunförsvaret hos mottagaren. Därför vill man gärna begränsa mängden tillfört givarblod under kirurgiska ingrepp på barn,In children, it is often desirable to minimize allogenic blood transfusion, and this thesis explores the physiology of an alternative method of managing perioperative blood loss: hemodilution with Ringer´s dextran. Methods Clinical studies: Arterial pressure, superior caval venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) and blood lactate concentration (L) were studied during bone marrow harvesting (BMH) on 23
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING De två vanligaste orsakerna till operationer på blodkärlen är pulsåderförträngningar och pulsådervidgningar, så kallade aneurysm. Förträngningarna beror på åderförfettning eller förkalkning och orsakar en försämrad blodtillförsel bortom det förträngda partiet. Då hjärtats kranskärl är förträngda kan det resultera i kärlkramp, då benetsABSTRACT In humans, synthetic vascular grafts heal with a limited ingrowth of endothelium. This fact might be responsible for inferior performance of synthetic grafts compared with native artery.Endothelial cells can be autotransplanted (seeded) into the graft in an effort to improve graft function. The attachment of endothelial cells to different graft materials was investigated in vitro (I). In