

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Till det sociala arbetets försvar : - vad försvarar forskare och praktiker i socialt arbete?

Syftet med den här texten är att stå upp till det professionella sociala arbetets försvar genom ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till både forskare och socionomer/praktiker i socialt arbete. Vad gäller forskare riktas blicken framförallt mot forskarkarriären, och vad gäller socionomer uppmärksammas yrkesutövningen på den fältbaserade praktiken med fokus på kommunal aktivering av arbetslösa och brukar

Assessment and monitoring of reliability and robustness of offshore wind energy converters

The preseni paper provides an overview of existing approaches for design and assessment of offshore structures and on this basis proposes a framework for the risk based assessment and monitoring of the performance of offshore wind energy converters in operation. In recognition of the fact that there are presently no established best practices for the assessment and monitoring of offshore wind ener

Integrated monitoring systems for offshore wind turbines

Prototypes of wind turbines of the megawatt class are to be built and tested starting from 2008 at the German offshore wind energy test site in the North Sea. To ensure a high operational reliability of future generations of offshore wind conversion systems (OWEC) with economically acceptable repair and maintenance efforts, comprehensive diagnosis and supervision concepts are required. Automatic m

Unravelling molecular interactions in uracil clusters by XPS measurements assisted by ab initio and tight-binding simulations

The C, N and O 1s XPS spectra of uracil clusters in the gas phase have been measured. A new bottom-up approach, which relies on computational simulations starting from the crystallographic structure of uracil, has been adopted to interpret the measured spectra. This approach sheds light on the different molecular interactions (H-bond, π-stacking, dispersion interactions) at work in the cluster and

An information value guide for infrastructure design and operation executives – Fundamental idea & concept

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has been a subject of major international research in Civil Engineering structures mainly during the last 20 years. While in the beginning, SHM mainly focused on sensor developments, nowadays practical implications regarding the acquisition, collecting and processing of data are being addressed. Indeed, SHM systems have been evolving along the two last decades an

Risk and operation optimized damage detection and inspection systems

Damage detection systems are usually developed and optimized based on the methods of damage detection system reliability. This implies that the later purpose of a damage detection system namely e.g. the employment of the structural integrity management is not directly accounted for. This paper addresses thus the issue of optimizing a damage detection system in the perspective its utilization for t

Innovation studies: a North–South global perspective

The student of innovation studies is faced with a vast, multi-national and interdisciplinary field on which she must gain an overview and make a novel contribution. There exist a plethora of academic journals, networks, conferences and fora wherein researchers of innovation discuss and advance the topic. How to manage and understand this is a major challenge. This paper helps to make sense of this

American Judaism and the Second Vatican Council : The Response of the American Jewish Committee to Nostra Aetate

During the Second Vatican Council, American Jewish community members impacted the drafting of the declaration on the Catholic Church's attitude toward Jews and Judaism. This article explores the American Jewish Committee's reactions to the drafting and promulgation of the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate) and its contribution to establishing int

Multimodal soft tissue markers for bridging high-resolution diagnostic imaging with therapeutic intervention

Diagnostic imaging often outperforms the surgeon's ability to identify small structures during therapeutic procedures. Smart soft tissue markers that translate the sensitivity of diagnostic imaging into optimal therapeutic intervention are therefore highly warranted. This paper presents a unique adaptable liquid soft tissue marker system based on functionalized carbohydrates (Carbo-gel). The liqui

Articulation in time : Some word-initial segments in Swedish

Speech is both dynamic and distinctive at the same time. This implies a certain contradiction which has entertained researchers in phonetics and phonology for decades. The present dissertation assumes that articulation behaves as a function of time, and that we can find phonological structures in the dynamical systems. EMA is used to measure mechanical movements in Swedish speakers. The results sh

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Meet Innovation Systems : Synergies, policy Lessons, and Overlooked Dimensions

This book presents multidisciplinary research that expands our understanding of the innovation system (IS) and the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) perspectives on regional economic development. It critically reviews the two concepts and explores the promise and the limits of bridging IS and EE, particularly as applied outside of the bubbling global hubs or to the types of entrepreneurship different