

Din sökning på "*" gav 528288 sökträffar

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Abstract in Romanian În lucrarea de faţă realizăm o prezentare a unicului lectorat de limba română din Regatul Suediei sub următoarele aspecte: scurtă istorie a prezenţei limbii române în cadrul Universităţii din Lund; organizarea și funcționarea lectoratului, activitatea didactică; realizarea de materiale didactice și auxiliare; dezvoltarea lectoratului pe parcursul anului universitar; activitățiThe essay comprises a presentation of the single Romanian language lectureship from Sweden, focusing on the following: a brief history of the existence of the Romanian language at Lund University; the organization and the functioning of the lectureship, the didactic activity; the making of the didactic and auxiliary papers; the development of the lectureship along the academic year; activities for

Hyperglycaemia and diabetic eye complications - a clinical and epidemiological study

Aim: To study the relationship between hyperglycaemia and the onset/progression of retinopathy, blindness/moderate visual impairment or death, as well as the impact of improved glycaemic control on retinopathy in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Methods: Between January 1990 and October 1995 a total of 3,220 diabetic patients were enrolled in a programme for control

The role of young-of-the-year fish in lake ecosystems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Min avhandling handlar om vilken roll fiskyngel har i samspelet mellan olika organismer i våra sjöar, såsom i samspelet mellan rovfiskar, djurplanktonätande fiskar, djurplankton och alger. Fisklarver och fiskyngel förekommer i stora mängder i våra sjöar under sommaren. Varje vår/sommar kläcks nya kullar av bl.a. abborre och mörtlarver, vilka äter (prederar på) små djurFood chain theory is based on consumption; that is, presupposing that the only important interaction between organisms is that they actually meet in an unstructured environment and that one of them is consumed. Recently, studies, including biomanipulation projects, have indicated that trophic interactions are more complex than predicted by food chain theory. In this thesis I examine the role of yo

Clonal structure and reproductive biology in the gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea L. Lamiaceae

Clonal structure and reproductive biology in the gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea L. Lamiaceae The frequencies of females, hermaphrodites and partially male-sterile (PMS) genets of Glechoma hederacea were estimated in natural populations in S Sweden. The frequency of females and PMS genets in natural populations varied from 0 to 100%. The temporal and spatial variation in stamen fertility in

Till främmande land

Swedish travellers during 19th century through the eyes the artist Egron Lundgren.

Dynamic characterization of elastomers using impact testing

Dynamic characterization of elastomers, i.e. laboratory testing and fitting of constitutive models, is quite complicated. The demands on the laboratory equipment and the skill of the personal handling the test equipment are high. Stationary harmonic testing is an established method for evaluating dynamic properties of elastomers. However, it is demanding experimentally when it comes to high freque

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DBK (Dansk Bygge Klassifikation) er blevet udarbejdet i årene 2005-2006 som en del af den Danske Stats projekt om digitalt udbud, projektering og aflevering i den danske byggesektor, der samlet kaldes Det Digitale Byggeri. Siden fremkomsten har enkelte firmaer anvendt DBK i praksis, andre har brugt dele af systemet, mens andre igen har været afventende og ikke taget DBK i anvendelse. På baggrund a