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Jakten på legitimitet - en kvalitativ studie om svenska organisationers CSR-kommunikation
Titel: Jakten på legitimitet - En kvalitativ studie om svenska organisationers CSR-kommunikation Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs:KSMK65/SMKK60 Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15hp, VT2022 Författare: Medina Hajra och Dafina Babaj Handledare: Mikael Bergmasth Datum: 2022-05-25 Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag
Bekämpa roten till det onda: Effekten av värmebehandling på parkslide
Värmebehandling av parkslide – ett nytt sätt att bekämpa ett växande problem Invasiva främmande växter hotar den lokala floran och kan vara besvärliga att bli av med. Särskilt en art sätter skräck i trädgårdsägare och husspekulanter, medan kommunekologer blir nedringda av oroliga medborgare. Alla undrar samma sak: hur bekämpar man parkslide? Denna studie visar nu hur värmebehandling kan vara ett The spread of invasive alien species is one of the five major drivers of biodiversity loss according to IPBES. Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica ) is one of the most difficult invasive species to get rid of in Sweden. Its aggressive way of growth outcompetes native plants and it even alters the soil chemistry around its massive system of underground stems, known as rhizomes. Methods such as h
Equality in the Animal Kingdom: Human Beings and Animals Negotiating Their Relationship in the P.L. Travers’ Mary Poppins Books
Pets, instruments, a source of food, objects of wonder - animals are still considered inferior beings because of their inability to speak. Animal rights philosophers, such as Peter Singer, focus on the capacity of animals to suffer, in order that animals are given more rights. However, the animals in the Mary Poppins books fight for their own rights, some of them having the capacity to speak. The
Digital natives’ experience of early and continuous exposure to pornography
With the technological advancements of the 21st century, online pornography has become increasingly available to children and adolescents, and this research aims to investigate how individuals who started watching pornography at an early age experience pornography. The study implements a phenomenological approach and is based on 13 qualitative interviews with participants who started watching p
Building Older Persons’ “Resilience” Through Old-Age Pension Schemes in Georgia
Older persons’ rights are increasingly penetrating the Human Rights discourse in response to the surging aging of the world population. Old-age pension schemes are designed to protect older persons against vulnerabilities once they resign from the job market. In 2018, Georgia adopted a new contributory Accumulated Old-age Pension scheme which operates alongside the existing non-contributory State
Acceptansens Paradox
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur bankanställda upplever och hanterar de förändringar som bankindustrin genomgått under de senaste decennierna. Denna studie har genomförts som en kvalitativ studie med en ontologisk utgångspunkt i det socialkonstruktionistiska. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts av bankanställda med mer än 20 års erfarenhet, och deras subjektiva upplevelser har anal
Augmented reality: En applikation som underlättar visningen av 3D-modeller i sjukvården
I denna rapport undersöks möjligheterna vid användning av HoloLens-2 i sjukvården. Rapporten beskriver en applikation som kan användas för att läsa in .obj-filer och visa dessa som 3D-modeller i augmented reality med hjälp av en HoloLens-2. 3D-modellerna som visas med hjälp av lösningen bidrar med en bättre helhetsbild än vad 2D-bilder kan göra då de kan skalas, roteras och positioneras av användaThis thesis examines the possibilities of using HoloLens-2 in healthcare. The thesis describes an application that can be used to load .obj files and display them as 3D models in augmented reality using a HoloLens-2. The 3D models displayed using the application contribute to a better understanding than traditional 2D images would, as the 3D model can be scaled, rotated and positioned by the user
En studie om Polismyndighetens brottsförebyggande arbete med hjälp av samverkan i Uddevalla kommun
This essay mainly examines the Police's crime prevention work in the city of Uddevalla. Through interviews and a document study, successes and setbacks in crime prevention work and collaboration between different actors are explored. Crime prevention is constantly evaluated, studied and examined, both internally and externally, but it appears that it is difficult to arrive at a clear answer ab
Electric Road Systems: A case study on the bridge of Öresund
Combustion of fossil fuels is single-handedly the largest contributor of global warming. The transportation sector is responsible for about a third of the greenhouse gas emissions yearly in Sweden. In turn, road traffic makes up the largest share within the transportation. The Swedish government has set out an ambitious goal to reduce domestic carbon emissions caused by the transportation sector
Ett flexibelt perspektiv på kreativitet och empati - Är perspektivtagande och empatisk omsorg relaterat till kreativitet och psykologisk flexibilitet?
