

Din sökning på "*" gav 535441 sökträffar

An integrated design of a machine with soft magnetic mouldable composite

This paper focuses on the design and the evaluation of a single-phase claw-pole machine that is integrated into a fan drive. The inner stator of the machine is manufactured by using a rotational moulding technology, which allows a high integrability when using plastic matrix Soft Magnetic Mouldable Composite - (SMC)-C-2. The goal of the design is to develop a fan integrated drive where the major a

Towards Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Operations - A Process Based Framework

This dissertation is about bridging the gap between strategy and operations in organizations. To bridge that gap, processes are viewed not only from an operational perspective but also from conceptual, as well as a hierarchical perspectives. Bridging the gap can furthermore make organizational change initiatives more logical, and simplify the development and usage of needed performance measurement

Våldets kön : kulturella föreställningar, funktioner och konsekvenser

Vi möter våld i någon form dagligen, om inte som ”offer” eller ”förövare”, så när vi läser tidningen, tittar på tv eller går på bio. Hela världen kan förefalla organiserad med utgångspunkt i våld. Med våld upprätthålls stater, grupphierarkier och individuella maktpositioner. Merparten av våldsutövarna är män liksom hälften av offren. Den andra hälften av offren är kvinnor och barn. Det här mönstre

Microcalorimetric methods for direct measurement of solubility and solvent activity

New calorimetric methods for direct measurement of solubility and solvent activity are presented. The classical role of calorimetry for measurements of enthalpic parameters is abandoned and the technique is instead used for assessing thermodynamic quantities related to the chemical potential of a substance in a solution. Isothermal calorimetry is here employed as a general analytical method where

A Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Macroeconomic Challenges and Opportunities

In this chapter we emphasize the importance of recognizing the interdependence among exchange rates, interest rates and inflation rates in measuring corporate exposure. First, several issues relating to management’s views of the macroeconomic environment, as well as the firm’s objective and structure will be discussed. These issues must be addressed before multiple regression analysis can be imple

Psychoacoustics and hallucinating schizophrenics. A psychobiological approach to schizophrenia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Psykoakustik och hallucinerande schizofrena Hallucinationer för hörseln är ett stort problem vid schizofreni. Många har försökt förklara men ingen lyckats. Denna avhandling påvisar avvikelser vid schizofrenisjukdomen vilka kan utgöra grundstenar för framtida förståelse av detta plågsamma symptom. Vad är psykoakustik ? Psykoakustik kan beskrivas som psykofysiska studiePsychoacoustic experiments have been conducted for schizophrenic patients with auditory hallucinations in their case history and for reference subjects. The aim of the thesis has been to assess differences between the two groups of subjects. The experiments consisted of tests on perceptual grouping mechanisms measuring how sound with high and low pitches is separated into perceptual streams (Study

Kan riskbedömare och riskhanterare leva åtskilda?

I det här kapitlet tar vi upp två vetenskapsteoretiska problem med att skilja mellan riskbedömning och riskhantering som har med ”externt” inflytande att göra. Den ena formen av inflytande begränsar våra möjligheter att genomföra en forskningsuppgift. Den andra formen har med utgångspunkten eller frågeställningen för vår forskning att skaffa. Även i de fall där vetenskapen drivs helt av forskarens

Importers, Exporters and Multinationals: Exploring the Hierarchy of International Linkages

The purpose of this paper is to empirically explore two dimensions of the firm hierarchy of international market-specific linkages using data for Swedish manufacturing firms over the 1997 to 2007 period. First, we investigate the productivity ordering with respect to importing, exporting and investing abroad. Second, we investigate the productivity ordering with respect to linkage complexity (i.e.