

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Hållbar butik En inblick i svenska dagligvaruhandlares arbete och utmaningar med butikens sortiment av hållbara produkter

Unsustainable consumption and production patterns is one of the main contributors to environmental degradation and one of the key areas are food consumption together with housing and transport. Because of the retailers strategic position between the consumers and producers they are appointed a key role in the transition to more sustainable consumption. The purpose of this study is to contribute to

Royalties mellan närstående företag- internprissättning

Syftet med arbetet är att belysa den gällande rätten för beskattning av royalties enligt svensk intern rätt, men även hur området förhåller sig till internationella regler. Royalty är en betalningsform som är aktuell i internprissättningsområdet för internationellt verksamma företag vid överföring och nyttjande av immateriella tillgångar. Syftet är därmed att ta reda på när korrigeringsregel kan t

Lyxaktier - en studie om lyxaktiers risk och Sharpekvot

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida så kallade ”lyxaktier” är mindre riskabla än andra aktier och om de i så fall även har högre Sharpekvot. Utöver det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen har korrelationen mellan lyxaktierna beräknats, anledningen till detta var för att undersöka om ”lyxaktierna” är mer diversifierade än andra aktier eftersom de är hämtade från ett globalt index och ä

Dabigatran eller warfarin vid elkonvertering i Region Skåne? – En kostnadsminimeringsanalys

Background: Dabigatran has been proved a valid medical substitute to warfarin in stroke preventing treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation. But cost-effectiveness analyses have shown that dabigatran, in comparison to warfarin, is not cost-effective at its current price. However, no existing studies are made in relation to cardio version. The object of this study was thus to evaluate whether

För hela människan - En intervjustudie om kunskapsutveckling i arbete med försörjningsstöd.

Denna studie betraktar upplevelser utifrån ett chefsperspektiv inom arbete med försörjningsstöd kring förutsättningar för kunskapsutveckling. En intervjustudie genomfördes med sex chefer i Kalmar län för att samla deras tankar kring kunskapsutveckling i arbetet, samt vilka behov de uttrycker i samband med detta. För att kunna analysera olika diskurser har resultatet tematiserats och jämförts med t

Diskussionen kring fotografiets digitalisering i 1990-talets Sverige

The photograph was one of many mediums that went through several rapid changes when its digital counterpart started to surface. The introduction of new media is always accompanied by a mixed reception by its users. In this essay, I am researching the two swedish photographic magazines Aktuell fotografi and FOTO all through the twentieth century, in hope of finding what attitudes accompanied this n

Att vara förälder till ett barn med ADHD - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av föräldrars diskussioner om sina barns diagnoser på internetsajten familjeliv.se

Author: Sandra Salling Title: To be a parent of a Child with ADHD – an qualitative content analysis of parents discussions about their children’s diagnosis on the web based site familjeliv.se (family life). (Translated title) Supervisor: Helena Hansson Assessor: Malin Arvidson The purpose of this study was to investigate how it is to be a parent of a child with an ADHD diagnose. It’s shown that

“Din mamma vill ta hand om dig, men för tillfället går det inte” - En kvalitativ dokumentanalys om nyhetsskildringar av barnhemsbarnen i Grekland

During the past four years we have seen a developing economic crisis in Greece. The media have reported cut-backs in the public sector, increased unemployment, upcoming demonstrations and intense political debates regarding emergency loans. The media also portrays how the humanitarian situation in Greece is worse than ever. For example, in fostercare in the country has increased by 150 % in the pa

Var ska de bo? - en kvalitativ studie av boendealternativ för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Around the world there are people who are on the run, among these people there is a large number of unaccompanied refugee children who for various reasons have been displaced and separated from their parents. When an unaccompanied refugee child is arriving to Sweden, one of the first questions is where the child will live. In Sweden, these unaccompanied children first arrive to a municipality. In

Kommunikation och bemötande av döva patienter i sluten psykiatrisk vård – en kvalitativ studie

The aim with the study was to examine how the communication and treatment of deaf inpatients are experienced in institutional care. The focus was to study how professionals in psychiatric care and persons with experience of the issue perceived the meeting between the professional and the inpatient, and what limitations and consequences may arise. The study was based on qualitative method with semi

Svårigheter i implementeringen av LSS-lagen

Abstracts: This study was inspired from the lecture by Nils Erik Hansson's called "Housing with special services according to LSS-Act" (2011) in which the lecturer noticed some shortcomings in the implementation of the LSS- Act, in particular concerning difficulties in moving away from institutional behavior in the housing for behavior in which the patient's wishes is the focus

Emergence of a second Dot-Com boom? – An assessment of indications for overvalued Internet firms and the risk of another Dot-Com bubble

The main goal of this thesis is to determine to what degree can there be observed indications for an overvaluation of Internet companies, which in turn may lead to the next asset price bubble in the Internet industry. By conducting an ex-ante analysis, the current study sets out to add additional knowledge in regards to whether and how well the emergence of a bubble can be determined in advance. T

Miljökvalitetsmålet ”Giftfri Miljö” Tillståndet i Lunds kommun och förslag till framtida åtgärder

In Sweden 16 national goals have been elaborated to aim for an environmentally sustainable society. These goals should not only be implemented at a national level but also at the regional and community level. In Lund 13 documents have been developed, for 13 of the 16 national goals describing the environmental state in Lund associated to the goal in question. These documents will lead to local env

"Hur stor är risken att jag blir en full-time smoker?" Hur risker och skadeverkningar med cannabisbruk diskuteras i internetforumet Flashback

The purpose of this paper was to examine how risks of cannabis use may be understood in the context of a discussion forum on the internet. The study was based on a sample of 33 forum discussions about the risks of cannabis use, selected with the search in the Flashback webpage. Four approaches to risk were identified to be central in the discussions about cannabis: downplaying the risk, paying at

Medborgardialog på sociala medier

Sociala medier fortsätter växa i oerhört snabb takt genom främst kommunikationskanalerna Facebook och Twitter. Vår uppsats syftar till att ge en bild av den kommunala verksamheten på sociala medier, sett ur tjänstemännens perspektiv. Vårt material består av intervjuer med sammanlagt nio tjänstemän på åtta olika kommuner i Skåne som arbetar med sociala medier i sin verksamhet. Samtalsintervjuerna g

Combination effects of metals in soil - acute toxicity test of bacteria with the leucine incorporation method

Within the field of ecotoxicology there is a concept called combination effects. There are two different approaches to combination effects, independent action (IA) and concentration addition (CA). The common assumption in both approaches is that there are no interactions between the substances within the mixture. These approaches are used for predicting the toxicity of whole mixtures and also to e

Gēr+ yātôm-’almānâ = deuteronomis(tis)kt? En utredande studie av begreppet gēr- yātôm-’almānâ i Deuteronomium och profeterna.

In Deuteronomy the triad of gēr (sojourner), yātôm (the fatherless) and ‘almānâ (widow) is frequently cited. In my essay I explore the reason for its recurrence and come to the conclusion that the author of Deuteronomy attached the group gēr with the almānâ and yātôm – two grups that were traditionally regarded as vulnerable in Ancient Near Eastern societies. My explanation to the frequent mention

Luis Buñuel - Drömmar om frihet

Denna uppsats behandlar regissören Luis Buñuels liv och verk. Fokus ligger på att analysera hans drömvärld utifrån fem av hans filmer. Uppsatsen kommer även innefatta Buñuels uppväxt, hans roll inom surrealismen och andra viktiga teman.