

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Poster – en visuell examinationsform

Kursen Arbetsorganisation (MAM026, 3p) är väletablerad men de senaste åren har vissa förändringar genomförts (Blomé, 2003) och numera ingår tre olika moment vid examinationen: dugga, poster och skriftlig tentamen. Drivkraften till att utveckla poster som kompletterande examinationsform har varit att öka inslagen av reflektion och aktivt experimenterande, vilket är viktiga inslag för att skapa lära

Mer pengar räcker inte för fungerande lärlingssystem

Otillräckliga insatser, låg status, svag styrning och litet inflytande från branscherna gör att lärlingsutbildningarna inte lyfter trots politiska initiativ. Arbetsgivarna bör ta större del i utformningen och genomförandet av utbildningarna.

An Ultra High Bandwidth Automotive Rapid Prototype System

For developers of automotive control, prototyping and initial tests are a hassle. Commercial solutions are available but the price and especially the price/performance ratio opens the field for more cost effective solutions. Automotive rapid prototype systems seen so far are mainly processor based systems with standard interrupt driven measurement and actuation. Control systems based on high time

Design and implementation of a 1024-point pipeline FFT processor

The design and implementation of a 1024-point pipeline FFT processor is presented. The architecture is based on a new form of FFT, the radix-22 algorithm. By exploiting the spatial regularity of the new algorithm, minimal requirement for both dominant components in VLSI implementation has been achieved: only 4 complex multipliers and 1024 complex-word data memory for the pipelined 1K FFT processor

Leak detection in single pipelines using hydraulic transients – experimental and field studies,

Analysis of pressure transients in long, single pipelines for water transport has a potential of providing information on hydraulic features such as air/gas pockets,leaks. Thus the transient measured in a pipeline for sewage water had an oscillation period compatible with the location of a local high point of the pipe profile. The effect of leaks on transients was studied by means of computer mo