

Din sökning på "*" gav 530391 sökträffar

“En konstant analys av vår omvärld”

Bakgrund och problemformulering: Omvärlden påverkas ständigt av förändringar i form av exempelvis trender och teknologiska utvecklingar som sker i snabbare takt. Det har därför blivit allt viktigare för företag att kunna analysera och förutspå sin omgivning för att bättre förstå i vilken riktning den rör sig i. Detta arbete studerar tillvägagångssättet vid omvärldsanalys inom svensk livsmedelsinduBackground and problem: The environment is constantly affected by changes in forms of trends and technological developments. It has therefore become increasingly important for companies to be able to analyze and predict their environment to better understand in which direction it will go in the future. This thesis paper studies the process of Business Intelligence within the Swedish food industry

Entreprenörs ansvar för fel och skada inom entreprenadrätten

I Sverige överenskommes årligen tusentals uppdrag som kan hänföras till området för entreprenader. Entreprenaduppdrag kan vara alltifrån mindre åtaganden till omfattande arbeten med höga kontraktsbelopp. Eftersom dessa arbeten faller utanför KöpL tillämpningsområde uppkommer ett behov av reglering vilket görs inom ramen för den så kallade entreprenadrätten. Entreprenadrätten har i brist på lagreglYearly, thousands of transactions in Sweden can be related to construction of some kind. These constructions can be very various in scope, everything from small undertakings, to extensive long term assignments. Since general purchasing laws of Sweden are not applicable for constructions, there is a need for regulation concerning these assignments. Consequently, a standard agreement – ‘Allmänna Bes

Human Rights Protection by State and Non-State Actors

Can a more universal human rights protection be achieved through the concept of common heritage of mankind? Knowing that this concept is previously only known by its use with regard to the deep sea-bed or by the attempt the international community made for the application with reference to the moon and other celestial bodies, it might be hard to grasp that this unconventional theory can be applied

Handikappråd - från trottoarkant till policydokument : En undersökning av de kommunala handikappråden i Blekinge

Abstract Author: Birgitta Nilsson Title: Council for the disabled – from curbstone to policy document. A survey of community councils for the disabled in Blekinge [translated title] Supervisor: Stig Linde Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort This is a study of community councils for the disabled in Blekinge County. The overall aim is to investigate the possibilities of representatives of the disability organi

In-depth studies on sex trafficking in women: the case of justice response, jurisprudence and human rights in Southeastern Europe

Sex trafficking has from six hundred thousand to four million victims each year (McCabe and Manian, 2010: 41-43). Because of different legal barriers, sex trafficking is closely associated with organized crime; crime victims often do not search for support from legal systems, law enforcement authorities, or other officials (ibid.) This thesis was to understand how law affects the ability of preven

RGE properties of 2HDM in relation to data on B->Dtu

In this thesis we investigate the properties of a specific two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) that can be used to explain the data on B->Dtu and B->D*tu, which deviate from the Standard Model (SM) by 3.4 sigma. The 2HDM is the simplest extension of the Standard model scalar sector. Phenomenologically it is very rich with 4 new Higgs bosons: 2 neutral and an electromagnetic charged pair. The 2HDMs exhi

Fördelar och nackdelar med virtuell obduktion kontra klinisk obduktion - en litteraturstudie

Klinisk obduktion är idag det mest använda verktyget för att avgöra en avliden människas dödsorsak. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att jämföra för- och nackdelar med virtuell obduktion kontra klinisk obduktion i dödsorsaksutredningen. Analys har genomförts av 12 artiklar där relevant resultat har framtagits. Resultatet visade att virtuell obduktion både har sina för- och nackdelar jämfört med kl

Gemenskap, närvaro och trygghet. - En kvalitativ studie om sex nyblivna chefers utveckling i ett ledarskapsprogram.

Detta är en kvalitativ studie om sex chefer i olika företag, både inom privat och offentlig sektor. Cheferna hade alla deltagit i ett utvecklingsprogram anordnat av MiL Institute, ett svenskt företag som bedriver ledarskapsutveckling. Syftet med studien var att undersöka chefernas upplevelse av att delta i programmet och hur de ser på sin roll som ledare. Denna studie använde en metod inspirerad aThis is a qualitative study conducted on six managers in different enterprises both within private and public sector. The managers had all participated in a development program hosted by the MiL Institute, a Swedish company conducting leadership development. The aim of the study was to examine the manager’s experience in participating in the program and how they see their role as a leader. Th

Brand follows Form

I was interested in the impact that brand values have on design and vice versa. So I created this project to explore what the outcome of a product design would be when designing from the brand values. The brand chosen to work with is Swedish outdoor brand Fjällräven. And the work was conducted by first doing research about the brand, what values they project and what values that are perceived by

