

Din sökning på "*" gav 530855 sökträffar

Sporadic event-based control of first-order linear stochastic systems

The standard approach in computer-controlled systems is to sample and control periodically. In certain applications, such as networked control systems orenergy-constrained systems, it could be advantageous to instead use event-based control schemes. Aperiodic event-based control of first-order stochastic systems has been investigated in previous work. In any real implementation, however, it is nec

Glycoproteomic identification of galectin-3 and -8 ligands in bronchoalveolar lavage of mild asthmatics and healthy subjects.

BACKGROUND: Galectins, a family of small carbohydrate binding proteins, have been implicated in regulation of inflammatory reactions, including asthma and fibrosis in the lungs. Galectins are found in cells of the airways and in airway secretions, but their glycoprotein ligands there have only been studied to a very limited extent. METHODS: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from mild asthmatics a

Scaling analyses of high-resolution dye tracer experiments

Four unsaturated solute transport experiments with different water fluxes were conducted in a Hele-Shaw cell filled with uniform sand. The transport of the dye tracer used was recorded with a camera and the dye concentration was calculated using image analysis. The concentrations fields were analysed in terms of time moments and converted into vertical solute transport velocity V. Both mean value

Floods and health in Gambella region, Ethiopia: a qualitative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of coping mechanisms.

BACKGROUND: Floods are the most frequent and devastating type of natural disaster worldwide, causing unprecedented deaths, diseases, and destruction of property and crops. Flooding has a greater impact in developing countries due to lack of sufficient disaster management structures and a lack of economic resources. OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted with the aim of contributing to the knowledge b

Scaphoid Fractures - epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Båtbenet är ett lite ben i handloven som är väsentlig för handledens funktion. Båtbenet kan skadas om man ramlar och tar emot med handen, och den skadade är ofta en ung man, som inte sällan håller på med sport. Man ser ingen felställning på handledens utsida, men patienten upplever ofta smärta på handledens tummsida. Röntgen har svårt att påvisa ett brott, eftersom båtbAbstract The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. The diagnosis is difficult and untreated the long-term results are poor. Approximately 10% do not unite even if they are treated properly. The aim of this thesis was to study scaphoid fracture epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. During a four-year period (2004-03-01 to 2008-02-28) all patients attending the Emergency Department a

Kvinnors rättigheter engagerar muslimska Indonesien

I Indonesien pågår en livlig aktivitet kring hur man bör tolka kvinnors rättigheter inom den muslimska läran. Insikten om genus betydelse står högt på agendan inom forskning och utbildning; vid flera universitet skrivs kursplaner och kurslitteratur utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Även utanför akademien pågår islambaserat arbete för att stärka kvinnors rättigheter. Ett exempel är information om hiv oc

BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Danish families with hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer

A national study of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Danish HBOC (Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer) families revealed a total number of 322 mutation positive families, 206 (64%) BRCA1 and 116 (36%) BRCA2 positive families from a population of 5.5 million inhabitants. Seven hundred and twenty six mutation positive individuals were identified: 402 female BRCAl carriers, 79 male BRCAl carriers, 213 femal

Investigation of interface properties of Ni/Cu multilayers by high kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy

High kinetic-energy photoelectron spectroscopy (HIKE) or hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to investigate the alloying of Ni/Cu (100) multilayers. Relative intensities of the corelevels and their chemical shifts derived from binding energy changes are shown to give precise information on physicochemical properties and quality of the buried layers. Interface roughening, including

User involvement in service delivery predicts outcomes of assistive technology use: A cross-sectional study in Bangladesh

Background: Knowledge about the relation between user involvement in the provision of assistive technology and outcomes of assistive technology use is a prerequisite for the development of efficient service delivery strategies. However, current knowledge is limited, particularly from low-income countries where affordability is an issue. The objective was therefore to explore the relation between o

Major earthquake at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Lake Vattern, southern Sweden

Lake Vattern, Sweden, is within a graben that formed through rifting along the boundary between two Precambrian terrains. Geophysical mapping and geological coring show that substantial tectonic movements along the Lake Vattern graben occurred at the very onset of the Holocene. This is evident from deformation structures in the soft sediment accumulated on the lake floor. Our interpretation of the

Proliferation, migration and differentiation of ependymal region neural progenitor cells in the brainstem after hypoglossal nerve avulsion

Purpose: Cells in the ependymal region in the adult central nervous system (CNS) have been found to possess neural progenitor cell (NPC) like features including capacity for generating new neurons and glia in response to injury and inflammatory disease. Whether these cells are activated after a peripheral nerve injury has not previously been extensively evaluated. Methods: We investigate the possi

Consistent habitat use across biogeographic gradients

Biogeographic gradients may facilitate divergent evolution between populations of the same species, leading to geographic variation and possibly reproductive isolation. Previous work has shown that New Zealand triplefin species (family Tripterygiidae) have diversified in habitat use, however, knowledge about the consistency of this pattern throughout their geographic range is lacking. Here we exam

Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation for bioethanol production using corncobs at lab, PDU and demo scales

Background: While simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF) is considered to be a promising process for bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials to ethanol, there are still relatively little demo-plant data and operating experiences reported in the literature. In the current work, we designed a SSCF process and scaled up from lab to demo scale reaching 4% (w/v) ethanol using xylos