Vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering : inverkan av sprickor
I föreliggande rapport redovisas en fördjupad studie av hur en vattenavvisande impregnering fungerar när det finns sprickor i fasaden.
I föreliggande rapport redovisas en fördjupad studie av hur en vattenavvisande impregnering fungerar när det finns sprickor i fasaden.
The prevalence of chronic illness of all 6,080 0-15-year-old children in a defined geographical area in southern Sweden was studied. Information on the health status of the children was obtained from health and medical records, interviews with the district and school nurses and questionnaires to the parents. Chronic illness was defined as a disability interfering with normal life and/or demanding
The present study shows the probable intrauterine infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in a premature infant born in the 29th week of gestation. Chlamydiae were isolated from lung tissue collected at sterile autopsy and also demonstrated in sections of such tissue by immunofluorescence tests using monoclonal antibodies.
Recent studies have indicated a decline in sperm number in the western world during the past 50 years, sperm concentration changing from 113 to 66 millions per mL. Furthermore, significant geographical differences in male reproductive function have been observed. In Finland, the sperm concentration was found to be substantially higher than in Denmark. In parallel, the incidence of testicular cance
Bi-isonicotinic acid adsorption on rutile TiO2(1 1 0) surfaces has been studied using periodic first principles density functional calculations. The geometry of a dissociatively bridge-bonded adsorbate has been optimized, and the influence of the position of the dissociated protons on the surface examined. The results are in agreement with published experimental information on the adsorption geome
Pregnancy in a rudimentary horn of a bicornuate uterus is a rare and often fatal event. A case is presented of such a pregnancy detected in the second trimester routine ultrasonographic examination.
A combined sample preparation and sample presentation device, Integrated Selective Enrichment Target (ISET), consisting of an array with 96 perforated nanovials is described. Each perforated nanovial can be filled with soild-phase extraction media for purification and concentration of biomolecules prior to mass spectrometry. The ISET platform provides an efficient, economic and generic sample trea
Rotational bands have been found in 57Co using the 28Si(32S,3p) reaction at 130 MeV. The bands, extending the mass 60 region of large deformation down to Z=27, are signature-partner sequences. Their quadrupole moments are similar to those of bands in the neighboring nuclei. The features of the new bands are described by Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculations favoring a configuration assignment with one
Programpaketet HERAKLES för undervisning på gymnasie- och grundskolan.
Helicobacter pylori was identified in human liver tissue by PCR, hybridization, and partial DNA sequencing. Liver biopsies were obtained from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 12), primary biliary cirrhosis (n = 12), and noncholestatic liver cirrhosis (n = 13) and (as controls) normal livers (n = 10). PCR analyses were carried out using primers for the Helicobacter genus, Helicobac