I den här kandidatuppsatsen har relationerna mellan kognitiv empati (perspektivtagande), emotionell empati (empatisk omsorg), kreativitet och psykologisk flexibilitet undersökts. Hypoteserna för studien var att perspektivtagande har en positivt korrelation med både kreativitet och psykologisk flexibilitet, att empatisk omsorg korrelerar positivt med kreativitet och psykologisk flexibilitet, samt aIn this thesis, the relationship between cognitive empathy (perspective-taking), emotional empathy (empathetic concern), creativity and psychological flexibility was examined. The hypothesis for the study was that perspective-taking has a positive correlation with both creativity and psychological flexibility, that empathetic concern has a positive correlation with creativity and psychological fle
Spelar företaget säkert Gamification levlar upp inom informationssäkerhetsarbetet
Då användaren idag är den svagaste länken inom informationssäkerhet och den svaga punkten kopplat till utbildningen inom detta är bristande engagemang och motivation hos användaren. Gamification riktar sig mot att stärka just detta och är därför ett värdefullt verktyg. Men hur gamification verkligen används inom information security awareness utbildning är oklart. Därför har denna studie genomfört
Feeding the hungry or feeding dependency?
Is food aid a catalyst for recovery following external shocks? Can it serve community development in persistently food insecure areas in the long run, or does it create a dependency trap? This research aims to provide insights into these questions by conducting a case study of a soup kitchen in the South African township Masakhane that was established as an emergency response following COVID-19. T
Nedkastat och bortsuget: En studie om det nyinstallerade stationära sopsugssystemet i Brunnshög med fokus på hinder och möjligheter med systemet
För att världen ska kunna uppnå de antagna miljö- och klimatmålen och miljöanpassas, krävs nya innovativa lösningar och tekniska försörjningssystem som minskar hälso- och miljöpåverkan och som kan hantera de oförutsedda händelser klimatförändringen medför. I takt med att större avfallsvolymer genereras, ökar behovet av antalet sopbilar och därmed hämtningsintervallen. Till följd av detta ökar trafMajor revolutionary and technological developments have taken place in the world, yet developments in waste management in particular have been slower than others and remained more or less unchanged through the years. The Swedish company Envac invented the stationary automated vacuum waste collection system AVAC, an underground pipe network where waste is transported through a vacuum technique to a
Who am I without my stuff?
In a world where migration has dramatically increased over the last 30 years, migrant consumers have become an important market actor. When migrant consumers geographically relocate they potentially experience changes in their identity, while different factors influence their acculturation to the host culture. Consumer acculturation literature within Consumer Culture Theory has studied this topic
Energi- och fuktprestanda av isolerblock
Byggasjälv-lösningar är ett koncept som består av prefabricerade element som icke fackmannamässiga personer ska kunna uppföra. I denna rapport undersöks det belgiska företaget Gabloks produkter som bygger på byggasjälv-metoden. Undersökningen utreder hur en yttervägg bestående av Gabloks element ställer sig emot det svenska klimatet med avseende på fukt och energi. Av särskilt intresse är risken fSelf-building is a concept that consists of prefabricated elements where non- professionals should be able to assemble these elements. This report examines the Belgian company Gablok, which is based on the self-building method. The study investigates how the solution of Gablok performs in the Swedish climate with focus on moisture and energy. The report is based on manual calculations, simulations
Ornamentation in the Digital Age
Decoration has been central to architecture throughout history. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the question of ornament in architecture has been oscillating between the positions of redundant and essential. With rapid advances in computational technology, the practice of architecture has been provided with new tools for designing buildings. This thesis aims to examine how digital design
Indoor relative humidity levels and perceived symptoms in elderly homes in Sweden during winter season
For the sense of well-being and human health, a pleasant indoor environment is essential. Today, people spend about 90 % of their time indoors, meaning that they can be significantly affected by the buildings in which they spend most of their time. Older people are bound to spend more time indoors and also as they belong to the most sensitive age group, their indoor environments as elderly homes m
Designing and Implementing an Application for Data-driven Decision-making
Eftersom information blir mer och mer tillgänglig börjar företag idag leta efter potentiella sätt att använda informationen för att blir mer attraktiva på marknaden. Ett sätt att utnyttja informationen på är att stödja datadrivna beslut. Målet med detta examensarbetet är att utveckla och designa en applikation som underlättar datadrivna beslut för företaget Grade AB. Detta genom att erbjuda behövaWith data becoming more and more abundant, companies will want to use this data in meaningful ways to gain competitive advantages on the market. One way of utilizing the data is to make data-driven decisions, which is often called data-driven decision-making. The goal of this master's thesis is to develop and design an application for the company Grade AB to alleviate data-driven decisions mad
The New Labour Landscape in a Post COVID-19 Society: Comparing Service-Versus Product-Oriented Organisations
The impact of COVID-19 had unprecedented effects on the international labour market. Businesses went bankrupt, employees were fired, and organisations and employees had to adapt to swiftly working remotely from the office. Extensive studies have been conducted concerning the transition from in-person to remote work, but less so on how the transition from remote work to in-person work in a post-COV