Din sökning på "*" gav 533175 sökträffar
Comparison of diagnostic performance and fixation control of two automated perimeters
Action research as a tool of integrating research with a teacher education program
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Ever Renewing Regional Economies? Producer Services and Manufacturing in the Swedish System of Regions 1978-2002
Vad menar vi med tillgänglighet? Problematisering av problematiska begrepp.
Role of molecular size in ratchet fractionation
Svensk Straffrättskrönika 1991-2000
Fault Behavior of Wind Turbines
Popular Abstract in Swedish Andelen vindkraft i elnätet har ständigt ökat under de senaste åren. I många länder utgör idag vindkraften en betydande del av den totala elproduktionen. Detta gäller även vid störningar då vindkraftverk – precis som vattenkraftverk och kärnkraftverk – måste fortsätta bidra till balansen mellan elproduktion och förbrukning. De nya reglerna för anslutning av vindkraft tiSynchronous generators have always been the dominant generation type in the grid. This fact affected both planning and operation of power systems. With the fast increase of wind power share in the grid in the last decade, the situation is changing. In some countries wind power represents already a consistent amount of the total generation. Wind turbines can be classified as non-synchronous generat
Numerical investigation of the drying process of silica gel in supercritical carbon dioxide
The importance of local context in the planning of environmental projects: examples from two biogas cases
The planning of facilities to improve the environment is often carried through in the form of locally based construction projects. These projects can be complex, involving a variety of issues and a number of different actors from both the public and private sectors. By drawing on previous research on project planning, an analytical model for analysing the issues connected with the planning and imp
Sustainable Consumption and Production Tools
To develop communication as a professional tool - a way to allow for equivalence.
Distributed resource management using iterative gradient update synthesis
We consider load balancing on a network. Servers of limited bandwidth move a single commodity through a network of buffers (or queues) while external random processes generate and consume this commodity. Our contribution is a distributed algorithm for regulating the backlogs of these queues to a given reference while balancing the mean flow in the network. We formulate this as a fluid buffer regu
Symmetries of Schrödinger operator with point interactions
A general approach for sharp crystal phase switching in InAs, GaAs, InP and GaP nanowires using only group V flow
Onödig underhållning i historisk miljö
Towards a transnational system of supersites for forest monitoring and research in Europe - an overview on present state and future recommendations
The CD40 Receptor - Target,Tool and Technology
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt immunförsvar arbetar konstant med att skydda kroppen från olika föremål, t. ex. bakterier, virus, gifter och cancertumörer, som kan orsaka skada eller sjukdom. För att kunna försvara kroppen mot sådana föremål så har immunförsvaret tillgång till flera, oerhört effektiva, vapen. Det viktigt att immunförsvaret känner igen, och endast angriper, skadliga föremål, så atCD40 is a cell surface receptor of pivotal importance that is expressed on several of the cells in the immune system. It is critical for many important events, such as T cell dependent B cell activation, isotype switching, somatic mutation and generation of B cell memory. The central role of CD40 in the immune system makes it an ideal target for antibody based immunotherapy. This led us to charact