

Din sökning på "*" gav 530391 sökträffar

DIY Performance Culture of Folkets Park, Malmö : Creative Play, Community and Ownership of Public Space

DIY Performance Culture in Folkets Park. Ian Muller This thesis is a qualitative applied cultural analysis of Folkets Park, Malmö: specifically Do It Yourself (DIY) creative theatrical performance as a form of playing. During the summer of 2012, over 1,000 quantitative Social Return on Investment surveys were collected for the city to assess the park’s ‘value’ to visitors compared to the municip

VD-avtal och dess betydelse för anställningstryggheten

The employment law in Sweden is very extensive compared to other countries. My aim with this essay is to compare the employment law for an employee with the employment protection for a CEO. The CEO is not protected by the employment Protection Act and therefore his terms of employment are completely up to the agreement he signs when he begins his employment. To do this I need to recite the main p

Protection of taxpayer rights in the international information exchange environment

The paper intends to shed some light on the means that are in force for taxpayer protection since many developments have taken place recently that created uncertainty in this context. Further it seeks to draw more attention to the deficiencies in legislation that taxpayers face when their data is exchanged beyond borders. It is aimed at determining whether current (and accordingly the emerging aut

Forecasting Model of Electricity Demand in the Nordic Countries

A model implemented in order to describe the electricity demand on hourly basis for the Nordic countries. The objective of this project is to use the demand data simulated from the model as input data in the price forecast model, EMPS model, at Vattenfall. The time horizon is 5 years, 6 years including the current year. After different models tried out, the final model is described by fundamental

Optimization of paper pulp production using Artificial Neural Networks and Simulated Annealing

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of optimizing the production of paper pulp in a Conical Disc (CD) refiner for different production rates, taking into account the variables that are thought to be the most important for the production. These include three separate dilution waters, conical disc gap and flat gap. Another task is to compare the values of these variables af

M-step Bootstrap Percolation on Z1

We study an extended bootstrap percolation process in several steps in dimension one, assuming noncyclic boundary conditions. We study the asymptotic behavior of the process as the size of the underlying graph goes to innity. We nd a phase transition with respect to the initial conditions. The phase diagram on the set of initial conditionals of the extended process is described completely. This pr

Lesbian Life in Malawi : an Intersectional Study of Repressive and Constructive Power

This thesis identifies a set of power relations that complicates Western aid to African gay movements. It is a cultural analysis focusing on lesbians living in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, aiming to explore the tensions between discourses of power in play, from a post colonial and intersectional perspective. The use of queer theory makes similarities between traditional non-conforming sexualit

Assessment of the newly reintroduced beavers (Castor fiber) in Denmark and their habitat demands

Popular science summary: Beavers are back in Denmark The beaver Castor fiber is an animal which used to be common in most places all over Europe. The beaver has also been an important resource for humans, where especially the meat, the thick fur and the castoreum, a secretion that was used by humans in perfume, medicines and food, was wanted. Therefore, hunting by humans has been the main reason

Tillsammans: En kvalitativ studie av deltagande föräldra

This essay strives to find parent’s role both on group lessons for youths who play guitar, in which the parents too are active students, and in the children’s practice. Are there parents who are more or less involved in their child’s learning process outside the lessons? In what aspect and how have the parent been involved in its child’s learning process, outside the lessons? Have they been involv

Innanför och utanför musiken

Syftet med undersökningen är att skapa pedagogiska verktyg som kan användas i de fall elever är kritiska till sina egna framträdanden. För att göra detta jämförs huruvida det finns skillnad i en ensembles upplevelse av sitt eget framträdande direkt efter de spelat och en månad senare, när ensemblen ser en videovisning av samma uppspel. Ensemblen intervjuas först direkt efter framträdandet och sedaThis survey aims to create educational tools that can be used in cases where students are critical of their own performances. To make this comparison an ensemble will be interviewed directly after a performance. A second interview was made one month later, after seeing a video of the performance, and a third interview after being read a summary of the first interview and being shown the video a se

Bland kvinter, noder och neuroner: En litteraturstudie av forskning och pedagogisk litteratur med fokus på musikaliskt gehör

Gehörsundervisning är ofta obligatoriskt i musikutbildningar. Trots att många moment inom gehörsundervisning, såsom prima vista-sång, kräver en mängd kognitiva färdigheter visar tidigare forskning att den kognitiva sidan av gehör sällan behandlas inom musikpedagogiken. I studien analyseras forskningsresultat från musikpedagogik och mer kognitionsinriktad forskning för att undersöka i vad mån resulEar training (E.T.) is often mandatory in music educations. Although activities in E.T., like sight-singing, requires a number of cognitive skills previous studies report that the cognitive aspect of E.T. is rarely addressed in music pedagogy. The study analyses research related to E.T. from additional scientific disciplines, that generally focusses on cognitive skills, in order to investigate to

Taking Health Care to the Day Shift : A Pilot for a New Health Care Service in Neighborhood Pubs

This thesis is based on an ethnographic research on the role of health and public health care in neighborhood pubs in Helsinki. The goal was to understand why potential customers of the public health care services do not utilize the services offered. Based on the new understanding generated, a pilot health care service was developed in cooperation with two pubs, municipal health care, and the nurs

CP violation in QCD, axions and possible connections to dark matter

The strong CP problem and its solution are treated on the undergraduate level. We first review the theoretical background of symmetry and symmetry breaking in particle physics. The Goldstone model is treated for several simple systems: the linear sigma model, the Higgs mechanism and the interpretation of pions as pseudo-Goldstone bosons in QCD. The problem of lack of CP-violation in strong interac

Social Capital and Self-Rated Health. An IV Analysis

This paper studies the contextual effects of social capital on individual self-rated health in a cross sectional analysis using individual level data from 44 European Countries. The question is addressed with an Ordinary Least Squares regression as well as an Instrumental Variable analysis. A contextual effect of social capital on individual self-rated health is found and the findings imply that h

Crisis communication during veldfires – A study of the communication between the different

Veldfires occur as seasonal events in South Africa. During veldfires, the relationship between the fire actors and the affected population is important to the crisis communication. In the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality there are primarily three fire actors: the fire brigade, the Fire Protection Association (FPA) and Working on Fire (WoF). The aim of the study is to explore the communicat

På spaning efter universitetet - Om forskning och högre utbildning i den globala kunskapsekonomin

I denna uppsats undersöks hur sociala, politiska och ekonomiska förändringar kommit att forma dagens moderna universitet. Detta i bemärkelser som forskning, undervisning och lärar – och forskarprofessionen. Genom en studie av aktuell litteratur på området, kombinerat med intervjuer med representanter från några av Lunds universitets fakulteter, har vi diskuterat hur man idag betraktar frågor som s

Anti-subsidies kontra internalisering av externaliteter - en fallstudie i EU:s CVD på kinesiska solpaneler

This paper discusses the potential economic consequences of the countervailing duty imposed on solar panels imported from China by the EU. The paper is motivated by recent studies that indicate potential future costs from a world energy market that is characterized by technics that give rise to high relative levels of carbon dioxide. The intention is to discuss the potential effect that countervai