

Din sökning på "*" gav 528224 sökträffar

Induction Machine Speed Estimation - Observations on Observers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Asynkronmotorn är den mest använda elektriska motorn i industriella tillämpningar. För att effektivt kunna varvtalsreglera asynkronmotorn har varvtalet hittills behövt mätas. Den extrautrustning som krävs för varvtalsmätning är dyr och komplicerad. Avhandlingen presenterar en metod som beräknar, eller upskattar varvtalet, istället för att mäta det. För att beräkna varvtThis work focuses on observers estimating flux linkage and speed for induction machines, mainly in the low speed region. With speed estimation, sensorless control is possible, meaning that the speed of induction machines without mechanical speed sensors can be controlled. The observer based sensorless drive system has superior dynamic performance compared to a system with an open loop frequency in

Characterization of Apples and Apple Cider Producedby a Guelph Area Orchard

Thermal stability of food-borne pathogens in apple cider is influenced by the composition of the product. As a preliminary step to determine the effect of pasteurization of apple cider on the survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7, a study was carried out to characterize apples and unpasteurized apple cider produced by a Guelph area orchard. Samples of commercial unpasteurized cider and the constitu

Characterisation and Applications of Hard X-Rays from a Laser-Produced Plasma Source

Ultra-short X-ray pulses are generated by focusing 150 fs laser pulses with an energy of 200 mJ onto metal targets. Focal intensities are expected to reach 1018 WI cm2• An efficient X-ray source has been developed. This X-ray source has been characterised, with an emphasis on photon energies above 10 keV. Measurements of the spectral distribution of X-rays, the overall X-ray yield and the spatial

Interikonicitet. En semio-hermeneutisk studie

The subject of the thesis is intericonicity, i.e. the relations between iconic signs. Hypothetically we only have a tacit knowledge of interikonicity, and the aim of the thesis is to establish a theory about it, grounded in hermeneutics and semiotics. According to this Theory of Intericonicity all representations, all iconic signs, are fascinated, rhetorical transformations of models. Paraphrase a

Light scattering and absorption in tissue - models and measurements

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ljusspridning och absorption i biologisk vävnad - modeller och mätningar Visionerna är stora i medicingruppen på avdelningen för atomfysik, LTH, nämligen att utveckla nya metoder för förfinad diagnostik och selektiv behandling av cancer, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar med hjälp av laserljus. Möjligheten till att med ljus detektera och karakterisera sjuk vävnad, exempelvis tIn this work a number of theoretical models, describing light propagation in matter, have been applied to and developed for the examination of tissue. The aim was to model the light scattering and absorption in tissue in order to improve the understanding of underlying mechanisms of laser-based diagnostics and treatment modalities utilised for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The models studied

Äktenskap och familj

The chapter gives a survey of familyrelated topics (betrothal, marriage, property devolution, childrearing) in medieval Sweden.

No title

Kapitlet är en finsk översättning av bidraget Personlighetspsykologi och religion i Geels & Wikström, Den religiösa människan. En introduktion till religionspsykologin. Natur och Kultur, 2006.

Aspects of multilinear algebra in statistical analysis of seasonal multivariate time series

Representations of concepts from multivariate statistics are studied using multilinear algebra. Applications are given to the analysis of seasonal multivariate time series. The first paper concerns a class of permutation matrices which are representations of permutation operators on tensor spaces. In the second paper, the derivation of moments and cumulants of Hilbert space valued random variabl