

Din sökning på "*" gav 527197 sökträffar

Pro- and anticoagulant mechanisms in coronary artery disease. Clinical studies on factor VII and resistance to activated protein C

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtinfarkt och kärlkramp orsakas av förändringar i hjärtats kranskärl pga åderförkalkninng (ateroskleros). Fettinlagring i kärlväggen leder dels till förträngning och dels till bildning av ömtåliga plack som plötsligt kan spricka. Denna kärlväggsskada försöker kroppen reparera genom aktivering av blodets levringssystem (koagulation). Det är i denna situation inte heltThe triggering mechanism in myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina involves coronary thrombus formation following plaque rupture. Coagulation is initiated by tissue factor that activates factor VII (FVII), and is inhibited by protein C and its co-factor protein S. Resistance to activated protein C (APC resistance) is a common risk factor for venous thrombosis caused by a mutation in the ge

Users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding electronic resources and information literacy: a pilot study at Makerere University.

This paper presents a pilot study of an on-going doctoral study, addressing the knowledge, attitudes and practices of e-resources users. The study was a cross-sectional survey of graduate students, researchers, academic staff, heads of departments and college librarians at the Makerere University School of Public Health. The purpose was to test data collection methods and gain pre-understanding of

Avian Malaria and Related Blood Parasites: Molecular Diversity, Ecology and Evolution

Popular Abstract in Swedish Malaria parasiter skördar årligen runt 2 miljoner liv i regionerna söder om Sahara. De parasiter som orsakar malaria hos människor ingår i en stor grupp av blodparasiter som återfinns hos primater, reptiler, fladdermöss och fåglar. För att dessa parasiter ska kunna genomgå hela sin livscykel både ett ryggradsdjur och en blodsugande insekt (en vektor). I de blodsugande iMalaria-like parasites consist of a large group of species that infects primates, rodents, bats, lizard and birds. I have focused on parasites from the genera Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon that are infecting birds. By using molecular methods to identify parasites from avian blood samples, I have found a diversity, based on the cytochrome b gene, that greatly exceeds the diversity prev

Does the Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade Matter?

Does the Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade Matter? - This paper discusses different methods of capturing the main aspects of the Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. Of particular interest are the distinction between horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade, the adjustment of aggregation biases, and the definition of inter- and intra-industry specialization at product level. The main

Wavelet Galerkin Methods for Elastic Multibody Systems

In the present paper we discuss simulation with a wavelet element method. The model problem is a simplified 2D-roller bearing model consisting of an elastic outer and inner ring and a roller. This model reflects typical properties of elastic multibody systems, eg. combination of gross motion with elastic deformation and contact problems. The wavelet element method is implemented in a similar way a

Application of Protograph-based LDPC Codes for UWB Short Range Communication

We studied the behavior of an iterative receiver using protograph based LDPC codes (PG-LDPCC) in an UWB short range communication system. An EXIT-Chart-Analysis is applied by means of density evolution of protographs. We show that AWGN-optimized protograph ensembles perform also well on frequency-flat UWB channels, outperform rate-compatible punctured convolutional codes (RCPC), but degrade with i

Some Causes are More Equal than Others? Behavioral Spillovers in Charitable Giving

People can often contribute to prosocial causes by several means; for instance, environmentally friendly activities include sorting household waste, buying organic products, and donating to NGOs. Policy to encourage prosocial behavior is sometimes directed only towards a particular activity, however, and such policies may give rise to `behavioral spillovers', affecting efforts on other prosocial a

15 nedslag i klimatforskningen : dåtid, nutid, framtid

Från humlor, metanbomber och luftpartiklar till markkonflikter och klimatanpassning på medborgarnivå. Klimatförändringen och dess konsekvenser blir alltmer tydlig och sträcker sig allt längre in i samhällsfrågorna och vardagslivet. Klimatfrågan handlar dels om naturvetenskapliga frågeställningar, om atmosfärsprocesser och förändringar i havet och på tundran, och om naturresurser och tjänster som v

Glass, alcohol and power in Roman Iron Age Scotland

Roman glass from indigenous sites is a key source material for studying the impact of Rome on Iron Age Scotland, but it has never been properly studied. This work fills that gap. This study is based on the Roman glass vessels found on non-Roman/native sites north of Hadrian’s Wall, dated mainly to the Roman Iron Age (AD 10-400 AD). These often-overlooked broken sherds of glass are shown to be pa