

Din sökning på "*" gav 532987 sökträffar

Evolution of mate signalling in moths: Biosynthetic gene families and diversification of female sex pheromones

Pheromones are intraspecific chemical signals serving as a ubiquitous form of communication, particularly among insects. Female sex-pheromone signals act as the core constituent in the specialized odour-mediated moth mate-recognition system. Female moths typically release multicomponent mixtures of alcohols, aldehydes or acetates. The biosynthetic machinery controlling pheromone production compris

A Study of Biomass Combustion Problems and the Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Ammonia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Intresset för biobränsle som en alternativ energiresurs har ökat eftersom utsläppen av CO2, NOx och SO2 bör sänkas. Användningen av biobränsle i en trycksatt fluidiserad bädd förbrännare/förgasare är därför en teknik som är lovande. En fluidiserad bädd har en rad fördelar såsom effektiv värmeöverföring, bränsleflexibilitet och låg förbränningstemperatur. Trots sina fördIncreasing awareness of the need of reducing CO2, NOx and SOx emissions from combustion systems has led to a strong interest in biomass as a fuel source. Using it in combination with fluidised bed combustion technology can lead to a lowering of NOx emissions to the atmosphere. However, this is not a problem-free technique, since the flue gas can contain ammonia, NOx and tar. The fluidised bed can

The effect of stellar-mass black holes on the structural evolution of massive star clusters

We present the results of realistic N-body modelling of massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, aimed at investigating a dynamical origin for the radius-age trend observed in these systems. We find that stellar-mass black holes, formed in the supernova explosions of the most massive cluster stars, can constitute a dynamically important population. If a significant ensemble is retained (her

Towards synthesis of speaker age: A perceptual study with natural, synthesized and resynthesized stimuli.

As a first step towards synthesis of speaker age the hypothesis that spectral cues may be more important for age perception than F0 and duration was tested in a pilot listening experiment with male speaker stimuli consisting of natural, synthesized and resynthesized isolated words. Results indicate that spectral information is dominant over pitch as cues for age. Slow speech rate also seems to be

Global Proteome Survey -Transforming antibody-based affinity proteomics into a global discovery platform

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de stora vetenskapliga bedrifterna hittills under 2000-talet är onekligen att man efter många års arbete för första gången lyckades kartlägga (sekvensera) samtliga mänskliga gener. Det mänskliga DNA:t är lokaliserat till cellkärnan och i princip så kan man likna en cellkärna med ett kontrollrum fyllt av manualer (DNA) som talar om cellens sammansättning och hur deProteomics is expected to generate new insights into biological processes as well as identify novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets since most biological functions are transmitted through proteins. However, due to the complexity displayed by a proteome and inherent limitations associated with current methodologies, proteomic analyses often result in incomplete coverage and inconsistent measurem

Influence of pressure drop in PEM fuel cell stack on the heat and mass balances in 100 KW systems

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell systems have been studied as the alternatives of the internal combustion engine systems. However, these systems are not appearing in daily life yet, due to the high cost, shortage of infrastructure, technical issues, etc. Concerning technical issues, water/thermal management is a critical one to keep high proton conductivity in the electrolyte membrane for

A Quest for Legitimacy : Debating UN Security Council Rules on Terrorism and Non-proliferation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Efter terroristattackerna den 11 september 2001 har FN:s säkerhetsråd - med USA i spetsen - radikalt utvidgat sina egna befogenheter när det gäller att upprätthålla internationell fred och säkerhet genom att anta resolutioner som i praktiken är lagstiftande. Resolution 1373 (som behandlar terrorism) och resolution 1540 (som behandlar spridning av massförstörelsevapen tiSince the end of the Cold War, international politics and international law have not only become increasingly intertwined, but their mutual implications have also become increasingly recognized by scholars. Yet research explicitly addressing the question of how political factors affect the emergence of legal rules is still limited. This doctoral dissertation aims to take a step in the direction of

Conceptions, Categories, and Embodiment: Why Metaphors are of Fundamental Importance for Understanding Norms

The propositions in this chapter are to a large extent drawn from the thesis Metaphors and norms – understanding copyright law in a digital society (Larsson 2011b), however with some important complements, not least concerning the implications of categorisation. The chapter is explorative in bringing findings from cognitive linguistics into the quite common socio-legal task of studying norms. Its

Electropermeabilization in Experimental Tumour Treatment: Dosimetry and Tissue Effects

Short, electric high-voltage pulses can be used to transiently increase the permeability of cell membranes without significant loss of cell viability. During this period of time, extracellular and normally non-permeant, molecules are accessed the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus. This technique is called electroporation or electropermeabilization (EP). EP has been employed in vivo to internalise ant