Din sökning på "*" gav 531156 sökträffar
Sensitizing and protective substances in radiation therapy and predictive assays
In an investigation by the Swedish Cancer Society, an expert group described the present status, critical issues and future aspects and potentials for each of nine major areas of radiation therapy research. The present report deals with the use of sensitizing and protective substances in radiation therapy and predictive assays on normal tissues and tumour response.
Photosensitive copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide and methacryloyl derivative of spyrobenzopyran
The copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and methacryloyl derivative of spirobenzopyran (MSBP) with a molecular weight of 21 000 g/mol and the average molar MSBP content of 1.9% was prepared by free radical polymerization. The copolymer displayed its phase transition in water in the temperature range of 30-50 degreesC. UV irradiation of its aqueous solution caused photoinduced transformation
Improved xylose and arabinose utilization by an industrial recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain using evolutionary engineering
BACKGROUND: Cost-effective fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysate to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires efficient mixed sugar utilization. Notably, the rate and yield of xylose and arabinose co-fermentation to ethanol must be enhanced. RESULTS: Evolutionary engineering was used to improve the simultaneous conversion of xylose and arabinose to ethanol in a recombinant industrial Sacc
Patch Testing with a Textile Dye Mix in Two Concentrations: A Multicentre Study by the Swedish Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Disperse dyes, which are used for colouring synthetic textile fibres, are well-known contact sensitisers. To investigate the outcome of patch-testing with a textile dye mix (TDM) at 7 dermatology clinics in Sweden, a TDM tested at 2 concentrations was included into the baseline series during one year. The mix consisted of Disperse (D) Blue 35, D Yellow 3, D Orange 1 and 3, D Red 1 and 17, all 1.0%
Early intravesical epirubicin instillation after transurethral resection for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer is inefficient for recurrent tumours
Holding Cost Determination - an Activity Based Cost Approach
We consider the problem of choosing the holding cost in inventory models. Traditionally, the cost of holding inventory is assumed to increase linearly with a rate that is equal to a percentage of the product value. This since the capital cost is believed to make up the main part of the cost. However, recent research indicates that this is not necessarily the case. In the present work, we present a
Delayed manifestations of CNS effects in formerly exposed printers - A 20-year follow-up
Whether long-term occupational exposure to organic solvents may affect mental and cognitive functioning later in life, remains unclear. In this study, twelve rotogravure printers formerly exposed to toluene and 19 referents, all initially examined in the mid-1980s, were reexamined after twenty years, applying neuropsychological tests, symptoms and social interaction questionnaires, medical examina
Recension av The New Woman and the Aestethic Opening. Unlocking Gender in Twentieth-Century Texts (2004)
Calculation of the resistance to CSF outflow - Reply
Short-chain fatty acid content in the hindgut of rats fed various composite foods and commercial dietary fibre fractions from similar sources
The fermentability of indigestible carbohydrates and content of short-chain fatty acids along the hindgut of rats were investigated using plant materials of importance in the Swedish diet (instant potato powder, apples and oat flakes). Results with the composite food products were compared with commercial fibre fractions obtained from similar sources, ie potato fibre, apple pectin and beta-glucan-
Spacer and anchor effects on the electronic coupling in ruthenium-bis-terpyridine dye-sensitized TiO2 nanocrystals studied by DFT
Structural and electronic properties of TiO2 nanoparticles sensitized with a set of RuII(tpy)(2) based dyes have been investigated using density functional theory (DFT) calculations combined with time-dependent (TD) DFT calculations. The effects of carboxylic and phosphonic acid anchor groups, as well as a phenylene spacer group, on the optical properties of the dyes and the electronic interaction
Performance modeling and control of web servers
This thesis deals with the task of modeling a web server and designing a mechanism that can prevent the web server from being overloaded. Four papers are presented. The first paper gives an M/G/1/K processor sharing model of a single web server. The model is validated against measurements ands imulations on the commonly usedw eb server Apache. A description is given on how to calculate the necessar
(Recension av) Sverker Oredsson & Lars Andersson (red.), I historiens spegel. Långa linjer och tvärsnitt
Recension av Sverker Oredsson & Lars Andersson (red.), I historiens spegel. Långa linjer och tvärsnitt
Defect-Aware SOC Test Scheduling
In this paper we address the test scheduling problem for system-on-chip designs. Different from previous approaches where it is assumed that all tests will be performed until completion, we consider the cases where the test process will be terminated as soon as a defect is detected. This is common practice in production test of chips. The proposed technique takes into account the probability of de
Amos and I
Review of "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2011, ISBN 978-0-474-27563-1)
Long-term changes in dietary and food intake behaviour in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study
Aims To compare change in dietary intake, with an emphasis on food groups and food intake behaviour, over time across treatment arms in a diabetes prevention trial and to assess the differences in dietary intake among demographic groups within treatment arms. Methods Data are from the Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Participants were randomized to a life
Structural And Functional Features Of HDL From Carriers Of The R37X Mutation In CETP Gene
A study of the recovery of the dietary fibres from olive mill wastewater and the gelling ability of the soluble fibre fraction
A novel method of the recovery of a dietary fibre containing material from olive mill wastewater (OMW) was developed. Extraction was based on thermal treatment with mixtures of ethanol and acids, prior to the isolation of the alcohol insoluble residue (AIR). Different mixtures were tested and the extracted residues were characterized. The maximum AIR recovery accounted 64.8 g/100 g OMW dry matter,
The energetic cost of vision and the evolution of eyeless Mexican cavefish.
One hypothesis for the reduction of vision in cave animals, such as the eyeless Mexican cavefish, is the high energetic cost of neural tissue and low food availability in subterranean habitats. However, data on relative brain and eye mass in this species or on any measure of the energetic cost of neural tissue are not available, making it difficult to evaluate the "expensive tissue hypothesis." We