Musikaliska rum för kvinnliga instrumentalister inom pop/rock/jazz

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka fyra olika organisationer eller föreningars syfte med att rikta sig mot tjejer/kvinnor inom pop/rock/jazz. Jag har gjort kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra personer som jobbar eller har jobbat inom organisationer eller föreningar som vill stärka flickor och kvinnors möjligheter att spela och skapa musik. De har fått representera respektive verksamhet men har oThe aim of this study is to investigate four different organisations or associations purpose to target women within pop/rock/jazz. I have conducted qualitative interviews with four persons who work or have worked within the organisations or associations I’ve picked out for my study. They have represented their respective field and have also given their own answers as private persons about their vi

An improvement to Global Tractography Using Anatomical Priors

Tractography is a visualization technique which reconstructs and models neural fibers in the white matter of the brain based on data from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. It is already used locally to model parts of dominant fiber pathways but global methods are also emerging which aim to reconstruct all the brain fibers simultaneously. In this thesis we have attempted to improve the current

The Potential Catalytic Role of Green Entrepreneurship – Technological Eco–Innovations and Ecopreneurs’ Acts – in the Structural Transformation to a Low–Carbon or Green Economy: A Foucauldian Discursive Approach

Green entrepreneurship – technological eco–innovations and ecopreneurs’ acts – has recently received much attention from European policymakers as one promising response to the challenges of sustainable economic development due to its potential to catalyze and build a low–carbon or green economy. This topical relationship between green entrepreneurship and sustainable economy has also gained increa

Effectiveness of precise and less precise arguments in the wake of happy mood

This study aims to investigate how people agree to precise and less precise arguments and if happy mood affects the agreement to precise and less precise arguments. Four hundred and forty three participants were recruited through Facebook and were randomly divided into the two conditions happy mood condition and neutral mood condition. Participants in both conditions read a scenario where an eyewi

Visualising and scaling information in a flight operations schedule

Flygprestanda AB supplies IT services for airline operations, management and control. The system delivered to facilitate this is the Flight Operation Control System or FOCS. This thesis addresses the Schedule View service included in the FOCS system. The Schedule View is a tool where the user gets an overview of aircrafts and planned flights. In addition aircrafts and flights can be added and modi

Privat-offentlig samverkan kring risker och sårbarheter – En utvärdering av samverkan somverktyg för aggregering av information

The aim and purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the utilization of private-public collaboration of the exchange of information on risks and vulnerabilities concerning food supply in Sweden, with a view to provide the participants with recommendations on how to improve or how to initiate this collaboration. The study consists of interviews with respondents from Swedish municipalities, one Swedish

Phenotypic variability in Scrippsiella aff. hangoei (Dinophyceae) in response to salinity

Popular science summary Salinity has been identified as an important factor in governing both growth and distribution of phytoplankton in marine and brackish ecosystems. In my thesis work I investigated the salinity tolerance and growth rate of the cold-water dinoflagellate Scrippsiella aff. hangoei from an Antarctic population. The work was carried out at the Department of Biology at Lund Univer

Functional diversity of evertebrates in different types of beech forest in southern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: De skånska bokskogarna. Vad kan krypen säga? Det är mycket som påverkar våra skogar i dag. Vägar som delar upp dem i mindre delar och lantbruk och kvävenedfall som stör balansen för vad som ska växa i skogens utkanter med sin gödsling. Även trafiken påverkar genom att kväveoxiderna i avgaserna har en gödande effekt. Skogens hälsa påverkas självklart av detta, Abstract Deforestation, fragmentation and loss of biodiversity, all are elements that are common today. With this project I want to evaluate if there is a difference in functional diversity of evertebrates between beech stands of low herb and shrub type beech forest. I also want to test if there is a difference within tested areas between low herb and shrub type forests, but also if here is a dif

In Vitro Studies on the Uptake of Ion-X-Gel Precursor and SPIO by Various Cell Types

Popular science summary: The Battle Against Cancer Daily, people are diagnosed with cancer, a disease that brings suffering and despair. I'm sure you have heard about chemotherapy and radiation as a way of trying to treat cancer, but it is equally important to find an effective method to quickly and reliably detect a tumor at an early stage, before it is too late. In my master's thesis,

“We will be there soon. Sawa*? Sawa?” A study on increased ICT use among secondary school students in Mutomo

Africa stands on the doorstep of a global information revolution that presents a range of opportu-nities. ICT has enormous potential to contribute to the development of Africa, both on an indi-vidual and societal level. The purpose of this study is to examine what effect increased ICT use has on secondary school students in Mutomo, Kenya. Furthermore the study presents a mapping of the secondary s

Ett planeringsverktyg för urbana ekosystemtjänster - En länk mellan naturvetenskap och beslutsfattande

This master thesis explores the concept of ecosystem services, in the context of urban planning in Swedish municipalities, with the purpose of putting together a planning development tool for urban ecosystem services. The working process consisted of three steps: (1) to identify problems in the Swedish planning process, (2) to identify relevant aspects of ecosystem services and comprehensive plann