

Din sökning på "*" gav 534860 sökträffar

Gold-free GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructure nanowires grown on silicon

Growth of GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructure nanowires on silicon without the need for gold seed particles is presented. A high vertical yield of GaAs nanowires is first obtained, and then GaAsxSb1-x segments are successfully grown axially in these nanowires. GaAsSb can also be integrated as a shell around the GaAs core. Finally, two GaAsSb segments are grown inside a GaAs nanowire and passivated using a

Measurements of household electricity and domestic hot water use in dwellings and the effect of different monitoring time resolution

The use of household electricity and domestic hot water has been measured for 72 apartments in an apartment building located in the south of Sweden. The measurements were carried out with samples every 6 s, a tenfold increase in resolution compared to available published data, during a measurement period of five days, in the winter season, including a weekend. The influence of the time resolution

Romberg ratio in quiet stance posturography-Test to retest reliability.

We investigated test to retest reliability and intraindividual variability of Romberg ratios in quiet stance posturography. Thirty-six healthy young adults (17 males, 19 females aged 15-38 years) were divided into 3 groups with different time-intervals between consecutive trials (20min, 3h and 24h respectively). Each group performed 5 posturography recordings in a randomized order of eyes open (EO

The package logic: A study on value creation and knowledge flows

The analysis of how value is created is often associated with the value chain, a framework that aligns resources and activities into deliveries. However, it is questionable whether the value chain logic is applicable to all firms. As a consequence, the value shop model has been suggested to meet the critique of the chain logic. This article addresses the topic of value creation logics and value co

Constraint Programming Approach to Reconfigurable Processor Extension Generation and Application Compilation

Abstract in UndeterminedIn this article, we present a constraint programming approach for solving hard design problems present when automatically designing specialized processor extensions. Specifically, we discuss our approach for automatic selection and synthesis of processor extensions as well as efficient application compilation for these newly generated extensions. The discussed approach is i

Blanket peat biome endangered by climate change

Blanket bog is a highly distinctive biome restricted to disjunct hyperoceanic regions. It is characterized by a landscape covering of peat broken only by the steepest slopes(1). Plant and microbial life are adapted to anoxia, low pH and low nutrient availability. Plant productivity exceeds soil organic matter decomposition, so carbon is sequestered over time. Unique climatic requirements, includin

Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR

The nucleosynthesis of elements beyond iron is dominated by neutron captures in the s and r processes. However, 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes cannot be formed during those processes, because they are shielded from the s-process flow and r-process beta-decay chains. These nuclei are attributed to the p and rp process. For all those processes, current research in nuclear astrophysics addresses the

Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments.

A measurement of the Higgs boson mass is presented based on the combined data samples of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the CERN LHC in the H→γγ and H→ZZ→4ℓ decay channels. The results are obtained from a simultaneous fit to the reconstructed invariant mass peaks in the two channels and for the two experiments. The measured masses from the individual channels and the two experiments are found to

Role of WT1-ZNF224 interaction in the expression of apoptosis-regulating genes

The transcription factor Wilms tumor gene 1, WT1, is implicated both in normal developmental processes and in the generation of a variety of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Physical interactions of other cellular proteins with WT1 are known to modulate its function. We previously identified the Krppel-like zinc-finger protein, ZNF224, as a novel human WT1-associating protein that enha

The thickness of native oxides on aluminum alloys and single crystals

We present results from measurements of the native oxide film thickness on four different industrial aluminum alloys and three different aluminum single crystals. The thicknesses were determined using X-ray reflectivity, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, atomic force microscopy was used for micro-structural studies of the oxide surfaces. The

Longitudinal displacement and intramural shear strain of the porcine carotid artery undergo profound changes in response to catecholamines

Ahlgren AR, Cinthio M, Steen S, Nilsson T, Sjoberg T, Persson HW, Lindstrom K. Longitudinal displacement and intramural shear strain of the porcine carotid artery undergo profound changes in response to catecholamines. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 302: H1102-H1115, 2012. First published December 23, 2011; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00470.2011.-The effects of catecholamines on longitudinal displacemen

Visualization and understanding of combustion processes using spatially and temporally resolved laser diagnostic techniques

Laser diagnostic techniques have for more than 30 years added very valuable input for a deepened understanding of combustion processes. The present paper will focus on techniques developed for visualization of important parameters with the ability to get detailed information in space and time. The paper is not meant to be a complete review of the entire research field but rather a survey with a ma

Stochastic demography and population dynamics in the red kangaroo Macropus rufus.

1. Many organisms inhabit strongly fluctuating environments but their demography and population dynamics are often analysed using deterministic models and elasticity analysis, where elasticity is defined as the proportional change in population growth rate caused by a proportional change in a vital rate. Deterministic analyses may not necessarily be informative because large variation in a vital r

Is leadership a visible phenomenon? On the (im)possibility of studying leadership

This paper draws on Jean–Luc Marion's notion of non–objective phenomena to discuss the difficulty of studying leadership. Marion conceptualises non–objective phenomena as phenomena that cannot be captured by scientific methods. Attempts to do so result in a poor understanding of the phenomenon as it gives itself. Put differently: non–objective phenomena remain invisible to the gaze of the research

Reusing and Retargeting On-Chip Instrument Access Procedures in IEEE P1687

Modern chips may contain a large number of embedded test, debugging, configuration, and monitoring features, called instruments. An instrument and its instrument access procedures may be pre-developed and reused, and each instrument—in different chips and through the life-time of a chip—may be accessed in different ways, which requires retargeting. To address reuse and retargeting of instrument ac

The effects of aeration on growth and toxicity of Prymnesium parvum grown with and without algal prey

We investigated the effects of aeration on growth and toxicity of the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum in the presence and absence of the algal prey Rhodomonas sauna. Batch monocultures of P-limited P. parvum and N and P sufficient R. sauna and mixed cultures of the two microalgae were grown with no, low (20) and high (100) ml min(-1) aeration for 18 days. Cell growth of P. parvum and R. salina and ce

Trans-ancestry genome-wide association study identifies 12 genetic loci influencing blood pressure and implicates a role for DNA methylation.

We carried out a trans-ancestry genome-wide association and replication study of blood pressure phenotypes among up to 320,251 individuals of East Asian, European and South Asian ancestry. We find genetic variants at 12 new loci to be associated with blood pressure (P = 3.9 × 10(-11) to 5.0 × 10(-21)). The sentinel blood pressure SNPs are enriched for association with DNA methylation at multiple n